Bath & Body Works: 3-Wick Candles As Low As $9.97 Each Shipped (Regularly $22.50)

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UPDATE: Be sure to check your in box for an in-store coupon as well!

Through May 1st, Bath & Body Works is offering up select 3-Wick Candles for just $12.50 (regularly $22.50 each). Also, through May 2nd, you can use the code MORESPRING to save 25% off your entire order including the candles. Please note that shipping is $5.99 on any size order.

Check out these deal ideas:

Buy six 3-Wick Candles $12.50 each
Total = $75
Enter the code MORESPRING at checkout
Total now = $56.25
Plus $5.99 for shipping
Final cost only $62.24 shipped for all 6 candles, just $10.37 shipped per candle!

Buy ten 3-Wick Candles $12.50 each
Total = $125
Enter the code MORESPRING at checkout
Total now = $93.75
Plus $5.99 for shipping
Final cost only $99.74 shipped for all 10 candles, just $9.97 shipped per candle!

Bath & Body WorksAre you a Paypal user? Be sure to check your Paypal Wallet for a possible offer for $10 off your $40 purchase whenever you pay with PayPal,

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onlinements 20

  1. Shan

    Can you use this code in store???

    • Tyra

      They sent an In store coupon via email this morning

      • Talaya

        How do u get the email for in store

  2. Elizabeth Freeman

    Does anyone know if you can use a Victorias Secret gift card (not a rewards card or store credit) at Bath and Body Works? Would love to grab up this deal and use my giftcard.

    • Rana

      I believe you can only use a VS credit card at B&BW. I tried to do the opposite (B&BW gift card at VS) and it wouldn’t work.

      • Marie

        Wait, what am I missing? How can you use a VS gift card at B&BW??

        • Bonnie

          VS and B&BW are owned by the same onlinepany.

  3. Nikki

    Am I crazy…do they ever have their 3-wicks for $8? I swear I remember hitting that sale before.

    • Beth

      I think they were in December. I bought some then and I’m pretty sure that’s what I paid for them!

    • Katie

      The clerk says that sale is only once a year

  4. Nicole

    Favorite candles smell?

    • Kate

      Mine is definitely Mahogany Teakwood… Or Teakwood Mahogany. Whatever it’s called, it smells divine 🙂

    • Jackie

      London Tea & Lemon – my absolute favorite!! I also really liked Fresh Bamboo. 🙂

    • Jen D

      The Summer Boardwalk candle is amazing. I think it was limited edition for the summer last year. But pecan praline is very very similar. Just a strong sweet smell that is amazing!!

    • Jessica

      Mahogany Teakwood for sure!!

  5. Katie

    As a heads up I had a coupon I had from a couple months ago at 20% off plus free Shipping for online only. It came out less with that and I had 7 candles in my cart. Plus, I used PayPal to check out and they gave me a special offer for using PayPal credit for $10 off my order, today only

  6. Tiffany

    I also had an email from PayPal for $10 off $40 – makes for an even sweeter deal! 😊 Thank you!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Great find Tiffany! Thanks for the heads up! Just updated!

  7. Meghan

    Yes, you can use your VS credit card at BBW but not their coupons. I used to work there.

  8. jessica

    What is the code for the 20% off plus free shipping?

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