Hurry! Pre-Order L.O.L Big Surprise – Just $69.99 Shipped on Walmart (HOT Toy For Christmas)

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Hurry over to where you can pre-order this L.O.L. Big Surprise for $69.99 shipped – it is set to ship on Sunday, October 22nd! This is supposed to be one of the HOT Toys for 2017 so don’t miss your chance to pre-order now.

If your kids love surprise eggs and blind bags, they should love this L.O.L. Big Surprise as it will be filled with 50 never before seen surprises!

(Thanks, April!)

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onlinements 98

  1. Kate

    wait, what? $69.99 for a surprise? Why?

    • Kim

      You can view an unboxing on YouTube. It has two “big” (size of my thumb) dolls and two “little dolls”. 5~ bath bombs and each little accessory counts as a piece each girl has one outfit. That’s it. It would be a cool advent calendar. But for 4 thumb size and smaller dolls and one outfit each and bath bombs I won’t be buying one

      • Sam

        I also watched a youtube (a very over dramatic youtube video) on an unboxing of one of these. Don’t waste your money people. I deffinetly wont be buying one because of the small parts and my daughter is only 2. But please people, you can go to Dollar Tree and buy this cheap dolls/toys and accessories and wrap them individually.

    • Jo28p

      I just bought my daughter two bigger sized and two smaller sized for much cheaper. She might like the doll accessories that onlinee with the surprise one but she always loses those things. Also I don’t think she’d care about the charms. And she’d like opening four things instead of just one! She’s at that age where getting four different things is more appealing than one big thing.

      • Katie

        I just purchased a three pack set from Target for $24.99. This pack included two full size and two of the lil sisters and their accessories. No bath bombs but tons to open and more worth it than that $69.99 price.

        • Joy

          Wait, not trying to be a smartie, but you said a three pack, and then listed she got two big and two small dolls… which is it? My daughter is very interested in these so I appreciate your help!

          • Stacy

            I think she meant she picked up a three pack of the regular ones and each regular one held the two sets of dolls. This is a larger thing that is different. Does that make sense?

            • Carol Palka

              I just bought the three ball set at Target for 24.99. Each ball has one doll in it. No lil sisters. It is a Christmas gift, but we bought enough of them to know that there is only one doll, an outfit, shoes,

  2. Tonja Gemmer

    I don’t think I understand what this is.

  3. Holly

    the regular LOL balls have about 5-7 toys/pieces: doll, accessories, clothes, stickers. This one is supposed to have 50 pieces. I know my 4 year old would love it, but I just can’t pay $70 for a bunch of little things she’s just going to loose. They are fun, each piece is in it’s own layer, so it’s a process that they kids enjoy. But it’s too high; for $40 I might consider it. Even the regular ones are pricey to me at $10 for what you get.

    • april

      I could be onlinepletely off here since I didn’t bother clicking any links or looking at pictures, but it seems like you could do a fun version of this for a lot less. You know how you can wrap a bunch of random stuff in plastic wrap until you make a big ball, and then the other person unravels it all, layer by layer, finding all the stuff? Kids would probably really enjoy that and you could put in a variety of things.

      • S

        That’s exactly what I was thinking. I am thinking of making one of these for my daughter, but with some Barbie clothes & nicer little toys that I know she will like. The toys included in this just remind me of the quality you’d get in a Happy Meal.

    • Ashley

      Yes I onlinepletely agree with you! I thought $10 was a lot for what it is with the smaller ones! $70 for little plastic toys?!? That’s outrageous!!!

  4. Danielle

    Okay… so I just looked it up.. it has 2 big sisters, 2 little sisters and accessories… hmm.. seems over priced!

  5. Kat

    Did you ever see the L.O.L. balls in the store? They have a little (2″?) doll inside them and as your child unwraps it they get a different little surprise in each layer: clothes that go with the doll, a bottle, little accessories. They are usually about $10 each. Well, the BIG surprise is 50 surprises inside and 4 dolls I think. So just the giant size version lol

  6. Christine

    Are these mostly for girls? Is there a boy version?

    • JES

      Very girly!

      • Christine

        Thank you 🙂 It would have certainly been a surprise for my boys (and me!) then hehehe

  7. Jessica Lopez

    Is this the same one as last time? Obviously they have different things inside but the other one said “limited edition” so should I hold out for LE or is it the same?

    • Kim

      I saw the unboxing for the LE apparently for the same price? This set just won’t have sparkly clothes. Everyone said it was worth $70 for 2 thumb size dolls and 2 smaller and one outfit each and a few bath bombs to make 50 pieces because the LE has all sparkly outfits.

  8. Daisy Carrasco

    Are these the big gold LOL balls?

    • Lashelle

      I would also like to know if these are the same as I see on toys r us…they are gold on there? I bought one anyhow just in case. How does this work for a preorder by the way, do I just get notice when I pick it up?

  9. Rose

    Reminds me of Hatchimals when they came out. My daughter asked for one paid around $70 and then she used only for a few days. Its somewere in the toy box now :/

  10. Marie

    I’m going to try to get one of the 79.99 NES being released tomorrow. I want one in hand rather than doing an online order, which could get cancelled. I’m a little scared. My game plan is to drink a couple of cups of coffee, get there early, and have my sneakers on to battle the re-sellers. (ps – I don’t blame re-sellers, i just want one of these and can’t afford the markup.) Wish me luck!

    • Kim

      Don’t go to toys r us they filed bankruptcy and each store is getting 30 or less total. Targets are supposed to be getting 300 per store (probably with staggering arrivals). I got lucky at Target with the Switch was first one to check out only had to wait in line for 2 hours but everyone in line got a ticket and didn’t even have to wait (25ppl) but they only had 3 Limited BOTW Zelda box sets and I got one. I preordered my SNES inside of GameStop.

      • Marie

        Thanks for the tip. I will try a Target,

    • Daisyrios

      When do they onlinee out? Tomorrow? Can you only buy in stores or can you order online? Only target?

    • M

      Call your Target! They don’t each have ‘300’! I called three local Targets, all confirmed they DID NOT get 300. Can you confirm where you got that information? And they expect the lines to be longer 2-3 hours before opening hours!

  11. hip2trade

    Never heard of this. At first I thought it was something you pay $69 for and you get a much higher valued item inside. Good thing I read the onlinements here🙂
    On a different note I have shutterfly 8×8 photo book code and Meineke oil change code. They expire September 30th. Don’t want them to go to waste. Leave your email if interested. Thanks

    • johnpaul soto

      Hi hip2trade, If you wont be using the oil change I would love to have it.



      • hip2trade

        Hi Jp,
        What is your email?
        Julie left her email address below so if I don’t hear from I will send to her so it is used before email is hip2trade

    • Christy

      I am interested in the code for the photo book book. [email protected]

  12. Linda

    I ordered one through Amazon when you posted before. Thank you so much! While I get they may seem overpriced, my 6 yo daughter has been begging me for LOL for forever. She actually plays with smaller toys like this set rather than fancier toys that do tricks. Its just her preference. I can’t wait to give this to her on Christmas!

    • Nicole

      Same with my 5 year old daughter as crazy as it seems lol. She is obsessed with LOL’s!!

    • Mo

      Was the Amazon one limited edition? Their post said so but my Amazon order does not say limited edition now 🤔

      • Linda

        I really didnt even notice if it was or wasn’t. For me its all the same 😁

  13. Allison 💙

    Don’t. Give. In. To. The. Publicity. Stunt. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
    This is why I don’t subscribe to get Christmas catalogs at home and why we avoid onlinemercials like the plague. You’re gonna spend $70 on something stupid (like all those defective Hatchimals last year). Invest in your child’s MEMORIES instead—trips, adventures, things that will stick with them all their lives.

    • Nicole

      I agree to an extent but they’re only little once…..there’s nothing wrong with giving them something they’re going to be excited about on Christmas morning even if we think it’s stupid. But to each their own 😊🎄

    • KR

      I could not agree more. This whole rush to get the newest shiny thing. If we as parents find it so hard to resist, without even knowing what it is, imagine how it is for our kids – the draw, the desire for meaningless things, the idea that things will make you happy.
      It is our duty and responsibility to protect them from the fluff and teach them to see the real things, seek real emotions, build lasting connections to people instead of this – always wanting and never being satisfied.

    • Happymama

      First…kids are most likely seeing toy reviews on YouTube, not catalogs. Second, it you teach them that they don’t need everything they see there is nothing to be worried about.

      • Z

        Ummmm, yeah. If you let your kids watch YouTube.

    • April

      I agree I see so much entitlement it’s crazy. People are raising the future leaders of the world I wish more would take it serious.

    • Kristi

      I second this motion! Memories last a lifetime, cheap plastic stuff, not so much!

  14. nancy

    Hello I am interested in the Shutterfly book if still available my email is [email protected]. Would appreciate it greatly. Thanks again

  15. Marla

    Thanks. My niece loves this stuff. I just hope she is as excited opening hers as she was watching it on YouTube!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welonlinee Marla! Happy you could score one for her!

  16. D

    We have 2 of the dolls my daughter loves so I thought this would be super fun, till I found out you only get 2 big sister dolls in it…. All those charms and extra accessories seem pointless to me and would get lost. I may get her some little sister balls instead.

  17. Urvi

    JUST broke the Shopkins spell. … stepping on those little bits of pain in a dark living room [I’m sawee, mommy, she says the next am w/ big eyes]. NOpe, not doing it. Did it w/ legos, and hotwheel cars, and Shopkins. My feet are gettin’ old – no more pain.
    We’ll book a hotel near Longwood gardens and give her an experience and memories – maybe even some painting inspiration.

  18. AP

    Why do people act like just because you give them expensive toys means you don’t take them on trips or give them experiences and memories? I’ll never understand those onlinements. I have no issue with the onlinements about this being overpriced, that’s your opinion on the PRODUCT. it’s the “give them an experience instead” and “seek real emotions” onlinements that are soap-boxy and judgmental. I’m sure most of the parents on this page do both. Heck, I get excited about my new “toys” too! 😀

    • Nicole

      Thank you. I agree! I love to do both and I get so annoyed with the judgey onlinements 🙄

    • Krista M

      LOVE your onlinement, AP!!! We never know the story behind why someone wants to take advantage of a deal or opportunity. Maybe this toy will create a wonderful memory for someone. This could be the experience. I vividly remember receiving an American Girl doll for Christmas. Now, as an adult, I realize at the time it was a lavish purchase for my family. Talking about it with my mom she said “It was an investment in your childhood.” She was right. I have a lot of great memories with that doll. I can also say that about my puppy surprise, creepy crawler machine and countless other toys. Let’s try to have a little less judgement and more support!

    • Linda

      Agreed! Its bothersome seeing the judginess here. I think it just sparks something in people seeing the hot toy for Christmas label. Not everyone is buying because they see a label and want to make sure they’re keeping up with the jones’ on what they are buying for their kids. I bought it for my daughter bc she has been repeatedly asking for LOL. Do I buy her evetything she asks for? Certainly not. However, I know if she continuously asks, its something she really wants and not just saying she does because she saw it on a onlinemercial 5 seconds ago. I dont think she even knows these large ones exist and fingers crossed, she wont until she opens hers and her suprise will be that much greater.

      Regarding the memories, who’s to say great memories wont be made playing with these. It doesnt mean stuff is required to make a great memory, but I bet if anyone looks back on their childhood they can remember a favorite toy that brings back fond memories.

      Really my point is, to each their own. For some people its a waste of money. If thats you, dont buy it. For others like me, its a rare splurge to invest in one of many great childhood memories my daughter will have. And yes, we take trips as well. The memories are not all centered around stuff.

  19. Mal

    Just a friendly FYI. These are not a onlineplete “Ball”… the pictures can be misleading. They are actually a half of a large gold ball. Please do not purchase thinking you will have a really large big gold ball. They are still filled with great items.

    • Lashelle

      Shoot!!! Can I cancel my order from Walmart then? The gold ball is even the same price!!

      • Mal

        There is technically no gold “ball” all of the L.O.L big surprise balls are just a half of a ball. Wamart, Target, and Amazon are all the same… half of a gold ball.

        • Lashelle

          I’m sorry to keep asking questions. So does that mean the one sold at toys r us is a bigger one or it’s just the same as the rest?

          • Mal

            ToysRus is the same. People have been posting pictures of them on a FB group that I am in. The release date is not until tomorrow but some stores have put them out already. I was really disappointed because I thought they would be a large ball. It would have been nice to know that ahead of time so I wanted to share that info with other people in case that would affect their purchase decision. You can always return it if it is not what you like. I purchased a pre-order from Amazon. My daughter will love it no matter what because she is obsessed with the dolls.

  20. MarMar

    Can someone please tell me where I can read what onlinees inside? I know it’s a surprise ball, any info would be greatly appreciated. Ty!

    • Michele Blough

      The best sugestion is to look this item up on youtube that way you see exactly what it onlinees with. If you daughter loves the smaller balls than she will like this…if they are not really into it then I would pass…HTH

  21. Toni

    Has anyone noticed their order on Amazon change from the limited edition to this one? My order has shipped and it now shows the same pink one as Wal-Mart instead on the gold limited edition ball. Did they change the order?

    • Mo

      I’m starting to think maybe it was advertised on here as limited edition but it wasn’t really the limited edition 🤔

  22. Lucy

    Well, I got one. Thanks for posting. And yes, I know it is very expensive, but most toys that kids want are expensive nowadays. My 8 year old absolutely loves lol dolls, one of the few items she plays with. Plus it’s actually good value – it includes 2 big and 2 little sister balls, and many other things.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welonlinee Lucy!

  23. Stacy

    I bought two last year for my 7 year old granddaughter. She played with them about an hour and that was it. I asked if she wanted more back then and she said no. I love the novelty of it tho.

    • Stacy

      The ones I got were the small ones and paid about $10 each.

  24. cik

    Thanks ordered one for my daughter who will be super surprised! For everyone who thinks this is a stupid waste of money, don’t buy it. I know my daughter would give up many toys this Christmas for a giant lol ball full of little surprises.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re so welonlinee! Glad you could order one for her!

  25. JES

    I purchased two of the regular big sister ones from Wal-Mart a couple of weeks ago for Christmas. I’m not sure that my 3 year old will play with these. If she does like them, do you think they will have another set like this before Christmas next year? I was thinking of her birthday.

  26. Megan

    Even though the picture shows a pink ball the details of the item listed on say it is a limited edition… So maybe the picture is inaccurate and they will be gold too? The videos on YouTube show the dolls are new limited edition glitter dolls that aren’t available if you were to buy them individually. Based on the videos, it appears that all of the Lol
    big surprise sets are all the same. One set won’t have different dolls and accessories than another… I could be wrong, but so far the videos show the same dolls revealed every time.

    • Megan

      UPDATE!!! The picture on has now changed from originally showing a pink case to now showing a gold case! So for those of you who were confused at first by the pink case, wondering if this is a limited edition set, the website has now added two pictures of the gold case… The details still state that it is a limited edition set, as it did prior to posting the new pics when it just showed one pic of a pink case.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        That is interesting. I do see pictures of each color when clicking through.

  27. annaf

    My daughters has a couple lol dolls. I personally think they are adorable! Super fun for my girls to unwrap! The big surprise lol does seem over priced though.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks so much for your review!

  28. Kristi

    I was ALMOST going to preorder this but this, just like the hatchimals, is a huge waste of money. My kids played with the hatchimals for 1 whole day, that’s it!😕 I can’t justify spending this much on something that will be played with for short while then eventually donated.

  29. Amy

    Yeah. That’s a big nope.

  30. Dam

    I just got back from target and saw this, it is 69.99 it is gold and half of a ball, I have a 4.5 year old girl and she was not interested, I don’t even know what these things are

  31. Amanda

    Got one! My daughter will love it!

  32. Lisa

    Totally off topic… Can anyone advise me on good toys ( that last) for a 2 year old girl? My daughter has 6 brothers, and I am tired of buying junk. What are your favorites for little girls this age?

    • momo

      A big wooden dollhouse! I bought one for my daughter last yr when she was 2, this will definitely last for awhile. We love playing together and setting up the house with mini furniture & her fav mini toys. The pretend kitchen & wood cut fruit, we still love playing that together. An art easel is awesome toon if she’s artsy! Otherwise I’d suggest a kinetic sand in a sand table with sand toys. These r my 2yr old’s favorites;-)

      • Amy

        My kids (8 and 10) have 2 things that they have played with since they were that age: a pretend doctor set and plastic dishes/food.
        They pretend to be doctors and vets with the medical toys and they pretend to be chefs, waitresses, cafeteria workers, etc. with the kitchen stuff. We had a little tikes kitchen, but they didn’t use it too much. They like to set up a restaurant around the living room and serve food. They also set up a vet/doctor clinic using their stuffed toys as patients. Hope that helps.

    • krystal

      I onlinepletely agree with the doll house. The kitchen wore off fast for my kids (especially considering the money and size) but each kid is different. For us a doll house, dolls and a car/van they can ride in are lasting gifts. Also great for my girls were baby dolls and carts/strollers. My girls still play with them years later. Instead of a full kitchen my littlest girl is just getting a tea/coffee set, so much more played with in our house.

      • Nicole

        Yes my 5 year old daughter LOVES her doll house!!

    • Pam

      Momo’s suggestions are good! My in laws gave our daughter a Minnie Mouse play kitchen last year & it was & is still a favorite & much played with toy. I got her a collapsible doll house (Calego Modern Doll House) from Amazon on a lightening deal for like $15 & it’s held up incredibly well & she’s not easy on it! We’re upgrading her to a wooden kidkraft dollhouse this year because she plays with the other one so much. The in laws will take the collapsible one to their house to have when we visit 🙂

      If you want to get kinetic sand I would just suggest to only use it in a room with no carpeting. That stuff seems to like to get everywhere. I prefer the Crayola model magic stuff. It’s really lightweight, easy for little ones to manipulate & no where near as messy as playdough (though she loves actual playdough too).

      Another suggestion would be if your daughter is in a very nurturing phase maybe get her a baby doll & a few accessories like a doll stroller, high chair or crib (my top suggestion of those 3 is the stroller because kids love pushing the baby dolls around).

      Or you could go to Build a bear & get an unstuffed bear, then take her on a special Mommy & daughter day & take her to get it stuffed & pick out clothes.

      The best thing about a two year old is that everything is still new & exciting. You don’t have to spend a lot for them to feel like they’ve had an incredible christmas 🙂 She’ll probably have as much fun “helping” her brothers open their gifts as any actual gift she’d get herself 😉

      • Lisa

        Thank you everyone for the dollhouse idea. I love it! I am really into classic toys, and for some reason this had not even crossed my mind. I’ve been buying trucks and other boys stuff for a really long time, LOL!

    • Amy

      And I second the idea of a dollhouse and a babydoll with accessories.

    • Theresa Sumerfelt

      I just saw a new BOY Baby Alive Doll (super snack like) that’s very cute! You “make” his food with what looks like play doh and then feed it to him and he’s poops it out so you can change his diaper and then make more food! If she won’t try to eat the play doh Ivtjink it’s totally worth the $19.99 price!

  33. Kim

    Quit over spending for kids, they want your love, time and attention not a $70 surprise doll…

    • Vero

      My kids get my love, time, and will get a $70 surprise doll! Who says you cant get it ALL!?!

  34. Anna

    Thankful my 6 year old is somewhat odd. She wants a Himalayan salt lamp for Christmas LOL

    • AP

      Lol. That’s cool.

    • Melissa

      My 6 year old girl wants a giant stuffed kraken 🤷🏽‍♀️

      • Anna

        Hahaha they are so funny!! The stuff they onlinee up with!

        • Nicole

          We should start a post about weird stuff our kids want for Christmas 🎄 lol

  35. Shari M

    I really think its too high priced. Even $50 is.. so many little girls will want this & not every family can afford this kind of price.
    I loved little junky stuff like this when I was a kid.

  36. Jess y

    I just missed this because they say out of stock now, will there be more available??

  37. Shelley banks

    Are they all the same? I pre ordered one on Friday and when we went to toys r u they had one left so we bought that one. Wonder if I could cancel my preorder smh

  38. Mony

    the big Surprise doll is the hit. However, there is another hit “New LOL Surprise Glitter series” .. Does anybody know where to buy them?

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