Not to trigger fear-mongering, but there’s been trending news lately regarding fluoride safety levels in water (whether it’s filtered, tap and even spring.) There are some studies done that indicates higher levels of fluoride is associated with decrease in IQ points for babies in utero and children. I believe the articles stated anything above 0.8 mg/liter (still within safety guidelines per the FDA) is a risk factor. I was drinking a generic brand of spring water from my grocery store and the levels of fluoride on it wasn’t clear. I called the onlinepany to ask and they told me the natural level of fluoride in their spring water is around 0.83 mg/liter (Acadia for anyone who’s curious), so that made me wary. I switched to Crystal Geyser that was available where the fluoride levels are lower & transparent on their site. I am pregnant right now so I have to be more careful with what I drink and eat, so thought I’d share :).
Generally, if you don’t drink a lot of fluids, it’s not a concern. But if you think of daily accumulation of fluoride during our daily use, it can add up quick (think toothpaste, drinking water, water we cook food in, etc.). Something to keep in mind, ladies. Even the FDA is proposing to lower the acceptable fluoride levels in tap water, which is telling.