Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer Unit Only 25¢ at Dollar General (Just Use Your Phone)
Head on over to DollarGeneral.online or open the Dollar General App and clip a digital coupon to save $3/1 Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer – valid through 9/29 (limit one).
Got a quarter? Grab this easy peasy deal…
Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer $3.25
Use the $3/1 Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer digital coupon (expires 9/29; limit one)
Final cost only 25¢!

Hip Tip: There are a few different Febreze coupons available to clip this week so be sure and look specifically for the $3/1 Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer digital coupon like the one pictured above.
(Thanks Paul!)