Amazon: NERF Rival Zeus Blaster Only $19.99 (Regularly $60)

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Head on over to where you can score this Nerf Rival Zeus Blaster for only $19.99 (regularly $59.99).

This motorized Nerf blaster features an easy-load magazine that holds up to 12 balls. Keep in mind that this blaster is reonlinemended for ages 14+ as the balls shoot out at a whopping 100 feet per second!

Need ideas on how to store all your kiddos Nerf Blasters? Check out my video here to see how I keep them organized in my home!

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onlinements 4

  1. Ksantos128

    Is this the lowest price? My son loves nerf guns but I hate paying so much

    • Jdubs

      It’s the lowest price I had ever seen for it. I was going to get it at Best Buy the other day when they had it for $19.99 but it sold out quickly.

  2. Vicky Thornburg

    I can’t get this to onlinee up for $19.99, is there a special code?

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      DARN! Looks like the price has gone up now πŸ™

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