Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (7/3/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 61

  1. smilez4011

    Good Morning. I have a few Shutterfly Free 8×8 Photo Book codes. Anyone interested in trading anything?

  2. Ebony

    I have 2 free cinemark popcorns that I would like to trade for $2 DD. If interested please email me at [email protected]

  3. Steph

    KHA9-3E79-A3BD-Y2MHX8 $25 off or 50% off Shutterfly (Kohls) expires September 30,2018

    I also posted some free 8×8 book codes on this post the other day 7/1/18 that I don’t think were used

    • Alison

      Hi Steph, thank you for sharing. I tried the 8×8 book codes and all of them have been redeemed.

      • countrygal

        Alison, email me at gaylesgifts at

        • Alison

          Just sent. Thanks, countrygal!!!

  4. countrygal

    I don’t know who it was, but yesterday someone posted about where to buy the Lion King DVD besides Amazon. has it. I don’t know if its cheaper the Amazon, didn’t check all that out. Hope the person looking for it sees this.
    I hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4 of July.

  5. karen

    Have $10 kohls cash and $10 eddie bauer. Looking for dunkin/amazon/ target
    amidala184 at gmail dot online

    • T.N

      Have 2×2$ dunk in donuts gift card code and 2×2 5$ atom movie tickets looking for khols,jcpenney,walmart,target or any no shutterflys.if intrested email me at [email protected] .

    • s

      Interested in Eddie Bauer. Pls send it to me if u are not using it [email protected]

    • Pauline

      Hi, I can trade my Dunkin Donuts gc for the $10 kohls cash. If interested, pls email me at pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online. Thanks!

  6. Hemaya

    Good morning if anyone wont be using their $2 dunkin donuts can you email it to me at hemayay at Yahoo dot online TIA I can trade for the other T-Mobile codes from today🙂

  7. Rachael Harten

    I have a $25 Applebee’s gift card – would love to do a trade – I will mail you the gift card & send you photos.

    • Emily

      Anything in particular you’re looking for?

    • Lisa Ewing

      I have a $25 gift certificate to Buca di Beppo I’d be willing to trade for the Applebee’s gift card – if you’re interested, please let me know!

      Thanks for your consideration –
      Lisa Ewing

  8. Emily

    Hi, I have 2 free small cinemark popcorn coupon. I would like to trade for a small amount gift card. Thanks! apcontest7 at gmail dot online

  9. Mommyof5

    I have $5 off Atom with no fee and $2 dunkin donuts. I am looking for a $13 off $13 Stage that expires tomorrow. mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

  10. Denille

    $10 Petco
    $25 Pier One Imports
    $15 off $125 Spend at Budget Car Rental
    Free AMC Large Drink & Free AMC Large Popcorn
    Shutterfly free reusable bag
    Shutterfly 8×8 Photo Book
    If interested email me [email protected]

  11. Laura

    i have a 5$ towards a movie ticket for Atom, a 100$ off 160$ wine purchase on, and a 3$ coupon for dunkin donuts cold brew. email me at [email protected]

  12. Megan

    I have 2- $5 off any movie ticket -atom
    Looking for Kohl’s cash, jcp rewards, small gift card or open to offers
    Megansrueckert at gmail

  13. sarah

    Looking for Similac formula coupon checks. My local store takes them even if they are expired. Please email me if you would be willing to send them. Thank you! sthackrah22

  14. ddallavalle

    If anyone had a staples coupon they won’t be using, I’d love to have it. [email protected]

    • Jean

      Do you still. Red a Staples coupon?

    • Jean

      Do you still need a Staples coupon?

  15. hina

    I have shutterfly codes and coke codes. I need Pepsi codes. Email me at hina 210 at live dot online

  16. Janice

    Have $2 Dunkin Donut. Trade for $1 Amazon

    • Pauline

      Hi, do you still have the $1 Amazon gc? I can trade with my $2 DD card, if interested.

    • Pauline

      Pls email pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online. Thank you!

  17. Bunny

    KOHLS 15% off any purchase when you text SAVE07 to 56457 Plus no shipping fees when your order’s subtotal is $75 or more

    I have a unique code for Kohls 15% off. 9LCXMX6L5ALSK good until 08/14. Must be used on or on their app. Posted yesterday but no one stated they used it. Kohl’s 30% off sale should be starting on 7/4/18 if you can hold out!

    DSW Free picnic blanket with $39 regular price purchase. In stores & online while supplies last. Use code PICNICPARTY

    $15 OFF Crocs Coupon: $15 Off Your Buy of $50 or More at Crocs (Store-Wide) Expires 10/30/18.

    MACY’S Get 20% off Macy’s Fourth of July Sale + Free Shipping for $49. Expires 07/08/18 CODE: FOURTH

    I have a $5 off $50 Home Depot coupon. No trade necessary. Expires 7/23/18.

  18. Pauline


    – $2 Dunkin Donuts gift card
    – $5 off Atom tickets
    – 15% off Kohls coupon (exp 07/14)
    – 20% off VS coupon in store & online (exp 08/01)
    – $25 off Alterations at Men’s Wearhouse (exp 07/15)

    Looking to trade these for preferably Amazon, Target or Walmart gift cards, Kohls Cash, JCpenny rewards or any other offers except Shutterfly. Thanks!
    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

  19. Ann

    I have
    AMC movie tickets, drinks & popcorn
    Staples $25 off $75 by phone or email
    Shutterfly $25 off (Visa checkout)
    Pepsi & coke codes

    I am looking for Regal tickets or gift cards, fandango or other movie tickets that are usable at Regal Cinemas(please no $5 off codes because the service fee eats too much of it) or Starbucks giftcards.

    • Beth Bruhn

      please message me regarding Pepsi codes.

      • beth bruhn

        bharguth @

    • Ann

      Email is mascaret at

  20. Cathy

    I have 2 Six Flags tickets ($80 value each) for general admission at any US Six Flags theme park or water park thru the end of each park’s season or 12/31/18 that I won from the Coke instant win game. Will trade for $40 Amazon gift card or make an offer to [email protected].

    • Monique

      I would love the Six Flags coupons! I’ve been trying since the start of the Coca-Cola sweeps. I have a $10 Eddie Baurer and $10 Target gift card to trade. If that works please email to Mad2scott@

  21. Nhawkins

    I have $25 off $100 paint purchase at Lowe’s if anyone interested

  22. Kase120

    I have a free magazine subscription from coke and a 8×10 art print at shutterfly. Looking for pepsi codes. Email [email protected] thanks!

    • Kase120

      also have $5 itunes

  23. Mmt721

    I have 25% off your order at Disney store. Looking for amazon or target. [email protected]

    • Mmt721

      Online only

  24. Dt

    I have 2 $25 Kohl’s gift cards. Will send mail or pictures in email. 2 $25 American Eagle ones also. Need either Target, Walmart or Amazon please! Email me [email protected]

  25. Bunny

    Just saw this on Facebook. Free Shutterfly shopping bag. Use code GOGREEN. Ends tonight, Jul 3.

  26. Norma

    Hi if anyone still has a Staples coupon (5 off 10) I’d love to have it. Looking to help a neighbor with school supplies. Thanks!

  27. Nor

    -Shutterfly 25/25
    -Reusable bags
    -8×8 and 8×11 Photo Book
    -12 free 3×5 cards
    -Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    Looking for Amazon, Walmart, other gift card, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks. Email duranna79 at gmail dot online

  28. beth bruhn

    Looking for Pepsi codes. Please email me with what you have and what you are looking for
    bharguth @

  29. Sue

    dunkin doughnut
    Card Number:6156681821631579
    PIN: 55052009

    $5.00 off any movie ticket

    • jay

      thanks! used atom!

    • Faren

      Someone used the DD card so I was too late 🙁 If anyone has a $2 DD code that they could share, it would be greatly appreciated!!!
      [email protected]

  30. shelly

    Have two Jurassic World emovie codes willing to trade for $10 Amazon or PayPal.

  31. Mommyof5

    $5 off Atom

    • Mommyof5


  32. Kevin Pughsley

    Looking for Belk bucks or cash 15 off of 75 if anyone has one. I have Amazon and Dunkin Donuts to trade. Email me at [email protected]

  33. Rey

    Looking for DD cards please if anyone has one to share email me
    I have Bon Apetit 1 year digital magazine subscription to trade for coke or pepsi caps or make me an offer
    Also have Atom $5 off no fee code to trade for Dunkin Donut $2
    [email protected]

  34. JoAnne

    ISO $10 Kohls cash that exp 7/4
    UFT AMC ticket/drink onlinebo or $5 iTunes from Coke
    gregjr60 at yahoo

  35. pachichi

    I have dunkin donuts codes just email me. pachichi1009 at

    • artemis

      i emailed u. ty

  36. Lynn

    Hello, I have a $13 off $13 Stage code good til 7/4/18. Email offers. No photo please.
    [email protected]

  37. Julia

    I have $10 Eddie Bauer code. Looking for Kohl’s cash. Please email if you’re interested. [email protected]

  38. Mommyofboys

    Looking for $5 off $5 stage coupon that expires tonight if someone isnt going to use it sxy_ns_chic at yahoo dot online

  39. K

    Really need staples 10 off 20 coupon
    To help a friend anyone have to to trade or sell ?

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