Bath & Body Works: Check Your Inbox for FREE Hand Soap Coupon (No Purchase Needed)

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If you signed up for the FREE Hand Soap coupon from Bath & Body Works last week (no longer available), be sure to check your Inbox (or your Spam/Trash folder)! I have received numerous emails from readers stating that they finally received their email yesterday/this morning with the Subject Line “Something special to you, ♥ us!” or “Ta-Da! Your FREE SOAP offer has arrived!” from the email address [email protected]. If you did indeed receive this email, it is valid for a FREE Hand Soap of your choice (a $6.50 value!) through March 30th and no purchase is necessary- you’ll just need to present your email with your unique barcode at checkout.

(Thanks to all you readers who emailed and/or left onlinements!)

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onlinements 141

  1. Tracey

    I got mine yesterday as well as my mom 🙂 Thanks again

  2. lalayeso

    I didn’t mine 🙁

  3. rb

    got it!! so happy 😃

  4. Mayra

    Michiko: Thank you once again 🙂 😀

  5. Kathleen

    I picked up my free hand soap today

  6. Katie

    Do you have to print or will they scan from phone?

  7. Tina

    Got mine!!!! I took my phone so they could scan it but she said the scan bar didnt work for anyone, so she just input the numbers manually… Yay thanks!!!

  8. Laura

    Could some one forward me the free item coupon if possible? my email is [email protected] thank you so much.

  9. Ana

    Just picked one up. I had a printed coupon. No problems. Awesome! Collin rules!

  10. Mary

    Can we use both (FREE Soap and FREE Signature collection) coupons at the same time or is it a limit of one coupon per person?


  11. Kelly

    Thank u

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