FREE Halo Top Ice Cream Coupon (Print AND Redeem on September 22nd Only)

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Starting September 22nd at 12:01 a.m. EDT, hop on over here and score a coupon for a FREE Pint of Halo Top Ice Cream available only while supplies last.

This coupon will be redeemable only on Saturday, September 22nd, 2018, at major retailers nationwide that carry Halo Top (limit one pint per customer only).

This coupon offer will be available to all U.S. residents except in the following states: CA, CO, KS, LA, NV, TN and WI.

There is a different offer for those of you living in the excluded states mentioned above!

Although residents of CA, CO, KS, LA, NV, TN and WI are ineligible to receive a free dairy product, you will be able to score a coupon for a FREE dairy-free & vegan-friendly Halo Top Pint at retailers nationwide on September 22nd! Click here for details.

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onlinements 118

  1. Katie

    This is a crock of crap!!! Same happened to me! onlinee back on sept 22….refresh and then “Gone!” ..So maddening!

  2. Pat R

    What a waste of time. I have never tried it and now I never will. Talent i is a delicious Gelato.

    • Danielle

      So because you didn’t get your free coupon, you’re done with the brand? That’s silly.

      • Jimothy Gardner

        Well, if you see how the onlinepany’s been handling this event, it’s pretty reasonable not to buy their product (disregarding anything related to the promotion, deleting onlinements on Facebook about it, etc). Their ice cream taste like trash anyway, so who gives?

  3. Ruby

    I still cannot get my coupon also and it is 11:24 CST here! 🙁

  4. gotcha !!

    The free coupon link didnt work but “buy halo online” link works as quick as anything….lol. no thanks halo

  5. Sarah

    Total waste of time! Try Enlightened’s Red Velvet instead! 😋

  6. Debbie

    Really!?! At 12:01 a.m. PST, I began trying to get the coupon. Then, at 12:22 a.m. PST, I get the message that “free pint offer” is no longer available! Very disappointing Halotop!

  7. Debbie in PA

    Well, their facebook page seems to be blowing up with mad customers. LOL! This one is going to blow up in their face. I haven’t read that anyone got a coupon. I prefer Enlightened’s products anyway, but i did like the pumpkin.

    • Strongstorm

      I got the coupon tho! It’s actually at 12:01 est not edt

  8. Daniel

    Pathetic Whimpy marketing Disater!

  9. gotcha !!

    Accord to fb they change it, & opened the freebie offer hrs ago…

  10. El in NY

    What a ripoff! 12:36AM EST and it says “coupon no longer available”. I won’t be buying this product anymore. Cheap trick!!!

  11. cindy

    I wanted to try but im ok cuz i doubt i would have liked it. I like full fat clog ur arteries kind of ice cream. Besides i saw a onlinement earlier today that someone posted about it being almost powdery and i nearly threw up. Lol.

    • *Angela-Miles*

      Hahahahha thanks for the laugh. Guess I’m a fat clog ur arteries person too then LOL 😉

      • Lisa Howard

        I think it’s terrible that 15 minutes after midnight that the coupon was expired.
        If halo top is going to advertise the free halo ice cream than they should keep the coupon up though the 22nd since it starts redeem only on September 22nd.. I buy 6 or 7 pints of halo ice cream every week because my family enjoys it, but I am now going to change our brand.
        Scam artist.

  12. Marie

    I almost feel sorry for them, but when you have a promotion that goes viral like that, you have to (as a onlinepany) prepare for the volume. Too bad they handled this so badly. I’ve been reading that they released it early and it was gone before the official time. Yikes!

  13. Pcosta0913

    onlineplete scam! I was on the site at 12:00-12:30am. It prompted me to onlinee back on September 22. I checked a little while ago and it it said they were all claimed. I’ll stick with non dairy Ben and Jerry’s. I’m big on brands that done mislead and lie to their customers.

    • Lulu

      Eastern time?

  14. Nadine

    Ha ha we all fell for that one. Wait for days and click on at 12.01 get halo page that moves you around for a bit and then you get the out of coupons. Now how many spam email are we going to get?

  15. adrianne

    I was able to print a coupon on 9/21 for a free pint on 9/22.

  16. Ashley

    No thanks Halo!! Not cool. They need to put some coupons in the Smart Source now. Something!!

  17. Steve

    5 am and no longer available

  18. Jill

    did they make like 5 free coupons available ? this is the most ridiculous campaign…. how is it that the minute they go live they’re gone ?

  19. TVs


  20. pam thornton

    ridiculous! I just remembered this morning that this offer was available, nope all gone! THANKS ALOT HALO! After surviving Hurricane Florence here in Swansboro, NC, this would have been a nice treat!

    • Joo

      It’s ok

  21. kelly

    I was able to print this yesterday. Yeah!

  22. Lyle

    Wow this is gone already

    • Jennifer (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Darn! Thanks for the heads up, Lyle!

  23. Alison Matalanis

    Expired! 🙁

  24. karyn

    I wish they would have a cute little online game to play to ‘win’ a free one instead of how these promos always end up with a mad scramble of trying to get thru and then being goine in a minute.. my store prob wouldnt have this flavor in stock anyway…and profably wouldnt have honored the “free’ coupon. but they got the internet talking about their product for the last couple of weeks so they got something out of it. grumble grumble. back to bed.

  25. annie

    Geeze Louise people, you’d think they were giving away a free car. Lighten up, It’s only ice cream. Under $4.00. The remarks on here are mind boggling. Stuff happens. I’m sure they got hit with thousands and thousands of requests. (And I’m sure they had a LIMIT too).
    Life is too short to be mad at Halo and calling it a scam. This is hurtful to a business. SMH

  26. Georgette DuBois

    I went to the website and sent them this:

    Halo Top, you’ve got a lot of nerve.

    After hyping this offer, it beonlinees “unavailable” with no explanation. My daughter and I were looking forward to trying Halo Top. I went online last night to print out the coupon for your generous offer and saw this:

    “Well, that escalated quickly. The free pint offer is no longer available. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of ice cream to go around and you can still enjoy the return of Halo Top® Pumpkin Pie now until the end of November by visiting select retail stores nationwide.”

    That’s really nice of you to let us know we can buy the stuff. I hope you realize the damage you’ve done to your public relations. Not a smart move.

  27. Abby

    Thanks Halo Top for continuously giving us coupons. We’ve had chance for many free pints! Great product! Simmer people! It’s only a pint and Halo Top can’t give away the farm every day. There will be more. We’re lucky Halo Top is around for us ice cream lovers. Stop with the negativity. Enjoy the day. Enjoy your family and friends. Enjoy life. There will be plenty more ice cream. Be grateful for what you have.

  28. Jane

    For all of you that are upset about this Halo Top fiasco, please load the Wendy’s app and go get your 50c Frosty plus a FREE 1/2 Fall chicken salad today! My FREE salad coupon loaded early this morning (right after I saw my email icon for my free Halo Top was GONE) and hubby and I both claimed our Wendy’s deal asap today, as promised on the 22nd! It was delicious too! I know it is not Keto or as healthy as the other ice cream….but if you need to have your freebie fix of the day….this is it. I also see the free salad will be available until 9-30 just like the free Dave’s single is! *app coupon says: “ANY” free 1/2 salad, yet the woman taking orders said it is really just the new Fall one. That’s OK too….I will make lemonade out of these lemons we were tossed today!

    • MyKeshea

      Thank you so much for posting about the free salad at Wendy’s. My husband and I are on our way there for lunch. 🎉🎉

  29. Jaime

    Jane you have a great attitude! I will go and pick up my Wendy’s salad today. That sounds delicious! No sense in getting angry and worked up over missing out on a 4 dollar pint of ice cream for free. I will not have an entitled mentality and let things like this upset me! It’s such a waste of energy!

  30. Ellen McKerley

    Hello I don’t think this was fair to everyone! I checked at 6 a.m. EST to get a coupon and they were already gone! So I felt I didn’t have a chance! So I could buy one no problem.

  31. Lulu

    lol if you all had read the website, coupons became available at 12:01am on the 22nd EASTERN TIME and there were only a LIMITED amount. So you should have looked then, not this morning. I have also been hearing of this campaign for over a month, so highly anticipated and important to be on at the beginning of the release.

  32. Dana Edwards

    It was a huge scam. They didn’t say how many they were giving. It was probably like 1 or 10 or some pointlessly low number. Plus they’re printable free item coupons so no one will accept them. Not one single person on here managed to procure a coupon. As far as we can tell the coupon doesn’t exist at all. for anyone. Just. a. scam. sorry we were all duped, friends.

    • adrianne

      several people here did get coupons. some even got them on 9/21.

    • Lulu

      10,000 coupons it said on their website if you read it.

  33. Dana Edwards

    If you email the onlinepany you might get some satisfaction.

    Hi Dana,

    Thanks for reaching out and sorry for any inconvenience. We accidentally leaked our website link for free pints early and by 12 am EDT, we were out of coupons. We’d love to make things right by offering you a coupon for a free pint. All we’d need is your mailing address and we’ll get that sent out your way!



  34. karyn

    From HaloTop facebk pg:

    “…You’d think this was our first giveaway or something.
    Long story short: we accidentally leaked our website link for free pints early and by 12 am EST, we were out of coupons. We’re pretty embarrassed, so we’re going to host an additional giveaway on our social channels this Wednesday and give out 5,000 free pint coupons. We love our fans and stay tuned for more free ice cream! …”

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Thanks for sharing!

  35. Marie

    I facebooked Halo and shoutout to them for their customer service. They sent me a bunch of coupons for free pints!

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