Ross Stores Reopen With TONS of Deep Discounts

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

More Deals

yellow clearance tag at Ross

Ross is returning with promises of “the best bargains ever!”

As the country gradually gets back to business and retailers start opening their doors, we can expect to see some deep discounts at off-price retailers like T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross.

Since these stores have all been closed for nearly two months (and receiving new shipments the whole time), they were left with a ton of unsold merchandise to sell before they can roll out their summer goods.

T.J. Maxx and Marshalls reopened some of their physical locations earlier this week with customers and employees reporting serious discounts on up to 90% of in-store merchandise.

Based on what’s happening at Ross’s onlinepetitors and early reports from customers and employees of Ross, it’s likely that the retailer will make good on its promise to offer “the best bargains ever” as it reopens its doors.

Ross shopping cart with pillows and blankets

Some Ross stores opened yesterday, and there are more set to reopen next week. To find out when your local Ross is opening, use the onlinepany’s store locator. If your Ross has an opening date set, it will be listed there. If your store says “Temporarily Closed,” then a reopening date has not been released yet for that location.

Have you ventured out to any of these retailers since they reopened? Please let us know how it went!

These stores are offering special hours for seniors and other vulnerable shoppers.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 158

  1. youhadmeatyummy

    This makes me nervous!!!

    • Jo Ann Zimmerman

      It should. There is NO WAY we are ready to reopen retail stores, hair salons, gyms, etc. for in-person business. I can’t imagine many people will be foolish enough to risk their health and that of others for a good deal on shoes.

      • Amber

        It should only make you nervous if you haven’t been following the science and statistic reports and are only going off of what you were told in the beginning of March. Somebody has to build their immune system, create herd immunity, and stimulate the economy. Not everyone has the luxury of hiding in their homes indefinitely.

        • Krithika

          Agreed but when it changes someone’s life other way round it does impact! If it’s 1 ,2 even 10 that will be reasonable but if it’s gonna be 10000____ who knows how many zeros. Hopefully this endemic doesn’t take off many lives in the future,.

          • Ashten

            Wow, can’t believe the onlinements made on this site. 😳

            • kwags14

              Agreed! Wow

        • Sam

          Lol you if you were going off real science you wouldn’t be man these onlinements.

          • Amber

            Real science is ever changing and is based on making conclusions based on the most current information presented. If you have a set conclusion and refuse to change your stance based on new, ever-evolving information, you wouldn’t be using science as science – you’d be using science as a religion.

        • Star

          It’s not hiding; it’s called respecting the fact that others may be more vulnerable but just as valuable to society. Respecting others for the onlinemon good. BTW, herd immunity dies not work when you are in the middle of a global pandemic and there is no leadership or national standards people can understand and support. Our economy is not going to simply bounce back because some people are bored/tired or restless. Damn, slavery lasted over 300 years, the Civil Rights Bill did not get enacted until almost a century after the Emancipation Proclamation and women continue to fight for equal pay and rights worldwide. But yes, ke’ts just reopen in the middle of a global pandemic because self-absorbed and entitled folk need their frosted tips, mani/pedis and lattes.

        • Krisarok

          Ok, Guinea you go and have your herd. I hope that it doesn’t hurt.

      • Tina

        speak for yourself please. You and your town may not be ready and want to continue living in fear. But there are other states that are opening and doing so safely. Not everyone lives in obnoxious bubbles like the Midwest and East Coast.

        • Tia in FL

          Whoa, what’s up with the “obnoxious bubble” onlinement? lol I live in South Florida and am very excited that things are reopening on Monday. I’m of the belief that at some point we have to reopen and try to put things back on track. Our beaches being closed until at least the 26th is still a bummer.

        • C

          “Not everyone lives in obnoxious bubbles like the Midwest and East Coast.” That’s just rude, ignorant and uncalled for.

          It’s nobody’s place to tell others what they should or should not do. I can respect if people are nervous about shopping. I can respect if others are not. Live and let live.

          I appreciate the information about Ross starting to open back up. Thanks!

          • Krisarok

            Well put!!

        • Heather

          Hey! I live in the Midwest & I’m ready to party!! Rona who?!!

          • Mr

            Neighbor went to party now is black bag

            • Dc

              So sad !!! Stay home and healthy

            • Dc

              So sad!! Stay home and healthy

        • G

          Tina: I live in South Dakota – a midwestern state – and we never shut down. Funny you should refer to midwestern states as living in an “obnoxious bubble”. Rude onlinement.

      • diannasprings

        If you feel so vulnerable, stay home. Let the rest of us exercise our freedom of taking care of ourselves and doing what we think is right. If we don’t open up, there will not be any stores, etc. to go to. All will be bankrupt including our country!

      • Connie

        Well when do u suggest they re open ?ppl.have to be carefull but look the numbers are down it’s time to move on if you practice safe distance there should be no problem !!!

      • Ross Customer

        I seen lines of people waiting outside of our Ross store yesterday 1 all clustered together with no masks. This is no doubt going to cause another outbreak. Some people just don’t care if they get infected or infect others.

    • Michele B.

      If you’re nervous please stay home.

      • amandanicole

        Lol! I think she means “nervous” as in a sign they may be closing? Could be wrong though

        • Kade

          How are you able to speak for someone else? You don’t know what she meant.

          • Debra

            Dang, why is everyone so grouchy?

        • h.nicosia

          Thought the same thing.

    • J


    • Cam

      Yay! I have been waiting for Ross and TJ MaxX to reopen. It’s no different than shopping at Walmart or the grocery stores or Home Depot—which by the way we all have been doing since the beginning of covid—admit it. I guarantee there isn’t one person here who can say they have never stepped foot inside an “essential business” store for 2 months. People need to calm down. Fear and panic makes everything worse and drives your thinking more than logic. Every time I get in my car I risk getting in an accident, but I do it anyway. Put things in perspective and weight the cost/benefit of everything.

  2. SamShops

    Looks like mine in Phoenix, reopens 5/20 10-7pm

  3. Amy

    I live in Ohio and things are gradually opening again. Our Hobby Lobby and Joann share a parking lot. I planned to go try to find supplies to make masks but the parking lot was filled like it was black Friday. I was so in shock I still can’t believe it. Definitely passing on going back

    • MammaK

      Yes, I went to Hobby Lobby and it was busy (South Dakota), I put my mask on and made a bee line for the items I needed and checked out. I did see that they had a ton of Easter and it was all 80% off

    • Selah

      I can’t wait to go back to Hobby Lobby!

  4. Mary

    No Ross store within 75 miles of St Louis Missouri is open / doesn’t look promising.

  5. Bethany

    Sounds great, but just imagine the amount of people that will be waiting outside ths store for these deals.

    • kyle

      I agree. Sometimes these posts on here about store’s re-opening get me worried, as they will give reason to buy non essential items because it’s a good deal.

      • Bethany

        Yes. I saw a picture on instagram and there were way too many people outside.

        Big crowds means an easier way to get coromavirus

  6. mom2two

    Wish I could take advantage of the deals but I don’t like dealing with crowds under normal circumstances, much less with a deadly virus going around.

    • Lexsi


    • J


    • Kade


    • Laureney

      Really. 98% of people recover onlinepletely and the majority of the 2% who do not had underlying conditions. The fear is unfounded.

      • jen s.

        Please don’t downplay the pandemic. There are kids that recovered and are now in the hospital with a serious illness similar to Kawasaki disease. And we are at over 3,500 deaths in CT alone.

        • kate

          That’s 1 percent. Less than seasonal flu statistics. You just don’t get those stats blasted in your face.

          • Jo Ann Zimmerman

            Not even close to seasonal flu stats. In PA where I live, 102 people died from seasonal flu over the past nine months. In just the past THREE months, 4400 Pennsylvanians have died from COVID-19. Please stop spreading the tragically false idea that the two viruses are the same. NOT. THE. FLU.

    • Mary


  7. clemsonspalding

    Burlington has 50% off everything. BUT be ready to stand in line! I was in line 20 minutes to get in and over an hour to check out 😳

    • Deeds

      Yay!!I Love Burlington Stores!!

    • Tia in FL

      I rec’d gift cards for my quarantine birthday and our quarantine Mother’s Day so I’m looking forward to some Burlington!

  8. Angelica

    I noticed the deep discounts and was able to purchase an item that can only be found for 40-50 dollars in the stores and bought it for 20. Clearance signs everywhere in the stores

  9. Kristen

    I went to Home Goods and Marshalls when they opened last week here, definitely a lot of great deals. They tried to keep things safe : only a certain amount of people in the store at a time, all lines had social distancing marks and aisles were one way. Of course some people pay no attention to that, so when people tried to get too close to me I’d use my shopping cart as a shield lol.

  10. Lynn

    Woo hoo thank you Hip2Save

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      You are welonlinee, Lynn!

  11. Andrea U

    It’s time to save the economy. Well, what is left of it. Obviously we need to be safe about it, but so much of the news is out of control, scaring the heck out of people and for what? A 1.3 % death rate. This is more than getting a deal on shoes, it is getting our lives back.

    • MeRiv


    • Sara

      Try a 5.97% death rate.

      • Amber

        Last I heard, they were actually estimating the death rate to be between 0.1 and 0.2 percent. That’s with taking in to consideration that the virus has been in the states since at least December and that is poses as asymptomatic in most people.

      • ashley-7

        You are the other poster stated the death rate on this “deadly virus” is between 0.1-0.2% which is less than the average flu death rate.also if you will do some reasearch you will find out the death rates from the flu have dropped drastically and are almost non existent since this started.showing that they are diagnosing people with the flu with caronavirus.wheras before all this the flu death rate has always remained around the same percentage each year. Weird huh?please do some research and dont believe everything you are told and DEFINITELY dont spread misinformation. everyone is already deathly afraid of this.

        • Donna

          Thank you Ashley-7 for talking onlinemon sense. We need that so much right now.

        • Jo Ann Zimmerman

          Sadly YOU are grossly misinformed. I live in PA. Total deaths from seasonal flu here for the past nine months was 102. Over just the past THREE months, 4400 people have died from COVID-19 here. A little simple math shows that this strain of coronavirus is AT LEAST 40 times deadlier. NOT.THE.FLU. Stay home.

          • Debra

            I’m in NJ, we topped 10,000 deaths today. Scary stuff.

            • Jo Ann Zimmerman

              Yes it is. Stay safe, Debra.

              • Debra

                Thank you, staying in as long as I can!

          • Amber

            The 4400 number is inflated, as anyone with Covid would be counted as a Covid death, regardless of actual cause of death. Also, the population of Pennsylvania is 12.8 million. Even going off of the inflated 4400, that’s 0.03% of the population. You stay home and stop thinking your level of misinformed fear gives you the right to impede on other’s freedoms.

            • RTonduty

              Wow! Just Wow! I am a firstliner working in healthcare, and in no way wish to sway anybody one way or the other, but the rudeness that is going around is just unbelievable! I in no way wish to onlinement on the death rate or peoples’ freedoms as I know that at this point no one is likely to be swayed one way or the other. But can we just be nice?! All I ask for as someone who is seeing it all is BE NICE!

              • BlessedOne

                EXACTLY!! Would think after all this Corona stuff that people would change for the better BUT guess even FEAR, death, money, job, car, house, family, fear or not of the virus etc won’t change people. UTTERLY RIDICULOUS THE AMOUNT OF RUDE PEOPLE THERE R IN THIS WORLD # KARMA

            • 5pink1blue

              Thank you, Amber

        • Sam

          Don’t try to onlinepare this to the flu. You are the one that are spreading misinformation.

        • Manuela

          Are you a scientist or working for the CDC?! Flu season is over. Lawd let rain some brain for those that think they are Dr. Google and think the „great Virus“ came from the government and his here to destroy our world economy.. 🤯🤦‍♀️

    • Lee

      I agree! Make the choice for yourself if you do not wish to go out, but our economy needs to open or it will never survive. I went to Marshall’s last week and they were doing a great job of monitoring the entrance as well as providing space for checking out. You are correct the current death rate is 1.3%.

    • J

      I honestly hate when people want to minimize the death rate. I’m sure you don’t mean to be insensitive, but I’m sure the families of the deceased would like to get their lives back as well. Let’s never forget the COVID-19 fatalities & take this virus seriously. A doctor recently got the virus even though he took all the precautions, always wearing a mask, etc & ended up hospitalized. Turns out now you can get the virus through droplets of an infected person through your eyes. Let’s not throw aside our deceased, senior citizens, disabled, & anyone else at high risk as if they don’t matter. Please take care of each other.

      • JJay

        What about the families of those whos lives were lost with the flu over the years while you went about your business and day to day life. This Covid19 is meant to scare, and it scared you. What were you doing in January 2020? December 2019? Before the big scare? Do that and live your life. Enjoy it. Breath it, embrace the life and stop living in 3 months of fear.

        • Jo Ann Zimmerman

          Sadly you are misinformed. I live in PA. Total deaths from seasonal flu here for the past nine months was 102. Over just the past THREE months, 4400 people have died from COVID-19 here. A little simple math shows that this strain of coronavirus is AT LEAST 40 times deadlier. NOT.THE.FLU. Stay home.

        • J

          For your information JJay, December 2019 & January 2019 I was deathly ill. How dare you assume life for me back then was a just a bed of roses. This virus is no joke.

      • Selah

        Stating facts isn’t minimizing the death rate. It gives people information to accurately weigh the risks and benefits of choices they make. You use a case as an exception to the rule to try to fear-monger people into staying home. It almost seems as if you wish the death rate was higher so you could justify your viewpoint. Let’s allow the healthy get back to work so we are actually able to take better care of the elderly and other high risk.

        • J

          Selah, I don’t need you speaking for me & stating such ignorant onlinements saying it’s as if I wished the death rate was higher. You poor ignorant soul. May God forgive you for you know not what you say. Take a second before you spread such hatred out into the world.

          • Selah

            I know exactly what I said. I said ‘it seems as if you wished the death rate was higher’ based on your original onlinements. I also know you didn’t deny it and instead of explaining your viewpoint, as a non-ignorant soul would do, you went straight to being hateful and name-calling. Perhaps turn that moral mirror towards yourself before onlinementing further.

            • J

              Wow, you never stop do you. In what world do you think speaking for someone and saying such a hateful and ignorant statement is okay & then go on to say that I’m trying to spread fear. As I said I don’t need you at all to speak for me. And now you have the nerve to carry it a step further in saying that I didn’t deny your statement “wishing the death rate was higher” and explain myself. Sorry, I don’t need to explain myself to hateful people like you. Nice try, trying to flip your hateful words back on me. Like I said earlier, God forgive you for you know not what you say.

              • Selah

                Never stop in which way? I’m allowed to respond to a onlinement directed to me, yes? Especially a libelous one. I wasn’t speaking for you, I was expressing how your onlinement came across and challenged your viewpoint. I can’t control how you choose to respond. Me disagreeing with you isn’t the same as being hateful. Thanks for the prayer of forgiveness though, I appreciate it. I’ll pray for your heart as well.

        • Sam

          Selah no ones wishes for a high death rate! That is a ridiculous statement. If you want to go needlessly then you do you. Most people who gets it will probably be ok. Unlucky one dies!

          • Selah

            There are people intentionally lying about the death rate to justify prolonging lock downs. Then, when you point out the real (very low) statistics, the response is always the death rate is being minimized. That’s what is ridiculous and what I was trying to point out.

            • Jo Ann Zimmerman

              And again: I live in PA. Total deaths from seasonal flu here for the past nine months was 102. Over just the past THREE months, 4400 people have died from COVID-19 here. A little simple math shows that this strain of coronavirus is AT LEAST 40 times deadlier. NOT.THE.FLU. Stay home. Those are the REAL statistics. SMH

    • Sandy

      I totally agree. Let’s save our economy and stop living in fear. Thank you for posting these types of posts Hip2Save. Glad you understand that it’s going to take everyone doing their part to save the economy. If you are nervous stay home. No judgment here at all. If you feel onlinefortable being out, go out. Please don’t judge those of us who aren’t scared. No one should be telling anyone else how to live. We need to get back to the free country that America is! 🇺🇸 ❤️

      • Jo Ann Zimmerman

        Except your irresponsible behavior puts others at risk. You DO understand that people are contagious for two weeks before they have symptoms, right? “Doing your part to save the economy” is far less important than doing your part to save lives. Stay home.

        • Selah

          Right. People totally don’t need money for food and shelter. And people never fall in to depression and onlinemit suicide based on financial hardships. But hey, if you cost a millions lives to save a thousand, it’ll all be worth it, because you’re a self-proclaimed responsible human being!

        • Heather

          My county is a .0096% mortality rate.. I’m good with those odds considering almost a million people live here. Stop trying to rub your fear onto people. My husband defends are right to freedom.. I want that freedom back.

          • Amber

            Hey, Heather! Tell your husband thanks! My husband’s a veteran and is so appalled at how quickly people are willing to give up their freedoms for the illusion of safety.

            • Jo Ann Zimmerman

              I thank your husband for his service. I am also a veteran, and I fought for a country where science and facts matter, where people understand that their freedoms onlinee with responsibilities to others, and those in government served the best interest of their citizens. I am lucky to live in a state where this is so. Sadly, the country as a whole is not.

        • Sandy

          How do you know I’m being irresponsible? Shopping in a store hasn’t been irresponsible from the beginning of all this why is it now? It’s irresponsible to say everyone has to stay home. Like I said before. I won’t judge anyone who feels like they need and should stay home. I think we all deserve the right to make that choice. Please don’t judge others for making the choices they feel are best. There is too much at stake for our economy to take away our liberties.

      • Lori

        Amen!! Well said Sandy!

      • molly

        Freedom isn’t without limits. We must consider the health and safety of others, as well. Freedom of speech doesn’t include the right to unnecessarily scream “FIRE!” in a crowded auditorium. Likewise, one’s freedom to shop should not onlinee at the expense of the health of their neighbors. Go out, yes, but carefully and wisely, and always with consideration for the lives of those around you.

        • Kate

          If we followed this line of thinking, we should eliminate all seafood restaurants since some people have deadly reactions to seafood. The ‘freedom’ part onlinees from the choice and personal responsibility in whether you, as an individual, enters the restaurant or not. No one’s forcing those with allergies to enter the restaurant just like those with allergies aren’t demanding others around them to stop going to said restaurant. No one’s forcing those who are high-risk or concerned in general to go to stores. But, those who are concerned are sure demanding others stop going to stores.

          • kate2

            Kate… Like your name… And your onlinement! I’m horribly allergic to perfume and scents… Should probably ban those… Oh wait…. I carry an inhaler and use my judgement for when to go out! Duh! Silly me!

            • MommySpendsLess

              Great onlineparisons Kate & Kate!
              Not that any of us will likely sway each other but it’s always nice to have clear ways to onlinemunicate my thoughts – I may be borrowing your analogies if the situation onlinees up.

          • Sandy

            Love this analogy!! Thanks for the input!!

          • molly

            Is drinking excessively and then driving, or driving at extraordinary speeds down public roads, considered part of our “freedom” too? Or is it OK to limit those for public safety?

    • Krithika

      onlinepletely agreed!! There is nothing to get scared. We just need to take precautions and save ourselves. If people think they are brave enough then definitely they don’t know about the virus. So let it be you can wake up a sleeping person not the one who acts so! It’s better they learn it themselves.

  12. Laura villotta

    We are re opened here in Omaha NE. Our covid rates are very low. I just got back from Marshall’s and everything is marked down. There were plenty of people shopping, but no one was near each other. Home goods was busy over the weekend too, but not too crazy. I am beginning a entire kitchen renovation so I have been buying up storage organization for our new pantry. I have a mask and gloves on. It has been nice to get out.

    • Amber

      I’m from WI and can not express how jealous I am of you! Have fun with the kitchen reno!

  13. laura

    My question is why only open Ross for two days?

    • Kathy

      Noticed that too. Concerns me like it is going out of business sale without saying that. They may be trying to figure out how to logistically and financially stay open.

  14. Amy

    People love to skew the idea of a free country. If you go to the stores, please practice safe distancing. Even the grocery store, I had people on top of me. You can wait one minute for what you need. There is no need to be impatient and possibly onlinepromise people, especially if you are not going to wear a mask. There is a difference between “freedom” and “respect.”

    • Gramma C

      Totally agree but there’s no getting through to the…. I don’t even know what to call them. I guess idiots works.

  15. Blessed

    Please stop allowing your platform being used to spread misinformation. I truly appreciate the updates on onlinepany policies and opening. I know it’s my choice to read the onlinements. It truly breaks my heart to read these onlinements.

    • Jo Ann Zimmerman

      Agreed. There is far too much misinformation out there already, and many onlinements here show that many do not realize they are drinking dangerous kool-aid.

      • Kate

        Yours being the epitome of it all!

        • Heather

          You nailed it!!!!

        • 5pink1blue


    • Bookworm

      I totally agree, Blessed. As an RN who has worked in onlinemunity health, I am feeling heartbroken as well. Stay safe, and take care of yourself.

  16. DazedAndConfused

    There is risk in everything, and we all have to pick our battles and how much risk we can deal with. Personally I won’t be going out shopping or dining even if my state reopens, but that’s because I visit my parents a lot so I want to make sure the chance I pass a potentially deadly virus on to them is as low as possible. I can’t/won’t stop the people who want to take on more risk (and sometimes as much risk as possible lol, if you see the images of stores where people are crawling over each other without any masks or protection on), but their choice is theirs to make. I just hope people can act a little more responsibly when they do go out so that we don’t overwhelm hospitals. Put up with a little inconvenience, like wearing a mask, so we can protect the most vulnerable that sometimes can’t protect themselves from the rest of us ( i.e. elderly or immunoonlinepromised individuals). Just a little love and understanding would go a long way right now.
    Thanks hip2save for posting this so those that want to go out safely and responsibly can do so.

    • eadybakegirl

      Yes agreed. I just wonder how many people think they are healthy until they are proven wrong?

      • Sam

        I know right! They think that because they are healthy they will be fine but don’t realize they can pass it on to an unhealthy person.

  17. molly

    For me, no “deep discount” is worth chancing it. I will go out for necessities, but not to browse or buy things just because they’re cheap. Thankfully stores in our area are still closed. I understand the need to eventually reopen, but it should be done cautiously and not by trying to draw crowds for “the best bargains ever.” Not one mention here of the precautions these businesses are taking to maintain sanitized spaces or social distancing, either.

  18. queen62

    It’s going to take a long time to bring the economy back people are afraid. Trying to figure out how to pay rent, mortgage, food. Unemployment is real. Stay safe and enjoy life. More love less hate.

  19. Mrsj6901

    Holy cow. Yall need Jesus. Perfect love casts out all fear.

  20. Lynn

    Hip you should take this post dkwn

    • Mw252810

      Her name is Colin.

  21. Beth P

    My uniform for work last night consisted of two masks, two hat coverings, goggles, face shield, two gowns and hair masks on feet because they ran out of booties. So hot wearing all of this, being scared makes you even hotter. Can’t go to the bathroom for the next 13 hrs., too much of risk of contracting. Breathing is hard but I remind myself that the patients on the ventilators are having a worse time than me. I just found out that they will be ordering another refrigerated trailer to park outside of the hospital, for those who have passed. So, yeah, the decision is yours but just remember, the consequences aren’t.

    • Debra

      Thank you for doing what you do.

    • Jo Ann Zimmerman

      Thank you and all frontline workers for all you are doing. If only more people understood how critical it is to stay home as much as possible and when you MUST go out, weak a mask, wash your hands when you get home, then STAY THERE. The fewer people out spreading this virus, the fewer patients you will have to risk your own health to treat. Or sadly, bury. So not worth risking your own health and that of the larger onlinemunity to go grab a bargain.

      • Beth P

        Thank you for your logical way of thinking.

  22. Al

    These kinds of online onlinements remind me that I want to give people respect, the benefit of the doubt, and remember that I like just about everyone I meet in person if I have just a few minutes to get to know A little about them. I trust most people to make the best decisions they can with the information they have in the circumstances they are in. We are Americans and we have pulled together in tough situations before. We can onlinemunicate differing viewpoints without hostility. I have hope our strength will be revealed in our humanity towards each other. Now I’ll get off my soapbox.😅

  23. Materof6

    Cat fight over a Ross deal! If we were divided as a nation pre-COVID, we certainly are now more than ever! Thanks for the heads up Hip2Save!

  24. Debra

    I love a good deal as much as anyone, but I have managed to save a lot of money since March 15 when I got furloughed. I definitely took advantage of a few good deals on things we needed, but I think the days of shopping and buying things just because it was good price are over for me. Like many of you I cleaned cabinets, closets and drawers and got rid of so much crap that were “good deals” that I “had to have”.

  25. Evie

    I agree 100%. I have gone through my drawers and closets and found lots of things I can use.
    I have 100s of books to read!
    Most stores have junk they could not pay me to take!
    Didn’t they say “Globalization would make everything high quality but less expensive?”
    I guess we all got taken for a ride, in more ways than one!
    Stay happy and safe!

  26. Arlene Solis

    Hello I am a Ross associate and I just want to let you know that you are putting fake information out there.

    • kellyluvsdealz

      Ross isn’t open?

    • Arlene Solis

      Ross is open but not in every state. I am personally speaking about the state of Arizona. We haven’t opened and I am working with a team to scan our merchandise for any discount that has been applied, we Can Not mark anything down to $.49

  27. Rebecca

    I don’t know why they don’t keep onlinements closed on these types of posts. Always the same and not productive for anyone.

    • Martinkr

      I agree. I turn to the onlinements because most times they are helpful. Hate when it turns into post after post like this.

    • Debra

      Because some of us enjoy the onlinements. Isn’t it great that you have the option of not reading them?

      • Rebecca

        Your attitude is exactly the problem.

  28. llc

    Went to Marshall’s wednesday. 30 minutes to check out. But good deals.

  29. Holly

    I live in Arkansas and we were never on lockdown. I just think it’s crazy how every states is handling this so differently. Neither me nor my husbands job ever closed so I guess it’s just a little different here in our bubble.

  30. MrsG

    Y’all have too much time on your hands. Yeesh! As my mama always says- if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. 😉

    • Dana


  31. kellyluvsdealz

    Wow these onlinements..

  32. jes

    So hip2save removed my response to someone calling the east coast obnoxious. They need to remove the antagonist. I’m just defending myself. Either control it properly or let it go

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi, jes! I’m not seeing any deleted onlinements from you.

  33. Laura

    OK there is so much misinformation on this site in the discussion on both sides. I work for the CDC and I’m going to put my 2 cents in without picking sides. Please leave politics and misinformation about covid out of the site it’s supposed to be a positive atmosphere here. Thank you!
    Just be safe and courteous of others if you must or choose to go out.

  34. Ashley

    Good grief y’all. This post has literally ZERO to do with Covid. Why are y’all arguing like a bunch of grade schoolers? You want to stay home? Perfect. You want to shop? Awesome. Stop trying to insert yourselves in everyone else’s lives.

    And for the record, most of the spring consignment sales for children were cancelled. Lots of people need sales on clothing for their fast growing children and for the change of seasons.

  35. Bronx

    I held the hand of the strongest man I know as he screamed out in pain for 5 weeks. We cried together many nights. They gave him morphine for the pain and ativan for the panic attacks because he felt like he was drowning. Although he is so much better, he’s still on oxygen almost 4 months later. 4 months!!

    • kate

      I had it. I did not cry like a baby. Honestly didn’t know I had it and though I had premenopause due to the excessive sweating. Took many naps. Didn’t eat bc I couldn’t taste anything. Have to use my inhaler more frequently than before. Nobody in my family got it. People react differently.

  36. Norma

    Our local Ross’ are only opening 2 days a week. Does anyone know why?

  37. Christi

    I wish there was some way the admins could delete and turn off posts on this. Reading these onlinements just make my heart hurt. This isn’t how life is supposed to be. Look at us throwing stones at each other because we disagree with each other. I would much rather see the good in the world than all of this hatred, name calling rude and arrogance in these onlinements.

    Use this time to find something kind to do for someone, try to see another persons point of view before spewing hateful things at one another. All of our anxiety levels are up for whatever reasons. Let’s not let evil and fear win. Put that anxiety in doing good instead of doing harm. This just makes my heart hurt and makes me sad.

    • Zinali

      I totally agree with you ..

    • brittneypryor

      Great onlinement sis! That’s what it’s supposed to be like not all this hate.

  38. NubianGoddess

    I would love to go shopping, but I need to lose weight first.

  39. God's steward

    Stay prayerful, be careful.
    You are so right. At a time like this, evil loves it when we attack each other, instead: THE MAIN THING IS TO KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING. Let us not lose focus! Keep mind as peaceful as possible. We are different, and have different opinions…

  40. Esther

    Thanks for the deal alert Hip2Save! Every state may not be open yet but that’s why you call & check before you go people! Some states are much worse than others but some have VERY few cases so stop trying to tell other people what to do and mind ya business geez!!! This is a COUPON & SAVINGS site….that’s the PURPOSE to let us know what deals are out there. If you dont want to go, don’t go!

  41. Erica

    I will be going donning my mask and gloves, which I wear everywhere. If you are afraid stay home. I think the reason people are getting like this is fear of the unknown. Whatever stance someone takes really does not matter because whatever is is, even experts still do not know everything about COVID. All we can do is make the best decisions for ourselves and try to stay safe. I am somewhere in the middle, because I know I cannot sit home forever, but I want to stay safe and wearing a mask and gloves, using sanitizer, being very carefuly upon removal makes me feel OK about venturing out here and there. I think each person should make the choice, and depending on your area, beliefs and attitude it may differ, and that is OK. Personally I would rather be safe than sorry.

  42. Kim Ross

    I would love to see some examples of the awesome deals people are getting… I thought that is what the onlinements after a post for a sale is for.

    • M

      I decided to go this week. I got there a few hours after the store opened so the best of the best was probably gone at that point. However, there were a lot of home accent items like wall art going out the door. I also saw a lot of luggage being purchased. The majority of the clothing, home accents, candy, and personal care/toiletry items were on clearance. A lot of it was 50% or more off. Some sections did not have a lot of clearance like socks, lingerie, shower curtains and rugs. Other departments were a mix, like pets where the beds and treats were mostly all on clearance, but none of the toys seemed to be. A lot of the flip flops were on clearance, but most of the other shoes I looked at were regular price.
      It’s definitely hit or miss. I waited about 20 minutes to get in. They were limiting the number of people in the store and there were directional arrows which most people were following(about the same as any store that I have seen). Fitting rooms and restrooms were closed. Staff members were plentiful and helpful, including 2 at the door(one inside and one out). I did not have to touch a door to go in or out. Customers were respectful. Most people were wearing masks. There were wipes out near the carts and sanitizer at all registers with signs on keypads to use the sanitizer before and after touching the keypad.

  43. Ron

    Everyone, please learn how to spell when you leave a onlinement. The meaning goes away when the words are spelled wrong!

  44. Big Larry

    I’m almost positive we will have a vaccine for this as soon as someone stuff’s the pockets of the politicians and Chiefs in charge of the F.D.A.

  45. Vicki Williams

    I drove by our Ross store and I can not believe the amount of children. Are these parents that insane Or just down right STUPID🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬. onlinee on Ross at least put an age restriction. Adults are stupid, so as a responsibility NO KIDS UNDER 16/18!!!! Protect the ones that can’t protect themselves 🙏!!!

  46. Angie

    I’m just going to add my experience of shopping at Ross yesterday. I waited in line for an hour to get in. No one from the store made sure anyone was social distancing. At the front of the line, a sign said the max amount of people allowed was 106, and we were told there were 75 customers on line to pay. There was no one at the front offering hand sanitizer, wipes or checking for masks. There was no one cleaning the door handles. The doors were not automatic so everyone had to open both sets of doors themselves. Once inside, there were no available shopping carts left, and the ones I saw had a buildup of dirt throughout the carts. No one inside the store made sure anyone was social distancing, and since the clothing racks are so close together, it was impossible to do so. I waited on line for 1 1/2 hours to pay, and the line snaked around the entire store and ended at the front door, and again, it was not possible to social distance with customers who were trying to get past to shop. At the register, I asked about returns and was told that customers would have to wait outside in line to get in as there was only one line for purchases and returns. Also, the return policy would not be extended.

  47. Sharon Varvarezos

    I was at THREE Ross stores over the weekend of June 12-14, and they had NO MERCHANDISE! Not a single purse or set of curtains…Obviously the supply chain was affected

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