Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (8/9/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 75

  1. hip2trade

    Uft: $10 Gymboree code, online
    $10 Naturalizer.
    $5 DSW Reward.
    $10 Victoria’s Secret code for angel cardholders.
    20% Disney
    20% Gymboree
    10% Best Buy, expires August 31st

    • hip2trade

      hip2trade @ gmail

      • Laura

        I’m interested in your VS 10 coupon, what are you looking to trade it for?

    • hip2trade

      Hi Laura, can you email me? Thanks

      • Laura

        I did, let me know if you don’t get it.

      • Laura

        I don’t know if you got my email, if not email me at [email protected]

    • hip2trade

      I haven’t seen any mail yet…

      • Laura

        I sent two, if interested please email me. Email in previous onlinements. Thanks.

  2. AmyW

    Up for trade: $15 off at IKEA, plus a free meatball entree. Valid thru 8/31.

    Interested in diaper coupons, kid stuff, etc.

    • Sana

      I’m interested. Please email me sanatauseef at gmail dot online

    • Sara

      Hi, I’m interested in it. I have a coupon book with baby related stuff.

      • Sara

        Sabayreddy at Gmail. online

    • AmyW

      Still available

      • Danielle L Watts

        is it off of a minimum purchase?

  3. Lynn

    Good Morning!
    *10 off $10+ Finishline code, exp. 8/31/18
    * 25% off William Sonoma & free shipping code
    ASSORTED VS codes, exp. 8/20/18: *Free panty with purchase code
    *$10 off $40 purchase code
    *$25 off $125 purchase code
    *50% off Shutterfly code, exp. 8/11/18

    Email fair offers only please. No photo.
    lynn1015 @

  4. Resuht l

    Hi I have 10$ chukee cheeses reward.
    2$ x 2 dunk in donuts.
    Iso for jcp,khols or please send me offers.
    Interested email me at [email protected]

  5. Mommy2Bear

    Staples $5 off $25 8/11 (in store)
    Staples $10 off $10 8/11 (in store)
    Children’s place $5 8/27
    20% off Google Express 8/26
    AMC large soda 9/30

    Open to offers. No Shutterfly
    [email protected]

  6. Jill

    What the crap is going on with hotmail???????

    • countrygal

      My hotmail is working but I only use it for when I order freebies, etc. nothing important. I feel your pain though, I use to use it for everything, not anymore. I switched to gmail. For some reason hotmail wouldn’t work for me, I called and that was just a waste of time. You might want to switch to another email. I know its a pain but oh, it is so worth all the trouble. Good luck

  7. Mommyofboys

    Looking for stage coupons that expire today. If anyone has any that they will not be using. I would greatly appreciate the share. Thank you In advance. sxy_ns_chic at yahoo dot online

  8. tamra

    I have a $10 off Gymboree coupon for instore purchase I’d like to trade for Eddie Bauer $10 off coupon thanks tranch51 at gmail dot online

    • Lolie

      I have and Eddie Bauer $10 off. No trade needed, emailing it to you.

  9. Dealzgurl

    Does anyone know how to get Home Depot coupons? I saw some being sold on eBay but I couldn’t figure out the source of the coupons. Thanks!

    • jennifer Patire

      I got a 10% off in the mail for my change of address move.

    • Laura Lynn

      Sign up for the Pro Account. If you have not signed up for an account you will see the box to check as you are signing up. If you have already signed up then you should still be able to sign up for the Pro Account from within your account. The Pro Account is NOT a credit card more of a business account with extra benefits. If not signed up you will get Welonlinee to Home Depot email and then later an email with a coupon.

      [email protected]

  10. MT

    I have $10 Gymboree promo codes (x3) and 20% off Gymboree promo codes (x2). Looking for Amazon or T-Mobile DD codes

    madefortrades @ yahoo . online

  11. Wendy

    Shutterfly free pencil case or 5×8 notebook:
    promo code: KEC2-63UZ-MDZZ-SBR533
    Offer ends 9/30/18.

    • alice

      Not by me… but this has already been used.
      THANK YOU very much for sharing anyway.
      If anyone has an extra pencil case I would really appreciate the share… THANK YOU
      [email protected]

  12. Darlene

    I have a $6 Fandango movie code for Teen titan Go or any other Warner Bros movie and needs to be used by 9/30/18.Would like to trade for Amazon gift card.please sent message to momof3darly@gmail if interested.thank,s.

  13. MT

    Free Shutterfly magnets (x4):

    Free Shutterfly photo book:

  14. Alex

    I have a half off grande of larger Starbucks express- would love trade for a Dunkin Donuts

    • Alex

      Email is angelkiss0927 at aol if interested- thanks!

  15. Janey

    Have: Shutterfly Magnets ex 9-30-18, want 1 coke code for each magnet code
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes ex 10-11-18, want $1.50 Amazon for each code
    Also interested in Target and Starbucks GC’s, Dunkin Donuts
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  16. Sam

    Anyone have a Redbox code for a DVD? Could offer some coke caps for trade.

    Couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online


  17. matt

    Anyone have a 20% off google express code they aren’t using?
    amidala184 at gmail dot online

    • Shil

      Sent you one on email.

  18. 417bmcatee

    Free for anyone that can use….
    Shutterfly Free 8X10 Art Print expires 9/30/18 from Destination Maternity Perks: DE9X-DH56-8WJC-96XADE
    Shutterfly 10 Free Cards expires 12/31/18 from Destination Maternity Perks: DEAA-4DSK-HMKS-49NJ77
    Shutterfly $25 to shop baby cards expires 9/30/18 from Destination Maternity Perks: DE9N-B25G-CVK9-WUWGKU
    Step2 take 20% off your next order: S2TTO718

  19. Samantha

    Ibotta code: dmaicyu

    • ZUNI

      What was this code for?

  20. Kase120

    I have 10 off 10 at staples, looking for pepsi codes. [email protected]

    • Hearher

      How u get into your hotmail

  21. countrygal

    Anyone have a Shutterfly code for 10 free cards? Don’t have anything to trade, sorry.
    gaylesgifts at

    • Bunny

      See 417bmcatee’s post above. Hopefully someone hasn’t used it yet!

      • countrygal

        It was already used. Thanks for letting me know though.

    • Alex


      • countrygal

        Thanks so much.

  22. Ashley

    I have a wayfair coupon if anyone needs one! Email me at surveysingh at gmail dot online 😎

  23. alice

    Looking for shutterfly free pencil case if anyone has an extra…
    I have a Coke 12 pack can code if you would like.
    THANK YOU in advance! [email protected]

    • JoAnne

      Sent you one.

      • alice

        THANK YOU!!!
        I replied with your Kmart.

        THANK YOU!!!!

  24. Cfosh

    Could someone possibly text me a pic of Kohls 30% off barcode? I have online code but would like to shop in store. I will happily repay you with one in return when I get!

    • Helping

      Do you have the Kohls App? You can put the code in your wallet on the kohls app and it will give you a barcode that you can present in store.

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Hi there! If you download the app and log in to your Kohl’s account, you can add an item to your cart and then enter in the online code for 30% off. This code will then be attached to your account and you can go to your coupons tab in the app where you can find a scannable 30% off coupon there. Hope that helps!

    • Cfosh

      Thank you so much, I never knew you could do that! I always hated that I could use any code online but could not use in store….Thanks again!



  26. Jennifer

    Looking for Old Navy Super Cash by email only.

    Have 10% off home Depot in store to trade

  27. Momof3boyz

    Please looking for Shutterfly codes for a pencil case from Kellogg’s and from Jo-ann’s. please email me at qtknee329 at yahoo dot online

    • JoAnne

      Sent email

  28. L

    I’m looking for staples $10 off $10 if has one that they are not going to use. My email is [email protected]

  29. Laura Lynn

    I have a Home Depot 10% off PAINTS PRIMERS & STAINS only.
    Please note it EXPIRES 8/13/18 next MONDAY.

    NO traded needed. [email protected]

  30. Brittney Meyer

    I have a $50 American girl doll reward. Will trade for VS.

    • NP

      Hi!! What’s your email address, please?

  31. Anne

    I have a $5 off 25 at Staples to trade. Expires Aug 11. Looking for Coke or Pepsi codes.

  32. Leslie

    Free 8×8 shutterfly book….Expires 11/30

    • ami

      thank you!

  33. Danielle L Watts

    is it off of a minimum purchase?

    • Laura Lynn

      Are you asking about Home Depot. It does not mention minimum purchase only Max Discount of $200. Also in store only.

      [email protected]

  34. Julie I.

    Shutterfly 40% off – one regular priced item (exp. 10/14/18)

  35. Niya

    Hi, if anyone has extra Kelloggs Pencil case or Notepad code, please send me to : niyadeals at gmail. I haven’t received one from Kelloggs 🙁 Thank you!

  36. Kelsie

    anyone have a kohls coupon for noncardholders? or know where i could get one? thanks!

  37. alissa landerer

    Hi. I am looking for a 20% off American Girl coupon. I am happy to trade for a $5 Target or Amazon g.c. or $5 kohls cash (good now and expires 8/21), or let me know what you are looking for. Thanks. [email protected]

  38. Amanda

    I have a $10 Eddie Bauer Gift Certficate expires 8/22. Looking for $5 Target GC or food GC (Dunkin Donut, etc). My e-mail is [email protected]

  39. Bre Guerra

    I have a 10/50 at Lowe’s (will mail)
    10% off entire order VS
    $20 Walmart giftcard
    $5 off $25 staples
    10% off Gymboree
    Dicks $10 off $50
    $15 off build a bear

    Iso VS

    • hip2trade

      Email me…hip2trade @ gmail. online

  40. Mmt721

    I have 2-$25 credits, $5 kohls cash, free 8×8 photo book, and fees notebook. Looking for amazon. [email protected]

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