Amazon: Graco 4Ever Convertible Car Seat Only $164.99 Shipped (Regularly $300)

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Head on over to where you can score the highly rated Graco 4Ever Convertible Car Seat in Matrix Print for only $164.99 shipped (regularly $299.99) – lowest price!

This 4-in-1 car seat can be used from infancy all the way up to 10 years of age! It includes a booster mode which grows with your child up to 120 pounds as well as a 10-position adjustable headset which also adapts to your child’s growth. The 4-position extension panel allows for an additional five inches legroom and the plush inserts ensure a onlinefortable ride.

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onlinements 19

  1. Danielle

    If you are searching for another print like I was kohl’ at check out you will get $60 in Kohl’s cash and the price is $239.99 so that onlinees out to $179.99 on a different print if you are picky like me!

  2. Melissa

    Thank you so much!!!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      You’re welonlinee, Melissa!

  3. candace

    If you’re interested in a good seat. Run to the onlineputer and order this one!

  4. Sarah C

    Why couldn’t the color on sale be the one my sister-in-law is registered for? 😳

  5. SCS

    Target will have this car seat for Black Friday, at least I saw it in the ad. If you’re a red card holder it will be even cheaper!

    • Abby

      Will it go on sale tomorrow? I’m wanting this one but in a girly color lol

      • KP

        Target had this in the color Jacks at 3am but sold out already!

  6. Jaimi

    Darn! I think it’s sold out!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      BUMMER! Thanks for letting us know!

  7. Suree

    I couldn’t find it. They’re all $200 +

  8. kristy

    Had it in my cart and it sold out before I could purchase 🙁

  9. Abby

    Does anyone know if target will offer different colors on this for Black Friday or just the black one?

  10. Kristy

    Back in stock and I got one!!!

  11. Ashley

    It is back up! I got 2!

  12. Crystie

    I got up at 3am to get this from Target and it was already sold out. Thank you for posting!! We are having twins in January and this made my day 😊

  13. Amber

    Won’t work for me either 🙁 This is a doorbuster at target tonight though!

  14. Emilia K Weber

    SOLD OUT 🙁

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Darn! Thanks for the heads up! The post has been expired!

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