CVS: Huggies Jumbo Packs Only $5.10 Each After Rewards + FREE $5 Disney eGift Card (Starts 2/18)

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Starting February 18th, CVS will have Huggies Diapers and Pull-Ups Jumbo Packs on sale 2 for $20 or $11.29 each. In addition, you’ll also earn a $10 ExtraBuck when you spend $30 on Huggies products.

PLUS, through February 28th, when you purchase $20 worth of Kimberly-Clark Brand products (including Huggies and Pull-Ups), you can score a FREE $5 Disney eGift Card. Head here to upload your receipt.

You can earn a maximum of $50 eGift Disney Cards (for $200 worth of purchases). Note that you don’t have to reach $20 in one transaction; the site keeps a running tally of your valid receipts.

Keep in mind that you must mark the qualifying items on the receipt before uploading. Your total will be the price of the items on the receipt (before coupons and any points or register rewards that you use to pay for the transaction).

Pair the sale price and these promotions with printable coupons to stock up and save on diapers!

CVS Deal Idea (Starting 2/18):

Buy 3 Huggies Diapers or Pull-Ups Jumbo Packs 2/$20 or $11.29 each
Total = $31.29
Use three $2/1 Huggies Diapers 10 ct+ printable coupons found here or in the 1/28 SS (exp 2/24)
OR use three  $2/1 PULL-UPS Training Pants or GOODNITES Nighttime Pants or Bed Mats 8ct+ printable coupons
Pay $25.29
Get back a $10 EB (limit 1)
Submit for the $5 Disney eGift Card
Final cost $15.29 total – just $5.10 each + FREE $5 Disney eGift Card

AND $11.29 of your total goes towards your next $20 to earn another $5 Disney eGift Card

(Thanks, Wild For CVS!)

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onlinements 3

  1. K

    Those size packs are considered “jumbo”?! Look small to me! Lol

    • Megann

      That’s what they are called but they are like standard size packs.

  2. Devon Ortega

    The instructions on the Huggies site says that the receipts have to have the item’s upc/sku code on them but my CVS receipt does not have that information. It says receipts that do not have this info will be ineligible. That would have been nice to know before hand….. 🙁

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