Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (7/13/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 73

  1. Ebony

    1.25 off redbox DWACW76L

    • Jjae

      Has already been used.

  2. Samantha Gunter

    Redbox $1.25 off


    • Jjae

      Has already been used.

  3. Emily

    I have the tmobile $2 baskin robins and 3 months of free sirius xm. Both need to be redeemed by 7-15.

    • MT

      Are you looking for anything specific to trade?

      madefortrades @ yahoo . online

      • Emily

        Kind of hoping for kohls cash, but am open to other things!

    • Ebony

      I’m interested in the baskin robins. Please email me [email protected]

    • Emily

      Baskin robins is gone

  4. MT

    Shell code

    • Mary

      I used the code. Thank you!!

  5. Jen Eagar

    $15 build a bear coupon for trade

  6. Jana

    I have American girl %20 off code , I’m looking for Amazon Gc
    Email jhrbi87 @ Gmail. online

    • KB

      I have a 20% off $50. Would you like it?

      • KB

        Sorry, just realized I onlinemented on the wrong post.

  7. K

    Need staples coupons quickly
    30.00 off 60.00
    Or 5.00 off 10.00

    • Esdeyna

      I have staples 10/20 looking for $5.00 ppl/0r Kohl’s GC email my

      • Thanks will you consider taking 3.00


        • Esdeyna

          Sure ppl F&F and I will email the code right away MST

          • K

            Email me please for onlinemunication

        • Esdeyna

          I send an email to you with promo code , and send the $3.00 to PPL

          • K

            Did not used I don’t have paypal

    • Erin K.

      I have a $30 off 60 coupon. Looking for small PayPal or Amazon gc.

    • Anne

      Hi K,

      I have a $5 off $10 Staples coupon. Are you still interested?

      • K

        Bear to email me I don’t have PayPal

  8. Kay

    Anyone have a $40 off $100 under armour coupon. Please and thank you. [email protected]

    • Esdeyna

      I do have one tray for Target/Kohl’s GC
      /PPl For $5.00

  9. Ann

    Staples $25 off $75 by phone or online good (not in store) thru Saturday
    20% off $50+ American Girl expires 7/31 (might be 1st order only)
    Coke & Pepsi Caps
    Bertucci’s $15 off $30 expires 7/22
    Shutterfly $25 off (Visa Checkout)
    Panera gift card
    Beauty Brands $10 off $20 -not valid of Bumble, clearance and a few other restrictions
    AMC drinks/popcorn/tickets

    Looking for
    Regal Cinema tickets/giftcards
    Hot Topic Hot Cash.
    Fandango Movie tickets/giftcards (Already have the Atom code)
    CVS, Starbucks, Amazon, or Target gift cards

    mascaret at

  10. Pauline


    – Three $2 each Baskin Robbins gift card (exp 07/15)
    – $10 Kohls cash (exp 07/18)
    – 20% off VS coupon in store & online (exp 08/01)
    – Free 3 month Sirius XM (exp 07/15)
    – $25 off Alterations at Men’s Wearhouse (exp 07/15)

    Looking to trade these for preferably Amazon, Target, Walmart gift cards, Paypal, Kohls Cash, JCpenny rewards or any other offers except Shutterfly. Thanks!
    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

    • Pauline

      Also, have AMC ticket.

  11. karen

    $10 victoria secret reward to use with angel card. looking for small value dunkin/starbucks/amazon/ target. email amidala184 at gmail dot online

  12. Mmt721

    I have $40/100 under armor code, 25% off Disney store online order, 10% off best buy order, 8×8 photo book, and the $15 build a bear coupon if you weren’t able to sign up and get it. Looking for amazon or target, will consider other options. [email protected]

  13. MT

    Emily, can you email me? madefortrades @ yahoo . online

    No spaces

  14. C

    I am looking for an American girl coupon. I would really appreciate if someone can give me one even though I have nothing to trade. Thanks. My email is [email protected]

    • Heidi

      They have a coupon on their webpage tight now

    • KB

      I have a 20% off $50. Would you like it?

      • G

        Hi KB,
        I would like the %20 ff code , and really appreciate it
        Email gaby04019 @gmail. online

  15. Mommyofboys

    Hello I am in need of a $10 off $20 staples if someone will not be using and could share the code with me I would greatly appreciate it. sxy_ns_chic at gmail dot online

    • Julie

      Have you got a $10 off $20 coupon code yet? I have one.

  16. km

    Walmart 10 % off online
    Disney 25% off
    Bed bath and beyond 20% off and $10 off $30 entire purchase
    Big lots 20% off $25
    Pier 1 imports 15% off
    Lowe’s 10% off 12% off
    Wayfair 10% off
    ISO: PayPal, Walmart, target ,Amazon or Pm me for any other offers.
    Thanks !!

  17. Ron

    Have three $2 Baskin Robbins gift card, $15 off Build a bear coupon &15% off Kohls coupon expiring 07/14, that I would like to trade for any Target, Amazon, Best buy, Walmart gift cards, paypal, Kohls cash, Jc penney rewards or any other offers. No shutterfly pls. Thanks.

    Email: email2rohitsas at gmail dot online

  18. Denille

    $1.25 off Redbox DJN3DK64
    Please onlinement when used

    • Stacey

      Used thanks

  19. Tia

    Redbox: Use code 3VNVRNYK by 07/15/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  20. Rose

    Hi i am looking for 1 Amc ticket will trade it with any small amount gc. please email me at [email protected]

    • Pauline

      Emailed you.

  21. Rey

    Looking for Shutterfly free shipping over $29 (YB5Z) kohls and monopoly bag, and other stackable codes
    I have to trade knot notebook, kelloggs 8×8 book, Cinemark popcorn, AMC popcorn and drink, Staples $10 off $20
    [email protected]

  22. shelly

    Have 2 small popcorn code for Cinemark location. Looking to trade for Amazon, PayPal or Gamestop. Email: [email protected]

  23. Rae

    Looking for Sirius XM free three months coupon

    Don’t have too much to trade, but the T-Mobile coupons expire soon…

    10/30 maggianos
    1.25 off redbox

    Coupon 1759 at outlook

    10/30 maggianos

  24. hip2trade

    Recently someone posted they had a 3 month Pandora subscription for trade. I’m not sure where they got it but I’m interested in finding one. hip2trade @ gmail

  25. Lauren

    Redbox $1.25 off Use code 8LAWZA4D by 07/15/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  26. Lori

    Hello! I’m on the hunt for Oriental Trading $10 promotional gift cards that are about to expire! If you have one that you aren’t going to use, I’d love it! I’m willing to pay $2 PayPal for them.

    Email me at lori2shop at

  27. Mee

    I,m looking tide coupon to printout .. Thanks!

  28. Lauren

    I have a $5 off $10 school supplies in-store at Staples coupon, exp 7/14. Will trade for Coke codes or make an offer. email lrng1416 at gmail

  29. Janice

    I have to trade:
    $25 stub hub gc for $20 PayPal or Amazon
    2 $5 game stop gc for $7 PayPal or Amazon
    2 free cinemark small popcorn for $3 PayPal or Amazon
    $10 off $30 Bed Bath & Beyond expires 8/27/18 for small PayPal or gc
    Email mrsrainey10@gmail

  30. MT

    I have a Shell code, $5 off Atom, 4 Shutterfly magnets (x2), 25% off Fanatics, and $15 off $30 Express code

    Looking for BR codes or Amazon
    madefortrades @ yahoo . online

    • MT

      And 15% off @ Kohl’s

  31. Melissa

    Have $10 off $10 at Staples. UFT Looking for Target, Walmart, or open to other retailers. No shutterfly please.

    • Sana

      What amount are you looking for? Please email me sanatauseef at gmail dot online

  32. Kristen

    40 off 100 under armour adac7fxjqge4

    • ka

      Used ty so much

  33. Trish

    I have shutterfly free shipping on $29+ or more. Looking for Express free shipping.

    • Rey

      Hi Trish I think I email you but if not please email me to [email protected], I am really interested in your code, thanks

  34. Anne


    $5 off $10 at Staples
    $10 off $20 at Staples

    Looking for small amounts at Target, Walmart, or open to other retailers.

  35. Julie

    I have a $10 off $20 staples code. Expires 7/14. Looking for AMC ticket.

  36. Cathy

    I have the following for trade:
    2 $10 Uber codes
    AMC ticket, popcorn, & drink
    AMC popcorn & 2 drinks
    2 Cinemark small popcorns from Coke IWG
    FandangoNow movie rental up to $6
    4 Shutterfly magnets from Coke IWG
    Looking for $5 Gamestop gift cards, $4.29 Amazon video credit, share-a-coke bottles, or Cinemark tickets from Coke IWG, Kohls cash/rewards or please make an offer if you have something else. My email is [email protected].

  37. navychic98

    50% off a single item @
    New customers only
    Code: jtvwelonlinee

  38. navychic98

    Shutterfly 40% off everything
    Exp 10-14-18

  39. navychic98

    40% off at Shutterfly
    Exp 10-14

  40. LK

    I have $20 OLD NAVY Super Cash, valid from September 8 – 16.
    Looking for Walmart, Target, Kohls or Amazon of the same value.

  41. LK

    I have $20 OLD NAVY Super Cash, valid from September 8 – 16.
    Looking for Walmart, Target, Kohls or Amazon of the same value.
    you can email me: [email protected].

  42. K

    Have 10.00 Starbucks gift card
    2-regal movie tickets
    25.00 Shutterfly
    Have these things for trade
    Looking for gift cards no restaurant

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