Happy Friday: Vintage Store Coupon

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Sent from reader, Lori:

I onlinee from a long line of thrifty shoppers and was thrilled when I came across a super old coupon while browsing through an heirloom cookbook recently. The women in my family have a tradition of giving “The Settlement Cook Book” to their daughters when they get married (although mine will go to my son.)

It’s a cookbook that not only has recipes but advice on “efficient marketing”. A coupon for 7 cents off Grape-nuts with an expiration date of October 31, 1975 was stuck in the book. It was fun to see a really old coupon and it made me feel proud that I’m carrying on the tradition of “efficient marketing”.


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onlinements 39

  1. Michelle

    “Mr. Grocer” – I love that!! Very cool!

  2. Deb

    Does anyone have an idea of how much Grape Nuts cost in 1975?

  3. Patrcia

    I actually found some that stated they had no expiration date. I think they were 10 cents off and they didn’t have a bar code. Really shook up the clerk who had to enter it manually. Hey 10 cents is 10 cents………… I found some old trading stamps too! The ones they gave yuo for shopping a long long time ago.

    • Stacey C

      Would that be the green S&H stamps ?

      • Rae

        Could have been blue Chip too. My parents still have books of those things!

  4. clara

    thats funny i actually havethe settllement cookbook i bought from a bookclub back in 1976 made a few recipes i have it

  5. Bryan

    It’s good to see that you’re passing this tradition to your son. Boys can be thrifty too!! Ask my wife, I do all the shopping and couponing 😉

    • Carla

      awesome to see a male Couponer!
      my husband is kind of embarrassed to use coupons and especially if I have to clear up a price error with the cashier (when item rings up higher than what the tag says) He gets so embarrassed/annoyed. I tell him to stay in the car then or don’t go!

      • Denise

        Lol that’s great carla!

      • Laura

        Lol I deal with the same thing! But then later he’ll ask if I have a coupon for something he needs. My sarcastic remark is always no 😉

      • Vic

        My hubby was embarrassed for a long time but if I have few items, he will stay and watch the price drop after each coupon. Now he is not embarrassed no more, he even calls me from work and tells me he wants to stop an this store if there is a coupon to print or at home.

      • Momof3

        As if! 😉 My husband has learned it’s a way to buy more and get more for the money he works hard for. He does all my returns/refunds/exchanges. It is easier for him to go without the kids and people respect a man with muscles more than they do a mom with three kids a tow. They do not give him grief at all. He’s also been price matching during the holidays and using the savings catcher at Walmart.

      • Meli

        I love seeing a man who can coupon. My husband was embarrassed at first but when he saw how much he was saving now he loves it. He doesnt go shopping but when he does he asks. Lol

    • Lori

      My husband has beonlinee quite the bargain shopper and is particularly great at spotting the deals on meat. I guess it’s biological…even though we’re far fro the caveman days, he’s “hunting” and I’m “gathering”! ; )

  6. jhnicole

    This Is classic very cool.I love seeing the old coupons.I wasn’t even born in 1975.I was wondering the price too.Thanks for sharing.

  7. jhnicole

    Sorry for calling it old I mean vintage lol.

  8. Lauren T

    I have a whole shoe box of coupons from the sixties that were my Grandmas… Most of them have no expiration date! I’ve thought of using them, lol but I don’t want to part with them 🙂

    • Carla

      That’s awesome!

  9. Kristi

    Very cool!

  10. Melissa-Ann

    I love vintage cookbooks. My father and I found a Hersey’s baking chocolate coupon from 1980 that had no expiration.

  11. Kim

    Wow this is awesome!!!! Put it right back in the book for your son to marvel at years from now. 🙂

    • Lori

      I already did! I’ll let him have the same little find years from now.

  12. lisa

    I love it, “the way to a man’s heart”. 😉

    • Lori

      I know! It’s always cracked me up. Great cookbook, though.

  13. Brianna

    Not a coupon…but my mom found a Victoria Secret gift certificate from my parents wedding in 1988. The best part is they still were willing to honor it. It was written on a piece paper and faded.

  14. Melissa

    Lori, I inherited that cookbook. Thanks for mentioning it. It has been sitting on my shelf for a long time. It is time I cracked it open.

  15. Jane

    My dad used to do all of our family grocery shopping every Saturday. He would send along a handful of coupons and my dad would onlinee home all riled up because he could not find the correct brands or sizes. I recall sitting at the table and clipping coupons and putting them in a shoebox in the 70’s. Most of them were 5c or 7c or heaven forbid (high value) 10c! I think a box of cereal was about 79c. The funny think is this coupon is for POST cereal but if you read it closely, “General Foods” is who is redeeming it. I actually know someone who worked at the coupon redemption center since it is close to home! General Foods is also where my hubby got his 1st job, and they made pet food there!

    Couponing really is close to home for me! It’s in my blood……

  16. david

    My wife introduced me to couponing in the 70’s been doing it ever since save lots of money $$$!And it is lots of fun and rewarding. Dave

  17. Denise

    Such a cute and inspiring story, thanks for sharing!

  18. Just Me

    My family delivered newspapers growing up. Looking back I don’t know why we didn’t coupon! We usually had a few leftover Sunday newspapers- oh the missed savings!

  19. Mari

    A 7 cent coupon? Sounds like it came out of a current P&G insert, haha

  20. Courtney

    Love it!

  21. Katie

    Yay, this is my aunt and I too have a vintage copy of the Settlement Cookbook passed down from my mom (Lori’s sister) on my counter that I refer to frequently. Frugality is definitely in our blood. I can’t wait to pass down a copy to my daughter and future daughter-in-law on their wedding days.

    • Lori

      : ) Thanks for the Happy Friday post, Collin! My niece, Katie, is the one who referred me to your site and my bank account thanks you both!

    • Brenda

      That’s my sister Lori and daughter Katie! Don’t forget that this book is a prepper book too! besides recipes from scratch and with limited items it has recipes for baby formula, pictures of animals and where cuts of meat are located and how to cook those cuts of meat we’d never eat unless it was all we had, haha (I’ll speak for myself, I hate tongue and heart) Oh, and since someone asked, Grape nuts cost around$.75 a box back then. Remember, parts of a pine tree are edible! Hahaha, but really it’s true, needles can make pine needle tea full of vit C, you can eat the cadmium layer of bark, and toasted pine nuts are full of protein and vit A. Stay away from the pollen it is poisonous to eat!

      • Lori

        The book even teaches how to make soap!

  22. Starla

    I have recently found 12 coupons with no expiration date and no bar code also. Can they still be use, and doubled at store that double?

  23. Susan

    In the mid 1950’s when I was a young child we would clip the coupons out of the magazines, like Ladies Home Journal, take them to the store and they would give you the face value in coins. When I would visit my grandmothers I would scour all their new magazines for coupons. It seems by 1960 that was no longer allowed. Oh, for the good old days!

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