Up to 80% Off Lands’ End Backpacks, Lunch Boxes & More (Includes Lifetime Guarantee)

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Through December 14th only, head on over to LandsEnd.online where you can save an additional 50% off your purchase when you use promo code PECAN and pin# 2643 at checkout.

Even sweeter, this discount applies to sale priced items so be sure and look around as there are many great deals to be found!

Here are a few highlights…

Kids ClassMate Soft Sided Lunch Boxes as low as $7.97 (regularly $19.95)
Use promo code PECAN and pin# 2643 (save 50% off at checkout)
Final cost only $3.98!

ClassMate Large Backpacks $19.97 (regularly $49.95)
Use promo code PECAN and pin# 2643 (save 50% off at checkout)
Final cost only $9.98!

Kids Rash Guards as low as $7.97 (regularly $17.95+)
Use promo code PECAN and pin# 2643 (save 50% off at checkout)
Final cost only $3.98

(Thanks Deanna & Jennifer!)

  • Shipping & Terms

    Lands' End

    Shipping is FREE on orders of $99 or more; otherwise shipping starts at $9.

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onlinements 25

  1. Laura

    I keep wanting to order these for my 3 sons, but I dont like camo print and it seems like that’s all they have that isn’t girly. 😑

  2. Alicia

    Just ordered 2 for my daughters for next year!

  3. ana

    Hi! I’ve ordered a lot of gifts from here this year, but then I heard that they might be going away, has anyone heard this? I then would wonder about the lifetime guarantee.

    • animity

      Who cares at that price point. An awesome quality backpack for $10, you can beat that. My daughter has had hers for five years now and is still going strong.

    • Snezhinka

      Lands’ End is not going away anywhere! Sears stores might close, but Lands’ End will always have stand alone stores where you can return merchandise, if you ever need to. 100%. Period.

  4. Megan

    Lands end has always been great in the past, but I contacted them yesterday because my son’s backpack broke. The policy has changed and now if the item was bought more than 90 days ago, they’ll only give you a gift card for what you paid. Plus it costs $6.95 to mail the item back. I was a little disappointed since I bought it under different terms. I still like their quality overall.

    • Angela

      I had the same experience, however, I had monogramming done as well as embroidery on the one that broke and they offered to do those and ship it free. The $6.95 will be taken out of the gift card, so I’ll have that for my next purchase.

  5. Erica

    Bought my daughter a backpack/lunchbox last January but this deal is better than that one; she started using them this school year for 2nd grade and they have held up fantastically. I just ordered my son one for next year for when he starts Kindergarten! Thank you! Also, scored even more savings as Ebates, for today only, is giving 12% cash back!!

    • Jamie

      Thanks! I missed the 12% somehow so I cancelled my order and reordered the stuff. 🙂

  6. missbull

    If you return several items from one purchase do they charge you $7 per item or total?

    • Erin

      Why would they charge you $7 to return something?

  7. Alaina

    Thanks my husband just talked about how our boys cheap bags were falling apart and to small. 5 back packs for the price of one is awesome. Going to be a Christmas gift!!

    • Liza (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Whoo hoo! Glad you were able to snag five Alaina! Great idea to use them for Christmas!

  8. Jane

    Did you guys actually pay $8 shipping 🙁 ????
    $9 backpack and $8 shipping!!!!

    • Sheila

      Yes and this was a little hard for me to swallow. Ordered 3 lunch boxes which came to $13. The $8 shipping was more than 2 boxes😬. But I didn’t want to spend another $37 on random stuff we don’t need just to avoid the $8. So at basically $7 bucks a box still a good deal.

  9. Anne

    Shipping is free on orders over $50. With Sears stores closing, I’m not sure if you still can but you used to be able to place any size order instore with delivery to your house and get free shipping. You just order from their onlineputer, but I’m not sure if that still works.

  10. Shawndra Murphy

    I’ve had my lands end backpack since 7th grade. I’m now in my 30s. That bag has been through it all and still going strong. I highly reonlinemend.

    • Liza (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Oh wow! We sure do appreciate you sharing your reonlinemendation! That’s awesome how long it’s held up for you!

  11. Anonymous

    Is there any way to get free shipping without spending $50+? The shipping makes it more than the lunch bag itself.

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      No, here are the current shipping details “Shipping is FREE on order of $50 or more; otherwise shipping starts at $8.” Hope that helps!

  12. I don't shop @ Walmart

    Just ordered a full length robe for my husband and a backpack for X-Mas gifts 🙂

  13. Jenny

    These backpacks have a lifetime guarantee but the description states “spot clean only”…can’t imagine a how dirty a school bag would get if it can’t survive a good washing. Anybody have experience with these bags and washing them?

    • Jenny

      Also it looks like the sale was extended. Now with code PECAN and pin # 2643

      • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

        SWEET! Thanks, Jenny! The post has been updated!

  14. Suzanne

    Thank you for sharing this deal! I came here looking specifically for backpack deals since all of my (4) kids’ backpacks are falling apart (three of them have just cheapo generic ones). I bought a Land’s End backpack on super clearance about six years ago (only paid $6). My son has used it every year since and it has just now started tearing. (He’s in 7th grade now and carries so many books that his back pack weighs 20 piunds). I’m very happy with how long it held up and hope the ones I just bought will be just as good. Thank you for all of the great deals you share and the other helpful and fun posts. You guys are great!

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