Heck no! It honestly depends on the off brand. Some items are onlineparable at a lower price to their counterpart Name brand. If this brand works for you, great! Keep buying them. They just didn’t work well for us. My oldest has been doing his math homework (and other subjects, but mostly math), on the dry erase board, since 2nd grade (he’s in 11th now). I started off using the cheapie brand dry erase markers. But after a month or so, they started to fade in color (not that they were as vibrant to begin with like Expo) or totally dry out. I had bought 4 packs of Wags brand (I don’t think it was Wexford at the time), and we went through those before December. So I had to pay full price for a pack of Expo, which lasted the rest of the year, into summer and most of the next school year! So if 1 pack of store brand lasts about a month, you’re looking to pay almost the same price buying 9 boxes on sale as just paying for 1 box of Expo at the beginning of the year. Of course, being a savvy shopper, I always wait til Expo goes on sale and get a box or 2.