Happy Friday: Are You a Famous CVS Shopper Too?
Sent from reader, Stephanie:
I recently received an email with the Subject title being “Your Claim to Fame? Saving!” The email was from CVS with my year end savings report. I shop at CVS weekly and always make my list using Hip2Save’s weekly ad match-ups.
I tend to have a fairly high percentage of savings each week when I look at my receipt, but I was quite surprised to learn from this email that I am in the top 1% of savers for CVS in my state of Florida. Hip2Save makes it so much easier for me to scout out the best deals at CVS each week and I couldn’t be more grateful to Collin and the entire Hip2Save team for all the hard work they do each week.
The subject of the email caught my attention and certainly made me stop and laugh. I may not be famous for anything else right now, but I guess my claim to fame is SAVING which is certainly something to be proud of!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at [email protected]. Every Friday, we post one photo, submitted by a Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!