Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (9/3/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 84

  1. Janey

    Have: 2 Share A Coke Bottles w/ free shipping, want $3 Amazon
    Have: Free AMC Large drink and Large popcorn ex 9-30-18, want $1 Amazon code each
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes ex 10-11-18, want $1.50 Amazon or $2 Itunes/Baskin Robbins for each code
    Have: Shutterfly Magnets ex 9-30-18, want 1 coke code for each magnet code
    Also interested in Target, Starbucks, Itunes, and Baskin Robbins GCs
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  2. Nicole


    *$10 promo codes for in-store use at Gymboree (have 5 that expire 9/5)

    *$10 off $50 LTD onlinemodities

    *25 Coke codes

    *$6 iTunes

    Open to any offer except Shutterfly. Please leave your email if interested in trading. Thank you!

    • Jefferysgirls

      I have a $6 fandango redeem by 9-8 but can go to a movie later than that to trade for iTunes if interested Jefferysgirls at hotmail dot online

    • Kipp

      Can trade PayPal Brittanykayeslater (at) icloud (dot) online

    • K

      I can use the coke codes
      Please email me

  3. Bunny

    DSW $10 off $25/$20 off $99/$60 off $199 good 9/6 – 10/8
    DSW Free Overnighter with $59 purchase starting 9/6

    No trade necessary. Leave email if interested.

  4. 5boys4me

    Hi guys, I’m looking for a Wayfair first time customer email code or other % off promo code. If someone has one to spare I’d really appreciate it. Happy Monday!!! [email protected]

    • sam

      I mailed you

  5. RadMom3

    I have $25/$25 Chico’s coupon. Looking for kohls cash or amazon. email me at [email protected]

  6. Kelly

    I have a $20 LeapFrog digital download card that we never used and now we no longer have LeapPads. Can anyone use this? Email [email protected]

    • Kelly


  7. Tia

    Hi, this might not be the right place to ask but would like help on how Kohl’s cash works with coupons with the $10 off $25 and 20% off. I have $40 Kohl’s cash and want to buy something for $55, can anyone help me figure out how much this will cost with the $10 off $25 and 20% off since I don’t know if takes Kohl’s cash off first or last—-thanks!

    • Ann

      My experience has been that they will take the Kohls cash off first. Then any $ off coupons and then finally any % off coupons.
      So in this scenario they may tell you that you haven’t spent enough to qualify to use the $10 off $25 coupon.
      $15 doesn’t qualify for the $10 off of $25 so skips straight to the 20% off = so -$3= $12 out of pocket.
      Try it online in a cart to see what happens. You may find it best to add something extra that costs $10 since that $10 item will basically be free.
      Hope that helps.

      • Tia

        Thanks for clearing that up for me—-all these promos/coupons/discounts get confusing!!!

  8. hip2trade

    Have enfamil checks to trade, good through October 31. $20 worth. hip2trade @ gmail

  9. Pinkrazrbrd

    Looking for $15 similac checks have amazon pinkrazrbrd3 at gmail dot online

  10. Denille

    $25 off $250 at Lowes
    AMC Free Large Popcorn and Free Large Drink
    Free Graze Box (must be new customer)
    $25 off $50 Orvis (full price items)
    20% off OshKosh
    20% off Carters
    15% off Carters
    15% off Budget (In Canada)
    $20 off $200 Wayfair expires Sept 5th
    10% off Wayfair (must be new customer)
    Shutterfly 40% off regular priced merchandise
    Shutterfly Free 8×8 Photo Book or Reusable Shopping Bag (PG) expires Sept 30th
    Shutterfly Free Pencil Case or 5×8 Notebook (Kelloggs) expires Sept 30th
    Tiny Prints $25 off expires 10/31/18
    $50 off first 2 boxes of Hello Fresh
    $240 off Casper Mattress
    Email me with what you are interested in and lets trade! I am interested in Amazon, Kohl’s cash/rewards, Free Bath and Body Works (if willing to mail), open to other offers.
    [email protected]

  11. Rocio

    Hello! If you got the 60% off reg price coupon from Joann & not using it, can you forward to me, thanks in advance! email [email protected]

    • Ann

      Just forwarded you the one they texted me.

    • martha

      Hope it’s not too late I just emailed it too you

  12. Becca

    Have iTunes gc looking for kohls cash email is bebe066 at yahoo

    • Becca

      Email is bebe0600 at yahoo dot online

  13. Alicia

    2 $20 off $50 purchase Victoria Secret Rewards Cards
    Would be willing to trade almost anything except Shutterfly.
    Please email me at [email protected]

    • Alicia

      Victoria Secret Rewards codes good Sept 6-19, 2018

  14. Pauline


    – 2 Eddie Bauer $10 gift certificates (exp 09/26, 10/8)
    – 3 AMC 1 large popcorn & 1 free large drink (exp 09/30)
    – $6 FandangoNow code (exp 10/11)
    – $25 Live Nation concert tickets
    – BOGO Baskin Robbins coupon exp 9/12

    Looking for preferably Amazon, Target or other gift cards, paypal, Kohl’s cash, JCP rewards or any other offers. Thanks!
    Pls email: [email protected]

  15. Andreaa83

    I have a Chuck E Cheese’s guest pass card I would like to trade. With you card you get 1 large pizza, 4 soft drinks and 30 play points or tokens. My kids are a little older and don’t seem very interested in going. if interested please email me at livandlansmama @ .

    • Kellie

      very interested

  16. Brittany

    Enfamil checks to trade
    20% off DSW
    20% off crazy 8
    20% off Gymboree
    $2 off Dr Smith’s Rash cream (does not have a limit, I have several!)

    Open to all offers
    Brittanykayeslater (at) icloud (dot) online

    • Denille

      Hey Brittany, just checking to be sure you got my end of the trade the other day?

      • Brittany

        I did! Thank you.

    • Megan

      Denille, did you receive anything in return from Brittany? Just wondering because she ghosted me after I sent my end of the trade several days ago

  17. Edy

    I know this for trading but thought you all like to know that cvs has their summer clearance 75% off yesterday I checked not tagged lunch boxes reg 9.99 $2.49 toys cups beach mat coolers not all the big ones just check price at scanner

  18. Roxy

    For trade:

    Dunkin Donuts free medium beverage exp 10/2
    $2 ITunes gc
    Cinemark 1 month free
    4 sets of Shutterfly coasters
    2 Eddie Bauer $10 gift certificates
    2 AMC 1 large popcorn and free drink
    Shutterfly free pencil case exp 09/20
    $10 off $75 Puma (exp 09/12)

    Looking for amazon, Walmart, Target or other small value gift cards, kohls cash, paypal or other offers. Thanks.
    [email protected]

  19. Patricia

    UFT: gymboree 10$,
    Coke codes

    ISO: small amazon gift cards or you name your trade

    [email protected]

  20. Megan

    Denille, did you receive anything in return from Brittany? Just wondering because she ghosted me after I sent my end of the trade several days ago

    • Brittany

      I replied asking for your email. Will send now if you have it?

    • Denille

      Megan, she is supposed to send mine in the mail. *crosses fingers*
      I would email her and message her on here again. If she has an outstanding trade she does need to make it right.

      • Brittany

        Thank you so much! I did mail it!!

    • Megan

      Brittany, my email was in the original email I sent you. Please send the $2 PayPal to megananderson14 at I will update this if I receive anything from her or not.

      • Brittany

        Should be there! I wasn’t sure because my email is different on paypal!

    • Megan

      Okay she just sent it, thank you!

  21. Kipp

    ISO 2 six flags tickets
    Similac Checks to trade (4 x $5)
    Enfamil checks to trade (12 x $5)
    20% off DSW
    20% off crazy 8
    20% off groupon
    20% off Gymboree
    $2 off Dr Smith’s Rash cream (does not have a limit, I have several!)

    • Kipp

      Also have:
      $15 off $50 buy buy baby
      20% off buy buy baby
      20% off bed bath and beyond
      20% off American eagle
      10% crate and barrel
      10% off Dick’s online
      15% off justice online
      15% off Kohl’s online
      10% DSW

  22. Bunny

    I have numerous 20% Bed Bath & Beyond–No trade necessary

    OshKosh 20% off $40 purchase Online Code OKBG3477 (this is not a unique code–anyone can use it!)
    Carter’s 20% off $40 purchase Online Code CART 4177 (this is not a unique code–anyone can use it!)

  23. Elizabeth Bennett 25% off code- 9NTG5J5LQ

    Just post if you use. Thank you

  24. Anne

    I have a $10 off 20 Staples coupon for trade. Looking for small gc amounts at CVS, Target, Walmart, Amazon, Starbucks, DD, Sears/Kmart, etc. or free shipping at Eddie Bauer.

    • Kevin

      I’m interested in your staples coupon. Email me at [email protected]

      • Anne

        H Kevin,

        Just sent you an e-mail.

  25. Ebony

    Redemption Code: VCRRYPB8TMVDX6WE

    1. Go to
    2. Enter promo code and submit
    3. Log in or sign up for a Vudu account (it’s FREE!)
    4. Credit value will be applied to your Crazy Rich Asians preorder

  26. Mary

    HAVE: (ten) $10 Gymboree codes (must use in-store)
    EXPIRES: 9-05-18
    TRADING FOR: $0.75each in Starbucks GC, Amazon GC or Paypal
    PLEASE EMAIL ME: mchanoi at hotmail dot online

  27. Shilpa


    $5/15 ULTA brand

    $30/60 ergobaby

    Crayola 15/30, 10/25

    Carters $10 fun cash, 30%off birthday code

    Old navy $30 and $10 super cash,

    Children place cash

    Chewy 15/49

    Shutterfly pencil case, 8×11 book, 8×8 book, shopping bag, $25

    Looking for gc, but let me know if you have anything else to trade ( no vs coupons please )
    please e-mail me
    [email protected]

  28. Momof2

    Uft: $10 gymboree in store
    Iso: enfamil checks
    Email me offers. Asiangirl223 at

  29. Jefferysgirls

    $6 off fandango code redeem by 9/8 even if for movie after that date
    3 – $20 off $50 vs cards use 9/6-9/19
    Will trade for almost anything but no Shutterfly or little kid stores, I have teens 🙂

    • Jefferysgirls

      Jefferysgirls at hotmail dot online

    • Jefferysgirls

      One vs card has been traded and the fandango code has been traded.

      • ann

        Thanks for the trade!

  30. Lauren

    I have:
    NY&C City Cash $15 off $30 exp today
    $10 off $40 Childrens Place exp 9/7
    $10 off $20 school supplies in-store at Staples exp 9/7
    $25 off first 2 boxes & free shipping for HelloFresh

    Looking for Kohls Cash, Amazon, or make an offer. Email lrng1416 at gmail

    • Danielle

      Did you receive coke codes yet?

  31. Nor

    -AMC large popcorn and drink
    -Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    -VS free panty, $25/$125, 20% off one item, 40% off Pj (works on top of sale prices)
    -Shutterfly (8×8 Photo Book, Pencil case, Notebook, Art Print, Luggage tag or Playing cards, Mousepad or Notepad, Magnets)
    Looking for Gift Card (Target, Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, itunes), kohls cash or pepsi codes. Email duranna79 at gmail dot online

  32. Pinkrazrbrd

    Yes I’m needing 3 more

    • Danielle

      I sent you 3.

  33. Melissa

    I’m looking for Kohl’s cash, Victoria’s Secret codes, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks etc.
    * (3) $10 Gymboree promo codes
    * $50 Ambercrombie Kids promo code
    * 1 day Six Flaggs admission
    *Walgreens $5 gc
    * Chevron $5 gc
    * several coke codes
    * pencil case (Shutterfly)
    [email protected]
    Also have several 20% codes for Gymboree anyone can have

  34. Nan

    I have 3 Gymboree in-store $10 off any amount codes to trade! Would like $2 Amazon for each one please. Email n.hetzman at

  35. Nancy

    Does anyone have a Wayfair coupon available?

  36. SD

    Does anyone have a Home depot coupon? Can you please send it to me at [email protected] or you can send the trading information on my email plz. We just moved and need to buy stuff from Home Depot. They won’t honor lowes coupon as the item is on clearance!

  37. sara

    anyone have Hanna Andersson 20% off code?

  38. DD

    Does anyone have the $10 code for Hanna Andersson they aren’t going to use? I would appreciate it!! Thanks! If so, I will send email to get it.

  39. Trish

    If you need a $20 off $50 coupon for Wayfair, please send me an email and i’ll send one right away. trishanax3 at gmail dot online.

  40. Denille

    Does anyone have a code for JCPenny? I think I am about to buy a washer, would need the code as soon as possible. Let me know what you have [email protected]

    • Denille

      Thank you to everyone who wrote me trying to help. I actually found a better deal on Sears so I think I will worry with purchasing it tomorrow. So I no longer need JCPenny, but if you have any discounts for Sears I will be interested. Even interested in gift cards to KMart as they could be used there as well.
      Thank you! Will check in tomorrow!

      • Ann

        Do you have a Shop Your Way account? There are usually some big money coupons on there for Sears & Kmart – especially for appliances.

        • Denille

          Yes I do, thank you. Sadly the coupons for those are for Kenmore and we are wanting an LG.

  41. Sam

    Have a $10 Gymboree promo for in store only expires 9/5. If you can use it leave your email and I will send it your way.

  42. Patricia

    Thank u 🙂

    • K

      Need coke codes
      Movie passes
      20.00 off 40.00 dsw
      10.00 off 20,00 staples
      please email me thanks

  43. Tammy Mauk

    I have 2 10.00 promo codes for Gymboree.
    I have $25/$25 at Chicos.
    I have Justice cash $25 off $50 Sept 11-24.
    Email me if you have something to trade. I am open.

  44. Mommyof5

    If anyone has any gymboree coupons they wont be using. I’ll love to have them. Thank you in advance. mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

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