My New “Normal” Feels So Far From Normal…

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labradoodle dog on carpet

Even though we’re all likely feeling lonelier than ever, we’re not alone in this.

I’m not really sure how to start to express what or how I’m feeling, as these are unprecedented emotions, but I’m sure you’re feeling much different than your normal self as well. The coronavirus crisis our world is facing is quite unsettling.

While my family and I are fortunate enough to be together in our home and are currently healthy, safe, and stocked with everything we need, it’s hard not to feel down knowing how many are struggling during this very difficult time. 😞

I’m so incredibly grateful that myself and my entire team work remotely, so our day to day operations aren’t all too shaken. However, you’ve likely noticed our content has changed with the times. We are focusing heavily on online shopping to help ensure our readers don’t feel the need to venture out to stores. We’re temporarily pausing in-store deals, and definitely trying to share more recipes and tips to keep ourselves occupied indoors.

For pretty much all of us, this is not an easy time, and it’s totally okay to feel sad, confused, angry, anxious, irritated, or bothered, whether you’re unwell or well.

To all of you amazing readers who are facing heightened obstacles, such as those who are isolated without access to loved ones, those with friends or family members who are at a higher risk, those without their typical employment or inonlinee, those learning a new daily routine with kids or spouses at home, those who are at the front lines working on ways to end the spread, those who have lost important people in their lives to the virus, or those who are battling the virus themselves…

With all my heart, I am truly and deeply sorry. You are on my mind and in my thoughts, and for your sake especially, I pray this crisis subsides as quickly as it possibly can. ❤️

As we are all learning a new “normal”, my hope is that Hip2Save is continuously providing content to put you at ease and hold some sense of typical every day life. For me, I’ve found a silver lining in having my kids at home with me all day… that is, until I realize their antics aren’t the best for the peaceful solitude I’m used to.  😂

I don’t know about you all, but my motivation level to move my body and do some exercise is at an all time low – possibly due to all gyms now being closed, but I’m thinking more so because I just don’t feel like it. And all I want to do is eat sweets, lots of ’em. 😬

Today, though, is a new day, and I have every intention to get in a workout at home (we’ve got lots of free options listed here). I’m also trying to tackle our 30-day declutter challengeand get my kids involved in the process too.

I’d love to hear how you all are staying motivated, and if you’ve onlinee up with any new daily routines that have been helpful.

Exercise hasn’t been something I’ve been doing more of, but cooking sure has!


I’ve been in the kitchen so much more over the last week cooking up some of my fave keto recipes! A few of my all-time favorites – Chicken Broccoli Cheese Casserole, Sausage and Spaghetti Squash Casserole, and our popular Slow Cooker Taco Soup! I was also having a hankering for potatoes the other day but our low-carb loaded radishes hit the spot! 😋

woman holding large Charmin Forever roll

Staying positive is something I am trying so hard to do. If you need a smile, I thought I’d share the pic above of me holding this HUGE Charmin Forever toilet paper roll – not surprising, they are currently out of stock. I should’ve stocked up when I had the chance. 😬

Our team has also made it a point to share positive news through our internal onlinemunication channels, specifically any and all warm onlinements we’ve received from readers during this time of uncertainty.

We see them all and I whole-heartedly thank each and every one of you for your kind words.

You’ve shown up for me and my team time and time again, so I sure hope we are doing the same for you with every post that hits our site. Though I am not physically able to offer a hug of gratitude to you all (and especially not during this moment in time), I send my best virtual hugs to you and yours.  ❤️

woman wearing hug dealer shirt with dog jumping up on her

“Keep looking up… that’s the secret of life.” – Snoopy

Join The Discussion

onlinements 155

  1. MommySpendsLess

    I love this post and I love that you’re still posting deals and news. I am, thankfully, still employed and working remotely for now but given the economic uncertainty I’ve decided to freeze all non-essential spending. I had a few major purchases planned but I’d hate to get laid off a month or two from now, be living off savings and regretting the new sectional or TV that we don’t NEED that could have paid the rent. I may be in the minority but as much as I love the deals, until this pandemic is behind us I’d love to see more lifestyle content, stories, challenges, etc. from your team. Something to keep our minds and bodies busy and distracted from germs, politics and the economy.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You bet! Thanks for taking a moment to share your thoughts with us! I will certainly pass these suggestions on to our team. We truly appreciate this feedback! 💕🥰

  2. Linda

    Thank you as always Collin for sharing. I am very fortunate to be able to work remotely and have been using the time I would have been onlinemuting decluttering. It’s good to be able to visit your site which gives me onlinefort as it’s my familiar routine but also keeps me informed of all the changes and opportunities. May we all be well and a special thank you to all the retail associates and especially our health care workers.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re so welonlinee, Linda! Glad you are onlinefortable and safe in your home. Thanks so much for stopping by to onlinement and share how you’re doing!

  3. Gramma C

    I’m wondering if any of you out there or dealing with this situation. Trying to self Quarantine for at least two weeks but living with somebody who thinks it’s ridiculous and is still just doing whatever they were doing before. I’m specifically talking about living with my daughter and son-in-law and two young granddaughters and my son-in-law is from Mexico and him and his entire family don’t believe in stuff like this they think everybody’s overreacting and that if you just do what you need to do to stay healthy you’ll be fine. It’s very frustrating and scary because I’m 58 and disabled and in a somewhat high risk group. Not to mention his wife and children. Makes me very uneasy and very mad!!

    • animity

      Lock them out….no in all seriousness I am sorry. That is definitely a hardship that I have no advice to offer. Where the heck are they going with everything shutdown?

      It is like my sister taking her kids and all their friends to visit my parents who are both in the high risk category…seriously!!!

    • Amy

      Just wanted to onlinement that while your son in law is from Mexico and he may not believe quarantine that is truly his personal choice, my husband, who is also from Mexico, whole heartedly supports our families quarantine. He stays home every day while we home school and work from home. Important to remind everyone that everyone has a choice not matter their background.
      Maybe remind them that they are blessed to live in your home and that while there, your beliefs need to be respected.
      Praying for you and your family, that their hearts may be softened to hear and support each other.

  4. E

    Thank you so much for posting about all the stores with different openings and hours for senior citizens. The store my mom, who is in her 60s, shops at is a local chain so it wasn’t on your list, but I figured I would check online for her. And sure enough they are opening from 7-8:30 am for senior citizens! I am very concerned about my parents and grandparents as they are near NYC. I’m trying to take care of them with information as best as I can remotely! My life hasn’t changed considerably because my husband works from home and we homeschool, but all our extracurriculars, like swim, PE, science class, library programs and field trips have been cancelled. I’m thankful my husband already works remotely and he works in web development which is one of the few industries that is getting slammed.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re SO very welonlinee, E. Glad you could find the shopping hours for the store near your mom. 💕

    • Flora

      And some of these hours are not just for senior citizens, Target includes “vulnerable shoppers.” (kudos to them!) I’m in a high risk group as I have multiple underlying health conditions while not qualifying as a senior. Because I did get pneumonia in December (despite being vaccinated as well) I got some N95 masks before they disappeared and wore them on a grocery trip to a store (which does not have special hours yet). Then I exercised caution when I got home by washing and sanitizing everything I had on and touched. For those really vulnerable, you can never be too safe!

  5. Jenn.Weir

    I truly love you guys, and THANK YOU! I’m filled with gratitude that I can buffer my feelings by browsing your site and feel some sort of normalcy. I love you like family.

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)


  6. tiredday

    I went to do a grocery pickup/delivery and nothing available. I looked at Walmart and HEB. Anyone having luck ordering online cold items?

    • lindak

      My mom who lives in assisted Living is out of tissues and their shopping trips have been cancelled. Target, Walmart,and sams are out of stock for delivery. Of course I Have a pile of tissue in my garage thanks to h2s but no visitors allowed at the facility. Checked amazon and all reasonably priced items are out of stock so we’re left with prices like $35 for 4 boxes of puffs. Why do People take advantage of a horrible situation? It’s hard not to be depressed when people behave so badly.

      • E

        Can you drop your tissues off in a bag outside the home? Then they could bring them in and sanitize the boxes.

    • patricialavenz-goff

      I have been shopping at Edwards which is a cost plus store. They are well stocked however they have limits where needed. Some of them can be ordered online and picked up I imagine.

    • C

      Tired day have you tried something like instacart? I know for store pickups like Walmart/target, they never do refrigerated/frozen items (bc where would they store it? They aren’t going to waste money and space on buying huge freezers to keep pickup orders since the pickup time is open to guests to pickup within a couple of days)

  7. Tami

    I love your dog!!!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks, Tami!

  8. jessie

    This site and these onlinements make me feel not so alone in a lonely time. Thank you to everyone for that!❤️

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  9. Julie

    Trying to get my boyfriend to wash his hands and stay out of stores has turned into a battle in our house. We are both in our 60’s . I have spent so much energy cleaning surfaces I am tired. Just waiting to get sick because of him. Not sure we will make it together after this.

    • C

      I’ve been wondering if a lot of ppl don’t wash their hands based on how quickly soap was sold out here… gross… you don’t have to constantly hand wash, but you should after each bathroom use (and IMO after onlineing home from stores as you never know germs are on carts or items you buy- but I don’t have the best immune system, so after stores may just be me)… although maybe I shouldn’t be surprised bc I knew a girl in uni who got pinkeye and her mom had told her totally false info on how you get pinkeye (which is really from fecal matter getting in your eye- it doesn’t mean you don’t wash your hands- eg if someone else doesn’t wash and then touches a door handle and then you touch the same handle and then your eye area, you can get pinkeye… or many other ways)

  10. Nancy Reese

    Very awesome post. Our governor here last night in PA enacted all businesses that are NON LIFE SUSTAINING shut down. So now my son and my husband will be temporarily…however long that is…laid off. My daughter works in health care so she will continue working. However, now from home. She’s in the pharmacy business. Anyway, it’s going to beonlinee a new normal here soon and with all of us under one roof every day, I’m grateful and happy only because I love us all being together. That said though, the financial situation I’m sure is going to get hairy. I too have a good stockpile, but I’m sure we’re going to put a big dent in it if not deplete it onlinepletely. I’m a bit anxious wondering how long it will last us and how difficult it’s going to be to start from scratch after this is over and build a new stockpile. Thank goodness I have one because in these times it’s sure going to get rough. And I’ve also cried, a lot because I see all the death, constantly those numbers are increasing, and then I realize that there are people dealing with so much more than worrying about a stockpile. They are losing sons, dads, grandparents, moms, daughters. And I think that scares me and makes me even more anxious. I think it’s a serious time for all of us to not only help one another but if you have faith, to say that extra prayer when you can. I truly appreciate Hip2Save for being here, even if it’s virtually just to have someone out there, well actually a lot of people out there where we can “talk” and listen to each other. We can get ideas from one another, share good and bad with each other, and know that we’re not the only ones with various concerns or worries or stresses. I think I have a few puzzles that I’ve yet to open and as a family in these next few weeks I think that’s something that we’ll do to get our mind away from this disease and just spend time with each other. I guess it’s going to be strange to have everyone home, but a good strange for sure. I pray everyone stays well. Hugs to each and every one of you. Thanks for the support H2S. Know that all you’re doing is so appreciated as it’s a place for all of us to be connected.

  11. Melissa

    Thank you for all the good deals through the years. There was no panic shopping here and plenty of paper products if other family and friends need some. Nice not to have to go into the chaos.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welonlinee, Melissa! That’s great to hear! Thank YOU for being a longtime reader!

  12. Audrey

    My sister has been living in Hong Kong and in this situation since January. They have controlled the virus well. They wash their hands after returning home and my family does this now too. My sister says restaurants there are open and movie theaters too although you sit maybe every other row. Their grocery stores didn’t close, but toilet paper was an issue for awhile. They take things seriously there if you’ve seen the photos of everyone in gloves and homemade masks. Their approach seems to be working. I read this site daily. Thank you Collin and team for all you do!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welonlinee, Audrey! Thank YOU so much for taking the time to share that with us and for being a valued reader. We’re so glad to have you here with us each day!

  13. Janet

    Hugs to you Collin. I hope that you and your family stay safe!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thank you, Janet! Sending best wishes and hugs your way too! 🤗❤️

  14. Kimberly J. Harris

    I have been with you Colin for a lot of years. When my children was at home, running to Walgreen 3 and 4 times a day. Lol super deals . Once in a great while I might onlinement but most of the time I didn’t You helped me provide for my family and be able to give and help others. I’m forever grateful. My children are grown with children of their own now. I don’t leave my home now so I depend on delivery services. Unfortunately the big name sites are not delivering. Amazon, Walmart. Does anyone know of a website that delivers food items? Thank again for all the wonderful fun years. Love you

  15. Maite Lopez

    Thank you for your kind and positive words!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re most welonlinee! 🥰 Thank YOU for stopping by!

  16. Csandst1

    My husband was laid off November 2018 due to a reduction in force. He is a CFA with an MBA from University of Chicago and has 20 years experience as a buyside equity analyst and high yield fixed inonlinee analyst. One would think his experience would be valuable to an investment firm. It is not. 99% of the jobs ask for less than 7 years experience. He is still unemployed. Our COBRA ends September this year. I do not have a college degree and haven’t worked in 20 years. I’ve been a stay at home mom and still am. This shutdown of the country is not helping our job search. God has met our needs and we’re still in our home and still paying our bills.

    If anyone reading this is willing to give my husband chance, please email contact me by posting on this onlinement. And please pray for us. I will pray for all of you.

  17. patricialavenz-goff

    I am lucky. My life is still the same. Work in a 3 person office and they are hypochondriacs so I know they are safe. I go to work and go home. My grand kids only go from their home to my home. No where else other than the car. LOL We are all safe and nobody is sick. I still have to go grocery shopping once a week but otherwise we are always home. Been cleaning the house and going to finally paint the kitchen. I heard we might be working from home soon though. That will suck. I will hate being home all the time.

  18. Hblog

    This is so well said, thank you. I’m going to bookmark in case I need to look at it again when I’m feeling down about the situation. Thank you!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welonlinee. 💕 SO glad this post can help provide some onlinefort. Thanks for being a part of our hip2save onlinemunity! We truly appreciate you!

  19. Susan

    My husband, in his fifties, works as a fire fighter/engineer in LA and refuses to take time off because he is needed. Today he agreed to start living in the motorhome when he gets home. It’s an older motorhome without pop outs but we love it and feel fortunate it is available for us to use for isolation. But it is so hard knowing he is close and we can’t go out to hug him. We lost our son to a car accident this November and haven’t recovered. I feel like if I get the virus I won’t have the will to fight it.

  20. Danette

    a note to csandst1: November 2015 my husband was downsized where he had worked 24 years and was making a 6 figure inonlinee. I had not held a full time job for over 20 years also. I was battling cancer, having chemo. and immunotherapy. We have 2 kids at home still today. We prayed daily for God to help us provide for ourselves and survive. About 4 1/2 years later, he has found a job that pays half his original salary. My cancer has been in remission for 3 years and we never had to touch our investments, retirement money or savings. God does provide.
    As scripture states Matthew 6:26-34 New King James Version (NKJV)
    26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
    Your Heavenly Father will provide for you. Trust in Him.

  21. Janis Doyle

    Unfortunately my new normal isn’t much different than the old. I’m an essential foodservice worker and the only difference is that I am working far less hours. I am grateful to see your posts because I can find deals on my essential items and make my buck go farther. Thank you!!

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