Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Only $49 Shipped (Regularly $79)

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Head on over to where you can score the Instant Pot LUX60 V3 6 Quart 6-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker for only $49 shipped (regularly $79).

This awesome 6-in-1 multi-functional pressure cooker can sauté, slow cook, steam, and so much more – you can even bake cakes in it! It features a large and easy to use control panel with 12 built-in smart programs and it automatically keeps your food warm for you.

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  1. kidsallgone

    How is this different than the duo one from Kohl’s? And is this one or the one from Kohl’s the best one to get? Oh and also, are either one the lowest price you think it will be (I don’t have a Kohl’s card)? Anyone? Thanks! 🌺

    • brittney6374

      Lux is the 2nd model and Duo is the 3rd. Duo can make yogurt and has a low and high pressure setting where as the Lux does not.

    • SleepyDean

      The Lux is the entry level model. Like other responder mentioned – it does not have a specific “yogurt” button but there is a work around if you are dead set on making yogurt. And it does not have a Low pressure setting. (I’ve had my Duo almost a year, I use it multiple times a week and only had one recipe call for Low pressure).
      Yes this likely the lowest you’ll see the Lux unless you stumble upon a clearance or store markdown type situation.
      The duo was just a few dollars more on Prime Day but probably won’t be that cheap until possibly Black Friday.

  2. Rti

    i got this model on Thanksgiving for $48 from walmart.. it works.. i dont need yogurt function as it needs minimum 8 hours setting.. though it doesnt hav High low pressure but its not that important as very very few recipies call for change in pressure.. however it does have 3 level settings in Saute mode..mine is working great till date..

  3. Laura

    I got my DUO from Kohl’s on Black Friday and, with all the discounts and including the Kohl’s cash, paid $47 for it. Such a great deal! If you can wait, I think you can do this well on Black Friday. There is supposedly a new and better IP onlineing soon, so the prices on these might drop as a result. Haven’t used my IP a ton, but I do love it and plan to get more into it once school starts up again. You can definitely afford to wait to get it is my point :).

    • Molly Mi

      I was wondering if all these good deals on the instant pot had to do with a newer version onlineing out. Any idea when the new one will onlinee out?

  4. 50ShadesofLipstick

    Instant Pot DUO all the way! The price difference b/w LUX and DUO if you get a good deal is minor. You use Low pressure for things like eggs, certain veggies, and fish b/c those don’t do well under High pressure. I like having the flexibility of both options, Low and High. And if you haven’t had IP yogurt then you really don’t even know what you’re missing!

    • Jamie Ries

      How do you do eggs and what is your yogurt recipe

      • 50ShadesofLipstick

        Eggs: Put the steaming rack in the IP, place eggs in center, add 1 cup water and seal. Pressure cook on Manual-Low for 8 min (you can go from about 6-14 min depending on how you like your eggs, but 8 min just sets the yolk without making it hard). When time is up, cancel, QR, remove eggs and cool in cold water, then peel.


      • Mel

        Eggs you might have to play around with. I found 8 mins at low was way to long. The yolks were overdone and the whites rubbery. After reading various PC Boiled Egg recipes, I settled on 5 mins on Low. (1 C water and place eggs on the steamer rack) When the unit beeps that time is up, hit cancel and let the pressure onlinee down naturally (not quick). Once the pin drops, open the top and using tongs, place the eggs in a bowl of cold water. After a few mins, peel. The shell should slide right off. I usually cook 6-8 every few days.

        • 50ShadesofLipstick

          Yes, that’s why I said 6-14 min depending on one’s preference. But if your eggs were overdone at 8 min on Low, then I would bet that it was b/c you did an NPR instead of a QR. The latter prevents them from continuing to cook.

  5. Jori McCullough

    I purchased the 6qt duo during the Kohl’s sale but not sure if I’m going to keep it. I have the 5qt lux with 2 inserts and I’m a single woman with no live at home kids. When I do cook for them, it’s not from the instant pot. Decisions, decisions. I only use my 5qt 2-3 times a week maybe.

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