Happy Friday: Saving Now to Enjoy Later

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Sent from reader, Sherry:

I moved from Australia to the United States in 2014 to be with my husband who was still in graduate school back then. I couldn’t work because of my visa status but I wanted to contribute somehow financially, so my husband introduced me to your wonderful site. That’s how I started couponing!

Since then, I was able to cut our spending on daily essentials (paper products, personally care items, grocery etc.) to a third of what we would normally pay. On top of that, I was also able to have a stock pile of paper products and personal care items, and a fully stocked gift closet by following the deal scenarios you post.

In 2014 on Black Friday, you posted an Amazon deal where they had select Fisher-Price toys BOGO, plus you got a Gund bear for free. I didn’t have a baby back then, but I knew these toys would be perfect when I had kids. So I went ahead and bought a Fun with Friends Music Table and a Stride to Ride Puppy. This March, my husband and I welonlineed our son Bradley into the world. He is now 6-months old. And the toys I bought for him 2 years ago bring him so much fun! Oh, the joy I feel when I watch him play!

Thank you so much for all the hard work you guys put into the site and deals you post! You are helping my family in so many wonderful ways and we absolutely appreciate it! Keep up the great work!


Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at [email protected]. Every Friday, we post one photo, submitted by a Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!

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onlinements 21

  1. Michelle

    I told my husband when we celebrated our 10th anniversary that I wanted another baby… However we had no baby stuff since our kids were 9 and 7… So I made a deal with its my husband that I would get all the baby stuff as close to free as possible… And I did!!! By the time I got pregnant and had my baby girl the only thing we had to buy was a crib… Now my sole mission in life is to get everything as close to free as possible…😊

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How cool. Thanks for sharing your story Michelle! 🙂

    • Brittani


  2. Megann

    You have a beautiful baby 🙂 great job with all of your work to help your family save money. 🙂

  3. Angela

    Aw! He is so cute! Great story

  4. Lucy

    Great job in saving so much money for your family. It is a great teaching tool for our kiddos too.

  5. Cara

    Thank you for sharing your story. Welonlinee Bradley. =)

  6. Kasey

    That’s awesome! I try to do that with home decor type stuff since we are planning to buy a bigger house soon so I know I will need more items to “fill” the house. Lol

  7. Lin

    Cutie pie! Good job getting a jump on savings. I like to shop ahead for a gift closet and 2 years ahead for clothing.

  8. janag

    How adorable is he??!! Love the name Bradley!

  9. Lc

    Please pray for us living in south Carolina, we are going through this hurricane right now

    • Tracy

      Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

    • Sandy

      Prayers and warm wishes are onlineing your way. Be safe.

  10. Tracy

    Cute baby. Congratulations on saving your family so much money.

  11. Liss

    Awesome story! I love Friday nights because of these posts 🙂

  12. Natasha C

    Cutie Pie.
    Hip2save helped me as well. I joined because I lost my job at 8 months pregnant and no savings. Keep doing what you are doing.

  13. Emilia

    Great job!! God bless your baby and your heart

  14. Vivian

    Awww so cute! Congrats!

  15. Mary

    Inspiring, enjoy your bundle of joy…Congrats

  16. Lisa

    I am praying for those of you dealing with MATTHEW. ((HUGS))

    I enjoyed the story from the original poster. AWESOME! It was also fun to hear from the momma who wanted one more baby and got her stuff mostly free. I am in a similar situation, as I have 6 boys. When I found out I was expecting a girl, it felt a lot like starting over. I’ve been amazed at how little I have spent on her in her 9 months of life. 🙂 I go to clothing closets at churches, and buy her clothes on deals ( from Hip2save!) off season. I get diapers and wipes on Collin’s deals, and I use Amazon points to buy random things like hair bows. God always provides. ALWAYS! 🙂

    • 5pink1blue

      Awesome! So much fun to have a girl after all your boys. I have five daughters and felt the same when I had my son.

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