Bath & Body Works: 7 Hand Soaps, Body Lotion, Fragrance Mist & Hand Gel ONLY $25.75 Shipped

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Bath & Body Works

As I mentioned earlier, today only, Bath & Body Works is offering up a FREE Thousand Wishes Fine Fragrance Mist AND Body Lotion (a $26.50 value!) with any purchase + (sold out) πŸ™  FREE shipping on a $25+ order – just be sure to enter the code WISH4YOU at checkout. This offer is valid online only – not at your local store.

BBW soaps

Here’s another deal idea for ya:

Buy seven Deep Cleansing or Foaming Hand Soaps on sale 7/$24
Buy one PocketBac Sanitizing Hand Gel 1oz $1.75
Total = $25.75
Enter the code WISH4YOU at checkout
Final Cost $25.75 shipped for 7 Hand Soaps, 1 Hand Sanitizer AND the Free Full-Size Fine Fragrance Mist AND Body Lotion!

If you’re looking for an affordable gift idea for teachers, neighbors, friends, and more, consider making “We Wash You a Merry Christmas!” hand soaps using this printable template and Bath & Body Works hand soaps (currently on sale 5/$18 or 7/$24) or whatever hand soaps you like! Then just add some ribbon and a personalized note and you have a super cute and frugal gift idea!

(Thanks, Carol!)

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onlinements 34

  1. Tiffany

    the link for the sanitizing gel doesn’t work

    • Swirlypop

      If you are on a mobile device that is often a problem.

      • Tiffany

        I was on my laptop :-/

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How strange! Just updated – let me know if that one works better!?

      • Tiffany

        yep! Works now πŸ™‚

  2. Samantha

    I got the bundle of 6 soaps for $20, 5 of the pocketbac sanitizers for $6, and then the 2 free full size items. All of that for $26 plus tax!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Awesome! πŸ˜€

    • Lindsey

      That’s what I did too!!!! However there is a Halloween bundle of the pocket sanitizers that’s 5 for $5! So total is $25 plus tax! Sweet!!

  3. tres

    I bought 7 deep cleaning hand soaps, 5 sanitizing pocket gels, free body mist and lotion for $26.87 after $5 birthday gift. I had to have $25 minimum after my $5 bg for free shipping. πŸ™
    But a great deal! Also used a gift card from Raise with savings at 20% off and ebates. So everthing for under $19 shipped! Soooo happy!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Yes, it is Free Shipping with $25+. So glad you could grab a great deal πŸ˜‰

    • Jennifer

      How do you use the birthday gift promo with the other promo….I can only get one promo code to work per order??

  4. Van

    Is the $25.75 after tax?

  5. Lacy

    How long is this deal good for?

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      WISH4YOU is valid today only.

  6. LindaK

    Great gifts for the Christmas white elephant exchange at work.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Yes! Great idea! πŸ˜€

  7. Beth

    This was a great deal! I have been needing to re-order my favorite lotion, rain kissed leaves, and I desperately needed some foaming hand soaps (I re-use the dispensers and my old ones are starting to wear out). I ordered the lotion and 5 hand soaps and got all that plus the free gifts for about $29 shipped before tax.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Sweet deal Beth! πŸ˜€

  8. Kelly

    Just wanted everyone to know…the free scent smells awesome! One of my favorites. If you’ve never tried it, you won’t be disappointed!

  9. Kmc1021

    Thank you SOOOO much!! I always try to stock up on my favorite scent (winter candy apple) and usually run into all the local stores selling out. I got my year long stock and didn’t have to leave! Soap and sanitizer!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re so welonlinee! πŸ˜€

  10. Sarah T.

    I ordered 8 hand soaps for a total of $27.36 (with the A Thousand Wishes Wish onlinee True Duo freebie) because I didn’t need any more hand sanitizer. I just recently found out that any amount of soaps over 7 you get for the same price, $3.42. πŸ™‚

  11. ~jenn~

    I’m sooooo tempted, but…I….must….resist. Savin’ my pennies for the $8 candle sale………. /crossing fingers

  12. Catherine

    I wish they had scratch and sniff onlineputer screens lol I don’t have a clue which ones to get.

    • Judy

      I hear ya – I ordered a 3-wick candle last year during one of the sales — it was awful! They exchanged it for me at the store no problem, but now I always skip the online events.

  13. jessica

    its not working for me. tried adding the freebie and leaving it off. what could i be oing wrong?

    • Mom of 5 boys

      Says it is sold out! 😬

  14. A

    Went to place an order and they’re sold out of the free Thousand Wishes πŸ™

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Bummer πŸ™

  15. jessica

    duh lol now i see it thanks

  16. Kathleen

    sold out πŸ™ Now they are offering only free shipping on orders over $25

  17. Stephanie

    Sold out of the free gift. πŸ™

  18. Jessica

    Collin – those labels are too cute. What a great idea for teacher holiday gifts. Thank you!

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