ShopKick User? Earn Kicks at Walmart When You Scan/Buy Select Purina Cat Products

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Calling all you cat owners! 🐱

Head on into Walmart where you’ll find everything you need to make your cat happy and healthy! Food, treats, litter, you name it – Walmart is your One Stop Cat Shop!

Even sweeter, for a limited time only, all you Shopkick App users can score 15 kicks per item for scanning the barcode on Purina Tidy Cats LightWeight Litter, Fancy Feast Cat Food and Cat Chow Naturals products. PLUS, you can earn 300 kicks per item for uploading your receipt after purchase.

Grab 315 ShopKick Points at Walmart with this deal…

Buy one Purina Cat Chow Naturals Cat Food Original Flavor 3.15-pound bag $4.88
Scan the barcode with the ShopKick App (must scan while in store)
Use the $1/1 Purina Cat Chow 3.15+ pound bag printable coupon
Final cost only $3.88 + get 15 Shopkicks for scanning the barcode and 300 when you submit your receipt!

What is Shopkick?

Use the Shopkick App and you can earn points toward free gift cards to your favorite stores, restaurants and more when you scan or buy select items! It’s super easy. Just download the free app, choose the gift card you want to save up for, and start earning when you buy Purina and other products!

Rewards start at just 500 kicks for a $5 Gift Card to Walmart! 💃🏼
Join The Discussion

onlinements 7

  1. Diana

    I’ve been using the Shopkick app and love it . Simple to use. Use code KICK123057 to get points towards a gift card or download

  2. jill w

    here is my code GOAL238909 if you are interested in Shopkick. I use it all the time make at least $5 a week by just scanning products while I shop. Very easy to use- submit your receipt for extra points.

  3. Debbie

    I can’t do Shop kick. It doesn’t work with my phone. πŸ™

  4. Wendy

    LOVE Shopkicks!!! I’ve been using it for years!

  5. sophie

    I like shopkick. It takes me a while to earn a $5 gift card though. Worth it if you’re in stores a lot.

  6. Pauline

    Shopkick is amazing as you get kicks or points for walk-ins, scanning products and receipts. You can redeem those points for gift cards to so many retailers. It’s one of mine and hubby’s hobbies to check out stores and get free point for walking-in or scanning. Surely, helps to sneak in some walking exercise during winter months-so total win-win! πŸ™‚
    Pls use code FUN527482 or download
    Thanks & happy shopkicking!

  7. mrdesinty

    Does anyone else have this problem with Shopkick ? Every time I submit a bundle purchase it only credits me for purchasing one item and not the second or bonus kicks. Takes several messages and days before it’s corrected.

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