CVS: Old Spice & Secret Invisible Sprays Only $1 Each (Regularly $7) After Cash Back
Through TODAY, December 23rd only, CVS has Secret and Old Spice Invisible Deodorant Sprays on sale 2 for $10 (regularly $6.99 each)! Even better, you’ll score a $2 ExtraBuck when you purchase two of these products!
CVS Deal Idea (Today, 12/23 Only):
Buy Old Spice Invisible Spray 2/$10 (regularly $6.99)
Buy Secret Invisible Spray 2/$10 (regularly $6.99)
Total = $10
Clip the $1/1 Old Spice AP/Deo, Body Wash or Bar Soap coupon to your ExtraCare card
Clip the $1/1 Secret Antiperspirant/Deodorant 1.6oz or larger to your ExtraCare card
Pay $8
Get back $2 EB
Submit for the $2 Ibotta rebate when you buy one Old Spice Invisible Spray
Submit for the $2 Ibotta rebate when you buy one Secret Invisible Spray
Final cost only $2 total – just $1 each!