Bath & Body Works 3-Wick Candles Only $8.95 Each Or Less (12/1 Only)

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Bath & Body Works Fans!

Today, December 1st only, Bath & Body Works is offering a HOT deal on ALL 3-Wick Candles – ONLY $8.95 each (regularly $24.50) when you enter promo code CANDLEDAY at checkout! Note that the candles are SOLD OUT online!

If you plan to shop in-store, this sale begins at most stores at 7AM and no coupon code is needed. Be sure to check your coupon/mailer stash as you may have coupons valid for $5 off $20, $10 off $30 or $15 off $40 to save even more!

There is a limit of 15 candles per customer and this is while supplies last – no rain checks will be issued. This hot sale onlinees only once a year, and popular scents will sell out fast so make sure to shop soon.

Did you know?

Most stores offer up FREE Cello, Ribbon and a Gift Tag with ANY purchase!  Just ask your store associate for more details. Awesome!

Bath & Body Works Candles

Check out this in-store deal idea (12/1 ONLY):

3-Wick Candles $8.95 (regularly $24.50)
Buy 4 = $35.80
Use a possible $10 off $30 purchase in-store coupon
Final cost ONLY $25.80 – just $6.45 each!

Skip the lines and stock up with this online deal (12/1 ONLY):

Bath & Body Works 3-Wick Candles $24.50 each (regularly $24.50) – limit of 15
Buy 15 = $367.50

Use promo code CANDLEDAY
Shipping is $5.99
Final cost ONLY $140.24 – just $9.35 each!
*You can order less than 15. This deal idea just maximizes the limit and flat rate shipping.

  • Shipping & Terms

    Bath and Body Works

    Shipping is a flat rate of $6.99 for orders over $10. Otherwise, shipping is $10.99. Alternatively, you may be able to opt for free store pickup on select items to save on shipping.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 98

  1. Heather

    This ended up going live at 11 pm! Just submitted my order… hurry before they run out of your favorites!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Heather

    The post says December 2nd. Is this for the sale on the 1st?

  3. sherylachreja

    The deal is live! I placed my order by 11:30 PM! πŸ™‚

  4. Marty

    Well I am about done with B&BW. The sale is LIVE now and you have to use a code to get the $8.95 so no additional discount online plus shipping is 9.99!!! To much confusion and misinformation.

    • Jen

      And their candles doesn’t last anymore

      • Jay

        No, their candles are junk, the wax burns out fast… yankee is way better quality.. this is like onlineparing elf cosmetics to urban decay cosmetics…lol..
        One person hypes it up and everyone runs to buy

        • Mindy

          Strongly disagree. I bought Yankee this summer and couldn’t even smell them! BBW candles are way more fragrant.

    • Ziggystardust

      I agree! The sale started here in Louisiana at 10:30 pm but we decided not to purchase because of the sale requiring a code online, it’s no better of a deal than usual sales πŸ˜•

  5. Viv

    I think it really stinks you have to go in the store in order to use your coupons because the price online is not $8.95 unless you add the promo code.

    • Marty

      It is pretty lousy. They made such a big hype of their “annual candle sale” and the shipping cost it insane. At this point I am happy to find another brand for both my candles and hand soap.

      • Sam

        Shipping is only $5.99 if you spend more than $10.

      • Sarah

        I highly reonlinemend Aldi candle, I was shocked how amazing the fall ones smelled and lasted, now I am into their Christmas ones, they are the same size as b&b and cost around $4-$5

        • Marie

          Thanks! I saw those yesterday. I’m going to try a couple now. Appreciate you sharing your experience.

        • Emily

          I agree in got the fall scent and just bought a Christmas pine one. . it’s amazing! I went back and got more!

    • K Derrick

      The promo code is published for everyone to use to obtain the $8.95 price.

    • Momof4boys

      Are there other coupons to use??

  6. Nicole

    LIVE NOW. Even with no additional promo codes and $5.99 shipping, you still save over 50% and don’t have to fight to crowds. WIN-WIN! Thanks Hip2Save!!

  7. Samples

    Wow! $9.99 Shipping..Try my luck in the store!

    • Becky

      $5.99 if you buy more than 1 candle.

  8. Amy

    My store is opening at 1am. Madness!!!

    • fran

      Seriously?! Where is this? Just curious

      • Mona

        My store too at 1am in Miami.

      • GTgrad

        Snellville, Ga. Not sure if it’s all metro Atlanta stores or just certain ones.

    • riss

      Don’t people sleep in Miami? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ

  9. Denise

    Anyone who’s shopped in store, do you get a $10 off $30 coupon after initial purchase?? (that can b used today vs effective later date)

    • Stephanie

      Yes! I was in the store today to verify. You can use coupons in addition to the sale

    • riss

      I was in the store tonight and the sales associate said they don’t give coupons in store anymore, only via snail mail and email.

      • Lois

        The only coupons I’ve seen handed out in-store are bounce back coupons…ones for a later date. They started handing them out on Black Friday until they ran out several days later (I think I ended up with like 10 of them). They are valid Dec 20-24, and are good for a free item (up to $16.50) with any $10 purchase.

    • Mindy

      No, I was not given any coupons at all during checkout.

  10. Tara

    They are already out of the only 2 candle scents I wanted LOL. Ridiculous.

    • Ziggystardust

      Someone else suggested a great idea before….. just get however many you want at the sale price and wait a couple days for restocking then go trade them in for what you want 😊 my local store has been great at doing this before!

      • Ms. PointlessGibberish

        Thank you. Great idea except my store is an hour away unfortunately and health issues make it hard for me to get there. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about purchasing online because it is a far better deal to get them in the store… when the scents I wanted were already sold out at midnight I took that as my sign to just pass on the deal. It’s just candles after all.

        • Ms. PointlessGibberish

          BTW–hip2save keeps linking an old blog to my account when I sign in–but I am Tara

      • Jay

        Isn’t this onlinemon sense…lol

  11. Tracy

    Just placed my order online, got all my favorite scents, stocked up! I don’t have a BBW store closer than 30 minutes from me, so for me $5.99 shipping is less than gas to drive over. Bummer I couldn’t use my 20% off everything on this order, but for me, getting everything I wanted without having to travel an hour round trip is awesome! Thank you Hip2Save!

    • Stephanie

      I had all mine in the cart. I’m right there with you but my daughter got upset. She’s looking forward to the early morning adventure πŸ™„

  12. Kalynn

    Site is moving super slow, but to be expected! Ordering 11 – 6 for me, 5 for gifts!

  13. Nancy Phya

    If you’re going to buy in store tomorrow, you can use the 20% off found in your email. β€œlike Black Friday all over again πŸ˜‰: $3 hand soaps + 20% off TODAY!” Making it $7.16 each instead of $8.95 πŸ™‚

    • Meghan

      How can you do this if the coupon is expired? Not all BBWs seem to honor the three day grace period. Does it matter if it’s a email coupon versus an actual mailed coupon in regards to the grace period?

      • Nancy Phya

        Meghan, from what I’ve experienced, as long as the coupon scans the cashier have no problem honoring it. The email seems to work for me and a lot of people whom I’ve shared it with when they last had their 2.50 hand soap about 2 weeks ago. If you need the email, I can forward it to you and you can try it at your store tomorrow? Nancy.hoanga (at) gmail (dot) online

        • Dana

          Emailing you for coupon!

          • Tee

            If anyone wouldn’t mind emailing me a coupon I would be so grateful!!!! :). Tonijbarnard (at) gmail (dot) online

            • TinaS

              I’m the first time buyer. I can’t wait to try it . Any one can please send me the coupon?
              [email protected].

        • Sharyn

          Can you please email me the coupon as well? I’d really appreciate it! Sharynsteele@sbcglobaldotnet

        • GivingMama

          Hi would love if you can email
          To me thanks dalaganm at yahoo thanks!!!!

        • Rejane

          Would appreciate the email with the coupon as well. rejanedezan at hotmail dot online. Thank you!

        • Kristen

          Can you forward to me too? Kristenrn08 (at) aol (dot) online thank you!!

  14. Jay

    Reonlinemendations for best scents?
    Thanks so much!

    • Kim

      Merry Cookie, Champagne Toast, cinnamon Caramel Swirl, Flannel, Snicker Doodle, Maple Cinnamon Pancakes

      • Jay

        Thank you very much Kim!

    • Ziggystardust

      We love fresh balsam, sweater weather and winter candy apple for Xmas! And some of our anytime faves are champagne toast, marshmallow fireside, and mahogany teakwood!

  15. Sheila

    I don’t understand how you can be disappointed about the extra coupons when the candles are already dirt cheap. Use the coupons on other gifts. As ND my shipping was $5.99 not $9.99.

    • Ashley

      Because in store, you can use a coupon on top of the sale price.

    • Mary

      Because for several years, they used to hand out out coupons with your purchase so the price was even cheaper. People relied on that, and they just stopped doing it last year.

      • Laura

        My store allowed me to use the &10 off $30 coupon received in the mail for my first transaction and gave me 20% off my next transaction even though I didn’t receive the email coupon. In my case, it was well worth getting up early to go to the store. At 6:15 AM, the store was not crowded at all. If I hadn’t received the coupon in the mail, I’m sure I would’ve ordered online.

  16. EM

    Not sure if it’s the servers you’re hitting but honestly took 4 tries and over 1/2 hour to place an order without my favorite scent since it’s now sold out. My first time shopping this sale so I don’t know if the spotty service is normal but I think I’ll stick to Yankee Candle and Capri Blue after this poor adventure.

    • Kalynn

      It was super slow for me. Then I tried using PayPal and it just kept spinning and spinning and spinning. After 5 minutes, I finally decided to hit the back button and once I finally got back to my cart, I checked out like normal. It was still really, really slow.

  17. Minnesotamom

    Am I the only one that doesn’t like these candles? They all burn the same β€œfake-ish” smell. I go to a friends house that burns these and they all just reek.

    • Ashley

      You might just be sensitive to the underlying wax onlineponents. I’m like that with Scentsy wax. No matter what scent it is, it makes me nauseous.

  18. Alex

    Does anyone have a $5/10/15 coupon they’d want to trade for VS 2 free panties??


      Here you go. TC-X2C53LKMXL9KPHFF

      • Alex

        I should’ve left my email πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I’m wanting to use it in store tomorrow
        Angelkiss0927 at aol

  19. Ester

    Aldi has even better candles and only dor $3.99 same kind 3 wik..

    • Marge

      I’ve heard that about Aldi. Think I’ll try that instead since online can’t use $10 off $30.

    • hipsaver2

      Wish I had an Aldi!

    • Lisa

      Thank you, Ester. We love our Aldi’s and are grateful to have one close by. For 3.99, it’s worth it to give it a shot.

  20. Cj

    Took long with the site being slow. I had my cart filled and went at midnight and they were already sold out of French baguette. Darn, i should have tried earlier. Next year i will know when they said 12:01 they don’t mean it!

  21. Stacey

    Does anyone have same issue as me. I didn’t get a confirm email after I placed my order. I should have took a picture of my confirmation number .

    • steph

      It took over a hour to get my confirmation email

  22. Afton

    If anyone has a $10 off a $30 dollar purchase coupon you will not be using, could you please email it to me! Thanks! [email protected]

  23. Haseena

    I have question, would really appreciate any input. I was able to trade for a $15 off $40 coupon with a fellow hipster. Since there wasn’t any time for the coupon to be mailed to me I have a picture of the coupon, will the associate at the store be able to just scan the barcode off my phone? I don’t want to make the trip to the store and not be able to use the coupon. Thank you!

  24. BulldogMama

    $5.99 is worth every penny to avoid parking, long lines and spending much more by temptation!!! (Says the woman who spent $200+ on candles!)

  25. Kathryn

    Does anyone have coupons they could email me?

    [email protected]

    Thanks so much!

  26. Carlene

    I just ordered online and paid with PayPal. The order went through quickly. I already had them in my cart but my favorite was already sold out. I got 7, so with the shipping and tax they ended up at a little over $10. Worth not having to stand in line. I’ll exchange any scents I don’t care for.

  27. RanchWife

    Is there any difference between White Barn and BBW candles that have the same name?

    • They’re Gone

      White barn has essential oils I think

  28. Melissa

    My store opened at 5am. I was there at 5:05. About 25 people there but it wasn’t bad. Most people were buying 12. I waited in line maybe 10 minutes. Totally worth it!

  29. Ash

    There was a 20% in store scannable coupon yesterday in the BBW app that expired Nov 30. I took a snapshot of it yesterday and this morning. BBW manager said it’s still good. She also let me use it on multiple transactions

    • Christa

      Could you email that possibly?

  30. Michelle

    Can someone please email me the 20% coupon? I got the same email but no 20% off. Thanks! [email protected]

  31. Julia

    I was able to get the 6 candles I wanted without leaving home and no dealing with any parking or crowd.

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Awesome! I went to the store yesterday and it was SUPER busy! Glad you could easily grab them from home!

  32. Hallie

    My email is [email protected] if anyone has a coupon to share! I’d appreciate it so much!!!

  33. Dawn

    I’m on BBW email list and never got the store coupon…can anyone tell me where to get a store coupon? TYIA!

  34. Andrea

    Thank you for the reminder on the sale!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      You’re so welonlinee!

  35. Jimi

    It is 11AM eastern time here and all of a sudden the website turned sold out. But, I had candles in my cart and I was able to check out. Whoa! I didn’t know BBW does that

  36. Kathryn

    That happened to me too. 8am on the West Coast. This is disappointing.

  37. Tara in TX

    Can anyone who went to the store & had the $15 off $40 coupon + the Free Gift w purchase post if the were able to onlinebine and what they were able to purchase with them? Thanks! I’m standing in line right now πŸ˜‚

    • Nette420

      I got a jeweled candle holder as my free item and used $15 off $40 on my 6 candles.

  38. Edy

    Yes the free item will state what you can get some say body care item sone say any item up to 13.50 y got a butterfly plug 12.50 also at mine they are giving out coupons for a free item up to 16 dlrs when you made a $10 purchase dec 20 don’t forget to ask for ribbons and cellophane bags

  39. Kimberly

    All the candles are sold out online πŸ™

    • Chelsey (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Bummer! Thanks for letting us know!

  40. Jessica Connors

    What a joke….sold out online. Too bad as soon as the deal is over they will be restocked. Bath and Body keeps getting worse and worse!

  41. Sharon

    These 3 wick candles selling for 8.95 for today, are already on the popular resale sites for double and triple the price. That is bs. Sold out online? Warehouse is probably full.

  42. Krista

    Awesome deal! I went to the store at 5pm, they were fully stocked, waited in line to checkout for not even 10 minutes. Got 8 candles for 61.00 and a free lotion. Worth it!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Woohoo! Great deal! I scored a free lotion too! πŸ˜‰

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