Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (7/11/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 82

  1. terri

    Anyone have a $40 off $100 for Under Armour?? I have 4 kids back to school shopping to do…I have onlinee cap codes to trade. Thank you!
    [email protected]

    • NOW

      I emailed you.

      • terri

        Thank you!!

  2. MT

    I have a Shell code, Atom $5 off code, and free Red Bull from 7Eleven. Looking for $2 BR.

    Email: madefortrades @ yahoo . online

  3. MT

    I also have a $15 off $30 Express code, online/in store.

    madefortrades @ yahoo . online

  4. Mona Dice

    I have Coke codes from my Coke cases. I’m trying to figure out if there still any good? I went to another Coke site which wanted me to scan the coke symbol. It was very confusing and I doubt it’s worth my time. I just want to know if I can use my Coke codes? Thank you, Mona Dice

    • Raql

      You can still use the regular coke codes, some giveaways and free products require the new code. I have gotten free Amazon and Target gift cards with just entering 1 code! Save your codes and keep looking Hip2Save for Coke rewards deals 🙂

  5. Kat81

    Have $10 Victoria secret certificate to use with angel card. Expires at the end of the month. Looking for Dunkin/Amazon/target. Open to offers. Amidala184 at gmail dot online

  6. T

    I have a $10 American girl gift certificate that I will not be using
    Interested in gift card trades (amazon, Target, Walmart)
    Starrsim at yahoo dot online

  7. Tia

    Shell: RKK WVN TMH BXD

    • Jeri

      Thank you for the Shell code!

  8. Emily

    Hi everyone. I have 2 free cinemark small popcorns to trade. I am looking for a small amount gift card. I am also open to other offers. Thanks! apcontest7 at gmail dot online

    • Orangstar7

      How did you win it? Just from the scan an icon? Or “codes”?

  9. MegannT

    Does anyone have a Wayfair promo they won’t be using? I don’t ha e anything to trade.

    • Jodi

      Have you purchased from Wayfair before? I can email you a referral link for $20 off if you give me your email.

  10. Sravz

    Hi All,

    If any one is not using Newyork&onlinepany City cash, please mail me at [email protected]. Thank you!

  11. Jana

    I have American girl %20 off code , I’m looking for
    Amazon Gc
    Email jhrbi87@

  12. Virginia

    In search of diaper/wipes coupons/codes to use with the Target deal this week. Any brand. I have a 6 month old and need to stock up. Thank You! mommavi0207

  13. Sab

    Shutterfly Free shipping on orders $19 + use code SHIP19

  14. Dia

    Hi, just wanted to post that I got scammed by [email protected]. do not trade with her. I will post if she actually gives me my gift cards but I’m out $100 in gift cards and I really needed the gift cards she was supposed to trade with me. It’s been quite a few days and nothing. Just wanted to warn people.

    • Tia

      I’m very sorry to hear that. That email address doesn’t seem familiar to me.

    • Lisa

      Dia, I feel for you. Sometimes it is best to go through the reputable giftcard buying sites even if it is lower than what you feel it is worth if nothing else simply for peace of mind. Have you tried contacting the issuer of the giftcard to see if there has been any usage? My BIL had a Cabela’s GC that was stolen, and although I am uncertain as to the details as to what they had to do, they were able to get orders stopped and circumvented before they were delivered and finally he was able to get the remaining balance back. Good luck.

      • Dia

        She used it already, I checked online. Definitely makes me keep in mind the next time.

        • Ann

          Depending on the store or stores it might be worth calling their online customer service to report the cards stolen. If they were used online they might be able to stop the shipment.

          • Lisa

            Ann, yes, that what I said, but in my BIL’s case, not sure if he had to file a police report, but agree with you, it sure is worth calling to see if they can circumvent/stop shipments. Act fast though. The person you sent it to should never have used it without fulfilling their end of the bargain. Absolutely drives me batty unscrupulous people.

    • Denille

      I am so sorry! There is for sure a scammer lingering as I had a $10 Petco gift card stolen. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same person jumping around email addresses. Wish Hip2Save would block those email addresses from the forum (they could do this by IP Address)
      Again I am so sorry to hear this.

    • AA

      This is the same person that contacted me about Giftcards I had posted within the last week. He?She? emailed me all day and I responded to their questions. The final email I questioned why they had not sent the giftcard they had promised to email. “JesseHasmon” emailed back that they had been around on Hip2save a long time and therefore would not send their giftcard first if that was what I was wanting. I guess to try to make me feel guilty or something. I replied me too and they had contacted me and for that reason I would not send my gift card if that was wheat they were expecting. I really didn’t know at the time if this person was just overly concerned about their giftcard or if they were trying to steal mine. I am sorry this happened to you. I have traded with others on here for giftcards that went fine. I have also had 2 large AMC drink coupons taken and been given used HULU codes.

      • AA

        Correction : VUDU codes
        I also had this happen to me on another website several years ago. Where my giftcards were sent and the person took mine and spent them immediately and obviously never sent mine.

    • R

      Also be aware of [email protected]
      I was scammed by this individual a few weeks ago. Next time I will be more proactive and report it stolen if this happens to me again. Thank you for posting and I’m sorry you were scammed.

    • Bunny

      Sorry you were scammed Dia. Fortunately it is not an everyday occurrence on here but when it happens to you, you feel violated.

      Maybe folks should continue to post these scammers’ names (and email addresses) on here daily as a warning to others? If not, Hip2Save readers won’t see today’s warning tomorrow (and the next days going forward) .

      • Dia

        I reported them stolen and customer service it going to try and stop shipment. I just don’t want this to happen to anyone else, obviously this person things it’s okay to steal from honest people.

        • Tia

          That would be great if they can stop the shipment. I’m glad you took that step. I tend to see the same people on this post and trade with those that look familiar. I know that’s not possible though for people who aren’t here often. Karma will get that person…..don’t let it eat you up too much.

  15. Lex21

    I have 2 shutterfly 8×8 photo books, 1 set of 50 4×6 prints and 1 free set of 12 stationary cards if anyone is interested in trading for something small other than shutterfly. [email protected]

  16. sarah

    Looking for Similac formula coupons. The store near me takes them even if they are expired. Please email me if you would be willing to send them. Thank you! sthackrah22

  17. Ann

    Staples $25 off $75 by phone or online good (not in store) thru Saturday
    20% off $50+ American Girl
    Coke & Pepsi Caps
    Bertucci’s $10 off $25 dine in or carry out expires 7/12
    Shutterfly $25 off (Visa Checkout)
    Panera gift card
    Beauty Brands $10 off $20 -not valid of Bumble, clearance and a few other restrictions

    Looking for
    Regal Cinema tickets/giftcards
    Hot Topic Hot Cash.
    Coke 2 free bottles with free shipping
    Fandango Movie tickets/giftcards (Already have the Atom code)
    CVS, Starbucks, Amazon, or Target gift cards

    mascaret at

    • Ann

      All set on Coke bottles now. Thanks!

  18. MegannT

    I have not ordered before:
    [email protected]

    Is it $20 off a certain amount?

  19. kay

    I have a $100 Sephora gc that I will not use. Willing to trade for a decent amount gc to ebay, walmart or restaurant gc. Email me what you have. Tia
    [email protected]

    • Shilpa Prabhakar

      Cheater!! She used mine and never sent her

  20. Michelle

    Looking for $40 off $100 under armour. Please email [email protected]

  21. chelsie

    any one have any atom codes or baskin robbin gift card they won’t be using please send them to me itsmedrysdale @ yahoo
    my son is about to have his second bday so ice cream and a movie sound like a good day we are really wanting to see the new hotel Transylvania 3 and any other amc coupons your not using would be appreciated.

    I do have a free 90 days of Pandora premium good till12/15/18 approximant value $30 (Catalina coupon) from propel coupon I can trade someone also would trade for coke, pepsi caps, amc, pampers or huggies rewards Disney movie rewards or Disney gift card

  22. Njh

    Morning! Wondering if anyone would be willing to share a $40 off $100 Under Armour coupon?!? I’d be so grateful! Don’t have much to trade, but could offer a few coke codes or pampers reward codes if you’d like. Thanks!
    [email protected]

  23. Jen

    Walmart 10 % off online only, max $20, limit one per customer
    Kohl’s 25 % off (expires 7/31)
    Lowe’s 10% off (expires 7/31)
    Wayfair 10% off first purchase, (expires 8/31)
    Hayneedle 10% off 12% off first purchase. (expires 7/31)

    looking for PayPal or Walmart, target, Amazon.
    Email at [email protected].

  24. Andreaa83

    If anyone had an Under Armour code they won’t be using I would love to have it. Need to get started on some back to school shopping. I have some coke cap cokes I could trade. Please email me at livandlansmama @

  25. Pauline


    – Three $2 each Baskin Robbins gift card
    – 20% off VS coupon in store & online (exp 08/01)
    – 5 coke cap codes
    – $25 off Alterations at Men’s Wearhouse (exp 07/15)

    Looking to trade these for preferably Amazon, Target, Walmart gift cards, Paypal, Kohls Cash, JCpenny rewards or any other offers except Shutterfly. Thanks!
    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

    • Pauline

      Also have free Redbull and free 3 months SiriusXM.

  26. smkoko

    I’d appreciate a Gymboree code if anyone has an extra. at gmail if so. Thanks

  27. Ron

    Have a $10 Oriental Trading gift card, $2 Baskin Robbins gift card & $10 uber code that I would like to trade for any Target, Amazon, Best buy, Walmart gift cards, paypal, Kohls cash, Jc penney rewards or any other offers. No shutterfly pls. Thanks.

    Email: email2rohitsas at gmail dot online

    • Ron

      Also have a 15% off Kohls coupon expiring 07/14.

  28. Tia

    Redbox: 4ACT7U9G Offer expires 7/12/18 @ 11:59PM

    • maria

      This one was already used when I tried it.

  29. Bunny

    Redbox BOGO Code 6X3L67HQ expires 7/12/18. Please note when used.

  30. Marlene

    Anyone one have kohls coupon or kohls cash? Need to order shoes for my growing kids. Don’t have any gift cards to trade sorry.

    • Bunny

      Just got a Kohls flyer in today’s mail. 15% off when you use your Kohls charge and use code POOL15. Valid July 13-22. Although I’m sure Collin will be posting better deals here starting on the 13th!

    • Jeri

      If you can wait a few days… 30% off at Kohl’s with your Kohl’s charge – BEACH30
      Valid July 13th thru the 22nd.

      • Marlene

        Ok great thank you I’ll hold off

    • CGR

      Use code: HURRY20 good today online only.

  31. Lauren

    Redbox Rent 1 Get 1 Free code LEYUJS7S exp 7/12

  32. Ritz

    Up for a trade: $10 Target egift card
    Looking for $10 Walmart
    paulinha russell yahoo ( no spaces) Thanks!

  33. Denille

    $10 Petco Gift Card
    $25 Pier One Imports Gift Card
    $15 off $125 Spend at Budget Car Rental
    Free AMC Large Drink & Free AMC Large Popcorn
    Shutterfly free reusable bag
    Shutterfly 8×8 Photo Book
    $25 off TinyPrints
    Enfagrow Checks (I will mail)
    If interested email me [email protected]

  34. Hemaya

    Shell codes YOUR CODE:
    $5off any movie ticket code: B76QXJQVB PLEASE POST WHEN YOU USE ANY OF THE CODES TIA

    • Jean

      Thanks! I used your Shell code BTQMDWDMXRJJ

      • Hemaya

        You are welonlinee🙂

    • Emily

      Used the movie code. Thank you so much!!!

  35. Jiya

    $10off on Teleflora Offer is available through or by calling 1-800-493-5610. Promotion code EMP071118 valid through 7/15/2018. May not be onlinebined with any other promotion and is not valid toward previous purchases. Not valid at retail locations or affiliate sites. Gift cards and taxes do not qualify for the offer. Offer terms and conditions are subject to change at any time.

  36. debbie

    shell code R6n6kbqnnrvk

    • Ano

      Used, thank you!

  37. Erin

    I have two $40 off $100 Under Armour codes plus Free panty, $10 of 40, 20% off, 25 off 125 Victoria’s Secret coupons.

    Looking for AMC, Regal, Atom or Fandango Rewards/codes (tickets, popcorn, etc.) or enough coke codes to redeem for one of the AMC deals.

    [email protected] Thanks!

  38. Hayley

    I am looking for pampers rewards codes found on the wipes or inside packages.

    I have codes for:

    10 off 30 to bed bath and beyond.
    Soma coupon codes

  39. Lex21

    I have a $25 off $50 card to It’s super cute stuff and shipping is free, it just doesn’t fit in my budget at the moment. Looking for small giftcard to somewhere else.

  40. christine

    I don’t know where else to post, hoping to get exposure. Be careful where you store your gift cards and for how long. I have had several Target gift cards disappear from my online account in the past. I recently noticed a lot of accounts on Instagram selling discounted gift cards, like a $25 BWW gift card for $10, for example. Sounds like a really great deal, right? And these people have hundreds of such gift cards for all kinds of stores and restaurants. Now the crazy part is they tell you they are only guaranteed for 24 hours. That means, if you don’t use them within 24 hours they are no longer valid. Suspicious, right? So I did some research and apparently these people sell either stolen gift cards or they have a hacking software that guesses gift card numbers or something like that. Just google gift card fraud and you will see what I’m talking about. Also, you might see on Facebook many people who bought gift cards from reliable sources and a while later, they discovered there was nothing left on it….. and couldn’t figure out why. Apparently onlinepanies haven’t figured out how to stop these thieves yet. It is ridiculous. I can’t believe these people are making tens of thousands of dollars by selling stolen gift cards!!

    • hip2trade

      Thanks for the information. Lately I haven’t bought any gift cards but good to know for future reference.

    • Tia

      I had something similar happen to me. I won a Denny’s gift card from some contest. I had it for about a week before I went to the restaurant. When I tried to pay, it had a zero balance. After the onlinepany did some research, they found the card had been redeemed for an online order in CA….I live in Florida. It’s amazing how smart some people are. If only we used our powers for good.

  41. Coffeedrinker2

    I have
    – 4 free Shutterfly magnets
    – Shutterfly 8×8 hard cover photo book
    -NBA store discount codes
    I am looking for:
    -Small amount gift card for Amazon or Walmart or
    -Coke code or Pepsi Stuff code
    -Possibly open to other coupon codes or gift cards
    My email is kcoffee at

  42. Sara

    Hi, I have 2 STAPLES $10 off $10 in-store. Looking for JCPENNEY 10 off or Kohls cash, sears/walmart/target gift card.
    Sara.donations at Gmail. online

  43. Erin K.

    UFT: (1) Manufacturer coupon for a FREE Heinz Mayo (any size) up to $4.50. Exp. 9/30/18

    Small gc Amazon or Small PayPal. No Shutterfly or Pepsi/Coke codes.

    -(1) Manufacturer coupon for one FREE box of Clairol Nice ’N Easy hair color up to ($8.99).
    Exp. 9/30/18

    Small gc Amazon or Small PayPal. No Shutterfly or Pepsi/Coke codes.


    – 50% code for Hardcover photo books or canvas wall art.

    -40% code for other products including photo books
    Exp. 7/29/18

    Small gc Amazon or Small PayPal. No Shutterfly or Pepsi/Coke codes.

    $30 off $60 online or phone order coupon code

    Small gc Amazon or Small PayPal. No Shutterfly or Pepsi/Coke codes.

    [email protected]

    • Erin K.

      I also have lots of coke codes too.

  44. Sara

    Got an email for $5 off 2 Enfamil powder formulas 20 oz+ which be used online or in store at Target. I would love to give it to a fellow mama. First to onlinement their email, gets it.

  45. Kase120

    I have $5 itunes,
    1 magazine subscription from magazine gold
    b1g1 entree at Hard Rock
    4 magnets at shutterfly
    8×8 photo book at shutterfly
    $25 to shutterfly
    and 8×10 art print at shutterfly
    looking for pepsi codes
    please email [email protected] thanks!

    • Kase120

      photobook is gone

  46. Dretti

    Anyone have under Armour coupons?

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