Bath & Body Works: Up to 40% Off Surprise Code (Check Your Email!) + More

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Bath & Body Workd 40% Off Surprise Code
Bath & Body Works
subscribers! It appears you may have gotten an email with a surprise code, valid for as much as 40% off your ENTIRE purchase (I scored a 20% off code) – valid in-store and online! This email will be titled Reveal Your Savings! and onlinee from the email address <[email protected]>.

Also note that the promo code SP155881 is still available for $10 off a $30 purchase, but keep in mine that you cannot stack coupon codes so use the one that saves you the most money.

Bath & Body Work 40% Off Surprise CodeLooking for a way to make use of your code? Through today only, ALL 3-wick candles are marked down to just $12 (regularly $22.50), hand soaps are priced at 4/$18 AND you can score up to 50% off select items found here! Plus, shipping is free on orders of $50 or more AND it appears the free shipping is applying BEFORE your promo code is applied. SWEET!

(Thanks, Stephanie & Pooja!)

Join The Discussion

onlinements 54

  1. Liz

    If anyone is not using their code , please consider mailing me at dek2711(at)yahoo(dot)online
    Thanks in advance.

  2. Kim

    Anyone have a 40% they won’t be using? I’d love to have it! Thank you. Kalstarr143 @ aol

  3. VC

    I have never purchased anything from them, but was always interested in trying. If you happen to have a spare code, I’d appreciate it: vned2525 @

  4. Edy

    I can email I don’t know how to! And I’m on mobile , I only know how to text and check the website I have 3 codes for body and bath works they can be use or in store or online . I’m going to post them
    There good until 9/8 free travel size signature collection item up to $5 auth# 6398 online code $156398 free 3onzsc 15007AC7 10898224747946398000005 another is &6 signature collection fine fragrance mist 15007AC7 to redeem use code DMfsLLL7L85yaN

  5. M

    If anyone has a 40% (or more than 20! ) they aren’t using, may I have it? Would love to order some candles! [email protected] Thanks!! 💞

  6. Marissa

    Anyone have a 40% off they aren’t planning on using? [email protected] Sharing is caring:) thank you

  7. Peavey

    Here is my mobile device code: AbmprWbfQ28x18

    Hope it works!!

  8. K

    Bought (5) candles for $60 … used 20% off code plus free shipping (on site) = $48 total for (5) candles ($9.60/candle is awesome for me!)

  9. coupones

    is there a coupon to use in store for $10 off of $30?

  10. Maria V

    Thank you for the heads up. I got 40 percent off

  11. s

    Here is the mobile code for 20% iff

    • s


  12. mar

    There are 3.25 hand soaps on the 50% off sale I bought three and the buy three get three free, so total six on shower gels and lotions then I got a knightlight for my son on sale total spent 44.95 all the items where on sale sweet deal and free shipping.

  13. Diana

    If anyone has a 40% off code, I would love it if you would share. [email protected].

    • Lauren

      can you email it to me please? Going to the mall to get some candles later.
      [email protected]

  14. Diana

    I don’t have 40% off like everyone’s wanting, but got a 30%off if anyone’s interested.
    I’ll send to first person who leave his/her email. 🙂

    • Lauren

      can you email it to me please? Going to the mall to get some candles later.
      [email protected]

      • Diana

        I’m so sorry I was caught up by something earlier. I’m gonna email it to you and hope you can still use it. If not, can you please forward it to Betty to use? Thanks.
        Sorry for the delay again. 🙁

  15. Heaz

    Thanks Collin for posting this. I was happily surprised I had a 40% code:) I ordered 5 3-wick candles for $38 shipped. That’s $7.60 per candle. I might be set for fall now:) Thanks again!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Awesome! You’re welonlinee!

  16. Heaz

    I tried to post this once, so we will see if it goes twice:) Thanks Collin for posting this! I was happily surprised that I had a 40% code! I was able to order 5 3-wick candles for $38 shipped. That’s only $7.60 per candle. I think I am set for the fall now:) Thanks again! You have helped to fill my candle obsession for a little bit. 😉

  17. allison

    Scored 40% off!! Thank you for posting! 🙂 I always forget to check my emails

    • Kelly

      They are reusable! If willing to share my email is [email protected]. thanks!

  18. Elm

    Best morning ever! I got 5 3 wicks, 10 pocket bacs, and a gorgeous pumpkin candle holder for $45 shipped!!!!

  19. April

    I would love 40% off if anyone has one they do not plan to use. Email to [email protected]. Thank you!

  20. Edy

    20% off your purchase Auth#6504 online code S156396 15D07AC7 now free shipping online with $25 purchase plus save 20% off your entire purchase Auth # 6610 15D07AC7

  21. Cortney Jones

    Wow shipping to me is $15.98!? What’s up with that???

  22. Akuch

    I would also appreciate a 40% off if someone had an extra
    Email. [email protected]
    Or text 2544936722

  23. Cassandra

    Don’t be greedy now, take a 30%! Eb1bjfV6G35t13

  24. Erika

    I also would love a 30 or 40 off code if anyone got one, thanks! [email protected]

  25. Brittany

    If anyone isn’t using their code….Please and thank you 😀 [email protected]

  26. Stephanie B

    I loaded up today!! 6 three wick candles, 6 bottles of triple moisture lotion (my fav!), 3 bottles of sanitizer, and a pocketbac holder for less than $80! 😃

  27. Mr

    Does anyones kohls take expired kohls cash? I have $20 that exp on aug 23 and my stores only take it up to 10 days after. If your store does i can send it in the mail

    • M

      Before you give it away you could try to contact customer service via web chat or call them & see if they’d be willing to reissue it to you. They might be willing to put it into your account as yes2you rewards points that you’d get next month. If you don’t want to bother or if you’ve already tried & it didn’t work I’d love to try to use it! skittlebees @ gmail . online (no spaces) Thanks!

  28. Amanda

    Thank you so much for this post. I had 40% off. Got two $11.25 candles, 2 $12, and a wallflower plug for $5.25 after the code I payed $32. That’s less than the price of two regularly priced candles.

  29. Cindy

    30 % off mobile code……..Eb1bHfEvvh0r92

    • Rose

      Thanks Cindy!

  30. FLmomma

    Poor cellular service in the store wouldn’t allow my coupon to open. So cashier said she’d use the one the store had bc she thought it was 30%. I had bought 3-$12 candles & 6-$3.25 soaps (50% off)! Well, the coupon ended up being 40%! I was super happy technology hadn’t worked in my favor today (& glad I went into the store)!!!

  31. keri

    How do you get the codes? Every time I click on the link to reveal my savings, it brings me to their sale page with no code. What am I missing?

    • MiisNoel

      Hi Keri,

      You can either click on the “watermelon,” which will take you to their main website page and at the top there is a red bar/ad across the screen reflecting the percentage you received.

      The other option is to look at the in-store barcode digits, specifically the last six digits. The beginning two digits are your percentage. For example: Last six digits are “200084,” which means the percentage is 20%.

      Hope that helps!

  32. MiisNoel

    *please check in-box for more emails*

    Does anyone have a 40% Off Code they won’t be using ONLINE?
    *fingers crossed*

    Please check your in-boxes for multiple emails received over the last few days because the codes are different. And if you’re not planning on purchasing anything online, I’d love it! (Even if you use(d) the in-store code, which can be used multiple times over and over, the online code is separate.)

    I’m sorry to bother the Hipsters, but the item I want to order is not available in the stores near me. So, if you’re not planning on it’s use, please send it to me at miisvegas (at) yahoo (dot) online. Thank you Hipsters!!!

  33. michele

    Hi does anyone have the 40% off .. i really need to give someone a gift basket and would love to have a 40% off.. i just need the barcode.. if someone can please send me a pic of the barcode i would so very greatly appreciate it!!! My email is [email protected]
    Thank you so much!!!

  34. Shelly

    Will someone please share the 40%off coupon? They are reuseable and we all need to save money at this time of the year :)) [email protected]

  35. Lisa

    I will pay $50 for a 40% off coupon for 2016. Please reply to this onlinement with your email address. I’ll send you the $50 via paypal. Thanks!

  36. Donna

    Would love someone to share there 40% coupon.
    Merry Christmas and Healthy Happy New Year too! 🙂

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