Happy Friday: Playroom Transformation on a Budget
Sent from reader, Jessica:
Hi! First, I’d like to thank you for such an awesome site and app! I check it religiously and am a huge fan! I wanted to share two awesome projects I did that I thought would be a “Pinterest fail” but turned out to be a great success!
The first was transforming the IKEA Latt Kids’ table and chairs. I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and bought foam and fun fabric to help customize the chairs. They came out great and the fabric possibilities are endless! I’m thinking of covering the tabletop in fun contact paper to help customize it as well!
The second was the IKEA picture frame ledges used as “parking” for my son’s trains and cars. At $6.99 a piece, this was a no brainer and super functional next to the train table! I just wanted to share our playroom updates that inexpensively improved its function and fun level!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at [email protected]. Every Friday, we post one photo, submitted by a Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!