3 FREE Audible Audiobooks For New Customers
For a limited time, new Audible subscribers can score a FREE 30-day trial and TWO free Audiobooks good for ANY two Audible books in the library of over 180,000 titles regardless of price!
Plus, after signing up, head on over here and preorder the West Cork Audiobook for FREE (regularly $29.95) – this murder mystery is to be released on February 7th. After taking into account this free audiobook, it’s like you are getting THREE free audiobooks with your Audible trial. AWESOME!
After your free trial ends, you will be charged $14.95/month (this cover one audiobook every month!) but you can cancel at any time by simply visiting your Audible account page. AND the books are yours to keep even if you cancel!
Listen to your audiobooks with the free Audible app for iOS, Android, or Windows devices. And if you have a Kindle, your Audible purchases will be waiting in your “Audiobooks” tab.