Arm & Hammer Air Filters 4-Pack Only $21.99 Shipped (Just $5.50 Per Filter)

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two arm and hammer enchanced air filters cleaned up on wall

Today, July 10th only, hop on over to Home Depot where they are offering a nice sale on water & air filters.

As one deal idea, you can score these Arm & Hammer Enhanced Allergen and Odor Control Air Filters 4-packs for just $21.99 shipped – that’s just $5.50 per filter!

person holding up arm and hammer enhanced air filters

This 4-pack of air filters should last you about a year, as each filter lasts up to 3 months. This filter is enhanced with baking soda and reduces airborne allergens like pollen, pet dander, dust mite debris, and mold spores. It also works to trap smells like pet odors or even reduces the amount of lint that circulates. Plus, it has three times more power of a traditional pleated filter due to its ability to trap unwanted odors.

Hip2Save Readers LOVE these filters…

These filters are great! I picked them up several years ago after a H2S post and have been hooked ever since. With two dogs and two cats, any help with dust and dander is a plus!!

Great deal for quality filters sent to your door!

I bought these the last time they were on sale and was very happy with them, and with the price! Thank you!

These are the only filters our family will use. I can tell the difference with these or a cheap filter, as our allergies get worse with the cheap quality ones.

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onlinements 5

  1. PnJ

    Just a heads up, our A/C repair man told us not to use these types of filters. While they are great at what they do they cause your system to work harder. He advised to used the cheap ones (brown and green) and keep them changed every 30 days. We have had 2 different repair men tell us that. We finally made the switch and system has run good ever since.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh interesting! Thanks for sharing that tip!

  2. DJ

    The builders gave us instructions not to use these filters. I have asked other HVAC personnel and they all say to use the cheap brands.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Darn! Thanks for the honest feedback, DJ!

  3. Jangel

    Used them for awhile. Never had a problem 🤷🏻‍♀️ good deal in my book

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