Bath & Body Works Wallflower Fragrance Refills as Low as $2.25 Each (Regularly $6.50)

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More Bath & Body Works

Bath and Body Works Wallflowers Pumpkin Peanut Brittle

Bath & Body Works has great gift ideas!

Today, October 16th only, hop on over to Bath & Body Works where you can score Wallflower Fragrance Refills for just $3.50 (regularly $6.50).

OR you can snag these Wallflower Fragrance Refill 2-packs for just $6.50 (regularly $12.50) and the Wallflower Fragrance Refill 6-Packs for just $19.50 (regularly $27)!

Even better, through October 21st, save an additional $10 off your $30 purchase both in-store and online! If shopping online, use promo code FALLNIGHTS at checkout.

If heading in store, check your inbox for an email titled “ENDS TODAY: Wallflowers at that just-right price… (+ $10 off!)” onlineing from [email protected]. The email will have a coupon you can print or show the cashier to score the discount.

Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Wallflowers

Heading in-store? Do these deals…

Buy five Wallflower Fragrance Refill 2-packs $6.50 (regularly $12.50)
Total = $32.50
Use the $10 off $30+ in your email
Final cost $22.50 total – just $2.25 per wallflower!

Buy nine Wallflower Fragrance Refills $3.50 each (regularly $6.50)
Total = $31.50
Use the $10 off $30+ coupon in your email
Final cost $21.50 total – just $2.39 per wallflower!

Bath and Body Works Wallflowers

Shopping online? Try these deals…

Buy five Wallflower Fragrance Refills 2-packs $6.50 each (regularly $12.50)
Total = $32.50
Use promo code FALLNIGHTS ($10 off $30+)
Shipping adds $5.99
Final cost $28.49 shipped total – just $2.85 per wallflower!

Buy nine Wallflowers Fragrance Refills $3.50 (regularly $6.50 each)
Total = $31.50
Use promo code FALLNIGHTS ($10 off $30+)
Shipping adds $5.99
Final cost $27.49 shipped total – just $3.05 each!

Grab MORE great deals on home items this way…

  • Shipping & Terms

    Bath and Body Works

    Shipping is a flat rate of $6.99 for orders over $10. Otherwise, shipping is $10.99. Alternatively, you may be able to opt for free store pickup on select items to save on shipping.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 7

  1. Lynn

    I’m not super low yet. I can’t remember. Is this a stock up price?

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      I would call this a stock up price. This is almost as low as we see them ($2.25). Sometimes they do go to $2 each, but that’s not very often.

  2. Sushi

    Halloween hand sanitizers are 50% off. There was a sign for all Halloween 50% off!!!!

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      Awesome! Thanks, Sushi!

  3. meredithjoanna79

    Does anyone have a coupon they won’t use? We’re moving into our first home and I would like it to smell nice. Thank you…[email protected]

  4. Keila

    Just stocked us up for a year! We have four plug ins, so I bought 48 bulbs. I used the 20% off coupon they mailed to me. Thank you H2S team for keeping these awesome deals posted! You all rock!

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      A year supply is awesome, Keila! You are so welonlinee!

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