L.O.L. Surprise Interactive Live Surprise Pet Only $12.88 Shipped (Regularly $25)

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Hop on over to Amazon or Walmart where you can score this L.O.L. Surprise Interactive Live Surprise Pet for just $12.88 (regularly $24.88).

Even better, if shopping at Amazon, shipping is free and this item should arrive in time for Christmas if you have Amazon Prime.

This interactive pet responds to sounds and your touch! It makes over 60 unique sounds and onlinees with three accessories!

(Thanks, Amy G!)

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onlinements 7

  1. Angela

    These have terrible reviews FYI

    • Laura

      Thanks for the heads up! I was on the fence because my girls really don’t need anything else under the tree, and this helped me decide not to waste $36 on three of these! Merry Christmas!

  2. Pris

    My daughter loves hers!

  3. Sarah

    These are a waste of money and make creepy noises.

  4. Stephanie

    We bought these for my girls when they first came out. $25 each…. they played with them only one day and got bored fast. They still play with the regular LOL dolls daily though!

  5. AP

    I got one when the target cartwheel deal was posted without reading the description or reviews. I returned it once I realized it was similar to the fingerlings, which my kids have played with maybe twice in the past year. Also it did not have good reviews.

  6. Samantha

    We priced matched at used the 25%off cartwheel so it can to around $10! Let’s just say it’s been played with once and I’m happy I didn’t spend the $25 on it

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