Bath & Body Works: 17 Hand Soaps $40.80 Shipped (Just $2.40 Each) – Today Only

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bath-body-hand-soapsThrough today, November 10th, you can save an additional 20% off your Bath & Body purchase AND score free shipping with a $50+ purchase with promo code YESTOMORE at checkout. Plus, grab select 3-Wick Candles for just $12.50 (regularly $22.50 each) AND select select Hand Soaps on sale for $3 each (regularly $6.50).

Need Hand Soap? Do This!

Buy 17 Bath & Body Works Hand Soaps $3 each
Total = $51
Use promo code YESTOMORE for 20% off and free shipping w/ $50
Final Cost $40.80 shipped – just $2.40 per hand soap (regularly $6.50)!

Want Candles? Do This!

Buy five 3-Wick Candles $12.50 each (reg. $22.50)
Total = $62.50
Use promo code YESTOMORE for 20% off and free shipping w/ $50
Final Cost $50 shipped total – just $10 per candle!

Through December 24th, you can get $10 off a $30 online purchase with promo code FA162853 at checkout. Note that you can only use one promo code per order, so make sure you use the one that works best for you

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onlinements 27

  1. Princess

    I can’t remember but aren’t the hand soaps a little cheaper than this as it gets closer to the holidays?

    • tspann

      The hand soaps have been 3 $ each for like a week at the store I work at in Texas

  2. Hilda

    Hello! I went to the store and bought 10 for $20. I used the 10 off 30 coupon

    • Becca

      Where the $10 off $30 coupon?!

      • Gordy

        I have a $10 off 30 that starts on the 14th from the coupon book they gave away about a month ago

    • Princess

      Thank you, I went to the store and also got 10 for $20.00 after 10/30 coupon. I was also able to get a free signature lotion valued at $13.00 with the purchase of the soaps.

  3. Reethu

    Where can we get the 10 off 30 in store coupon?

    • Mary


  4. nicole

    I think $3 is a great price and add your coupon 10 off 30 to make it $2 in store. I work at BBW, you can STACK coupons on black Friday!

    • Just Me

      Thanks! I was wondering.

  5. Jassie C

    What is the cheapest the soaps will go during the holidays?

  6. maria

    Can I use the promo code 20% off and the $10 off $30 coupon?

    • Melissa D.

      I tried online, only allows one!

  7. Katie

    I have a question for all you smart Bath and Body Works people. I have a bunch of coupons and I know you can stack coupons on Black Friday. What about the free item with any purchase? How would that work. I have three of them. Would I still need three different purchases or depending on what I buy can I use them all at once? Thanks for any tips!

  8. Melissa D.

    Use code FA162853 for $10 off $30 online…

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks for the heads up! Just added to the post!

  9. Laura

    Got mine in store for $2 each! I used a $10 off $30 coupon I had. It was a mailer! But after I purchased them I got another coupon in my bag for $10 off $30.

  10. Julie

    Debating a trip there tonight–I gave the 10 off 30 coupon too, and I am gifting these soaps to a few people … just really doesn’t fit into my evening to go there, but ….

    • nicole

      I would go, the sale may be gone tomorrow. FYI,we never know how long sales run even as employees.

      • Julie

        Good advice, Nicole. I did go. Bought 10 hand soaps and a full size shower gel for $21.20 after my coupons! Totally resisted all the other things screaming “buy me!”–even the adorable Santa hat toppers! Came home to an email from B&B that something great is happening on Saturday … (they did not elaborate)

        • Julie

          …on Saturday. The email suggested a big sale on Saturday …

  11. Ger

    Can we use this at store?

  12. Sara

    I called my store they said today was the last day for $3 hand soaps in store, and I went the other night and got 10 plus a body wash for only $21.75, That’s $2.18/soap plus a free body wash! I used the $10 off $30 mailer coupon and the free product coupon. I think at the yellow sale they can get under $2; but not positive.

  13. Jen D

    Would anybody possibly be willing to forward me a b&bw email offer email for $10 off $30 or 20%? I want to shop in store but am not signed up yet for their emails. It’s Georgia_peach127 at yahoo dot online.

    TIA!! 🙂

    • Joni

      Go to retailmenot and show them the coupon from there

  14. Norma

    Website crashed? I can’t seem to get my order in online

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Hmm, the site seems to be working for me now as I click through if you wanted to try again. If still having issues, maybe try in a different browser. Hope this helps!

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