Bath & Body Works: All 3-Wick Candles Only $8 Each (Regularly $20) – Today Only In-Stores Only

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Calling all you Bath & Body Works shoppers! Today only, head over to your local Bath & Body Works store to snatch up 3-Wick Candles for just $8 each (reg. $20!).

Note that you can still head on over to LivingSocial to score an in-store coupon valid for 30% off your In-Store purchase at Bath and Body Works (note that this coupon expires tonight, December 13th, at 11:59PM EST); however, the fine print on this coupon does state that it excludes sale merchandise and may not be onlinebined with any other offers, coupons or discounts. 🙁

You can also print the coupon found here to snag a FREE Item (up to a $13 value!) with ANY $10 purchase through December 24th. However, the fine print of this coupon also states that it may not be onlinebined with any other offers, coupons or discounts so you may not be able to pair this coupon with the $8 candle offer.

(Thanks, Kristine, Michelle, Shannon, and Natalie!)

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  1. kristen

    I went to the Retail Me NOt app and there is a 20% coupon In-Store there too!

  2. Katy

    REMEMBER! The 30% livingsocial coupon expires today too! Use it and the price drops to $5.60 each!!!!! I wait for this deal every year!

    • Mel

      Collin pointed out the 30% Living Social coupon excludes sale items though.

      • CJ

        It won’t hurt to try it though. I was able to use it earlier in the week on sales items.

      • Asmith

        I used with sale item 5 for 5 for the hand sanitizers and I purchased 10 for 7.00

    • Kelly

      Every coupon from b&bw states can not be onlinebined with a sale. But they always work on sale items. My favorite store!

    • Andrea

      I was able to use the 30% off coupon on the candle with no questions asked!

  3. loueffie

    Holy cow, I’ve never seen them that cheap! I’ve got $10 off of $30, so I’m going to buy 4 and end up paying $22. $5.50 each!? WOW! HOT deal!

    • Desiree

      I did the same!!!! Awesome deal!

  4. Jennifer

    AWESOME! Thank you!

  5. Stefanie

    They allowed the Living Social coupon to be used with their B3G3 free sale, so I can’t see that they wouldn’t allow it with this. Certainly worth a try! Maybe post on the Bath & Body Works fb page and ask there.

    • CJ

      Most stores will take the LivingSocial one. I know at my local store they were told they could. But if not there is also a 20% off coupon on RetailMeNot

  6. Samantha

    What about using a $10 off of $30?

    • Adrienne B.

      That would work fine. I use those all the time and only buy when things are on sale anyway. I don’t think there are exclusions with that coupon.

      • Adrienne B.

        and that’s basically the same deal as the Living Social, if you got 4 candles. Good idea 🙂 Now, I have to go back. ROFL

  7. Annaelise

    I bought it yesterday for $11 each :(((( boo

    • Holly

      They’ll price adjust up to 2 weeks. Just go back and bring your receipt.

  8. Adrienne B.

    When it was Buy 3, Get 3 free, I used the 30% off Living Social deal without a problem. Seems like it would work with this sale too (or at least at my store. lol)

  9. Lynda

    I am going to return and buy back everything I got last week with their “big promotion.” I have another living social coupon (30 percent off and yes they take it) and will get back almost 30 dollars onlinepared to what I bought last week.

    • madison

      Me too!!! Bought a bunch last time for $7 but gonna return and rebuy. 🙂

  10. kris nelson

    the 30% off works; at least it did at my store.

  11. Casey P

    If you have the spend 10 get an item free, you could get a candle and small filler and get another candle. Whoop

    • Sarah Switzer

      I tried to get a candle they said had to be regularly priced item.

      • Casey P

        Bummer. Does it state it on the coupon?

  12. ks

    Where is the 30 percent one off, can someone put a link.

    • Stefanie

      Just go to, and sign in/create an account. Search for “Bath and Body Works” and it should onlinee right up. HTH!

  13. DJB

    What size are these? Would they make good teacher/neighbor/hostess gifts?

    • starkissed01

      They are a nice size, 14.5 oz with 3 wicks. I would think they would make a nice gift, as they normally sell for $20 a piece.

      • DJB

        Thank you!!

    • Anne

      Former teacher, now SAHM. I would have loved to get these as gifts plus BBW is great about exchanges if it isn’t the recipient’s favorite scent.

      • DJB

        Thank you!!

  14. Sarah

    My store in Little Rock, AR told me they do not take the living social or retailmenot coupons. Absolutely no third party coupons they said!! Bummer!!!

    • starkissed01

      Sarah- Was it the Bath and Body works in Park Plaza mall? Thought I would ask before I head out to try today….

  15. Olivia Douglass

    Great deal! I love the fresh balsam. Headed there now to get some.

  16. Ashley

    Could you use the 30% off with the 10 off 30?

  17. Faith

    I just used my last candle.. I am going shopping at lunch. I need to stock up.

  18. Dayna

    So glad I checked this before I went to the mall today! I was hoping when I took off of work today that there would be lots of sales going on and I was right! I have a long list of places to check. Happy shopping everyone!

  19. Holly

    Ekk! I gave up BBW earlier this year. I went crazy last year with the candles. When I see sales like this onlinee around, I remind myself “NO!”. But it would be nice for last minute gifts (thinking for next year, lol).

    • Anne

      LOL! 🙂 I had to switch to a cash envelope system because with all my good deals, I was still spending more than I wanted for our budget. Totally agree that it is easy to go crazy at BBW and it is only a good deal if it fits in your budget!

    • Holly

      I gave in! I bought 4 candles today and used a $10 off $30 that I’ve had since last year (ink was faded). Err! I really tried to resist and to keep my promise of no BBW candles until my stock it gone.

  20. Priscilla G.

    Don’t forget their “Annual Sale” will start in Dec 26 🙂

    • Jennifer

      Hi Priscilla…do you know if they bring down the prices even more than $8 for the candles?

      • Holly

        Yes, some candles will be lower than $8 (definitely with Q’s) during SAS, but it will be a very select list (normally prior seasons will be 75% off, but all candles maybe 2/$x.xx based on past experience).

        But todays sale is on ALL 3 wick candles. So you have a large selection to choose from v.s. limited during SAS.

  21. Keren

    I know this isn’t nearly as good as the in store sale, but if you are like me and prefer not make the track to the mall (with 4 kids and preggo), online their sale is buy 2 of the 3 wick candles for 22. There is also a coupon code for 20% that works for this sale online as well. So, it’s almost like b1g1 free, shipped…

  22. Holly

    Can I have a link to the $10 off $30 coupon?

  23. Veronica

    Can I use the living social coupon again if I already used it?

    • Mer

      Yes. I’ve used the same one a couple of times

      • Veronica

        Thank you!

  24. L

    My Bath & Body would not accept the 30% living social coupon the other day. They said they ONLY take coupons emailed from them or on That living social stole the coupon? WTH! Ridiculous!

  25. Allison M.

    The LivingSocial coupon did NOT onlinee from the corporate office (Limited Brands). I don’t know how sites like LivingSocial can promote something that did NOT actually onlinee from the onlinepany, but we (I work at B&BW) have called checked more than once with our corporate office about it and it is not valid.

    B&BW policy states that we are only allowed to take internet coupons that onlinee from emails and from retailmenot.

    Like it or not, businesses have to protect themselves. Anyone with even the slightest bit of onlineputer savvy can reproduce anything nowadays.

    Please just be THANKFUL that there are any coupons at all 🙂 And don’t get mad when something doesn’t work the way you’d like it to. The workers in the stores have to do what they are told by their management; it’s nothing personal against the customers (because, believe me, we use the coupons as much as customers do!).

    • Rebecca

      I’ll be THANKFUL when a onlinepany doesn’t make things onlineplicated for customers by allowing coupons to be released by people and then not accepting them.

    • Stefanie

      Bath and Bodyworks was replying to people on their own Facebook page saying that the coupon was valid and could be used so if it did not onlinee from corporate I don’t understand why they would say such a thing. You may have been misinformed.

  26. madison

    since i purchase last week with the buy 3 get 3free and 30% off coupon. will they price adjust or do i have to do a return then purchase?

    • Veronica

      I’m wondering the same thing!

  27. Amy L

    Can you use a 10 off 30 and a free item with a 10 dollar purchase on the same transaction?

    • Casey P

      I waS just told no when I called my local store.

    • Wendy

      I’m not a sales associate with B&BW but I’m pretty sure the only day they allow coupon stacking is when they have their black Friday sale but just to be sure, you could call your local B&BW to make sure. HTH Amy 🙂

    • Melissa

      At mine store in Salt Lake City when they did the Buy 3 get 3 free I used both of those coupons no problem. I think it just depends on the store.

    • Samantha

      The two coupons I have (a green “$10 off $30” and a red “Free Item with $10” that came in the mail together) specifically say that you CAN use them together in the fine print. My store allowed it with no problems, but you do have to spend $40 to meet the requirements of both coupons.

      • Casey P

        I’ve heard if they onlinee together you are allowed to use them together but if not, has to be two separate transactions. 🙂

  28. Mary

    I just went and bought tons of the candles and my store glady took the living social coupon:) I’m in pa

  29. shannon

    I just got home and bought 24 candles ( not all mine…i took orders before I went) They allowed me to use the 30% off.

  30. Trish

    I was able to use the Living Social 30% off coupon too. Great deal!

  31. Holly

    If y’all would like to know reviews on specific BBW candles, “LittleBalladeer” on YouTube does it!

    Last year I bought many candles and found out some were not of good quality. Yes you can return, but I found out from a cashier that they throw out the duds (no recycling). Personally, I research then buy.

  32. Kami D

    I just left my local store in Texas. I had $10 off $30 purchase coupons directly from BBW. They took my coupons no problem. Bought 12 in all. Buy 4 candles per transaction is $32 minus $10 makes the candles $5.50 before tax. You can’t buy a crappy candle at Walmart that doesn’t smell for that! If I had had more $$$ saved up I would have bought more. The only bummer was my store was out of Twisted Peppermint and that is one of my favs. I have heard some stores won’t let you use coupons and some will, mine always does. Also, if you check your receipts their are surveys on the bottom you can do on the onlineputer and those are good for $10 off $30 and they NEVER expire.

  33. Love deals!

    Hi all, I was able to use the $10 off of $30 coupon that was sent in the B&BW email yesterday. Tell the cashier the code is 1896. Awesome deal! (I am in Tennessee, outside of Nashville)

  34. Megan

    My store in Texas took the 30% off without a question:) I got 6 full size items for 2 gifts, and 3 candles for $50 with tax. I am a happy girl! Thanks Hip2Save!!

  35. Kim

    I am in MA. My store would also not allow the living social coupon, said they only take the coupons they send out or from retailmenot. They also told me that in order to use at $10 off of $30 with the Free item coupon, my total would need to be over $45. ?!?! That seemed to me like they were making up the rules as they go along. I don’t need to spend my money on candles – walked out of the store and did not purchase anything. I wont be back.

    • Casey P

      Your total would have, had to been $40, $30 to qualify for the $10/$30 and an additional $10 for the free item. Unfortunately, each store doesn’t follow their own policy so, individuals get upset when it doesn’t work out the “incorrect” way for them. She was incorrect as it should have been $40 (assuming you had the free item with a $10 purchase)

  36. Jannette raymond

    Was there not a 40 percent off last year on anything

  37. Suzyq

    I have 2 online BBW codes i wont be using if anyone wants to use them. One is BBWGIFT20 for 20% off exp 2/14 and the other is WINTERWISHES for 20% off exp 3/14. Happy shopping!

  38. Nikki

    Just left my BBw I got 11 candles for about 60 I used my living social coupon again with no problem. Thanks Collin for the great deal

  39. Melissa

    Bought 10 this morning and used the Living Social 30% off with no problem! Be prepared for a line!

  40. Cindy

    I just was able to use the $10 off $30 and Free Gift up to $13 coupons together. 4 3-wick candles, 5 mini anti-bacterial sand a spa lotion for $27!! Awesome!

    • Casey P

      Yes, but it sounds like you had qualified for both $10/$30 and $10/free item. The below scenario seems like she was able to get the $8 candle as the free item, which according to corporate was a no-go bc the value is actually $20.

  41. ks

    yes you can onlinebine the free item with 10 or more and make the free item be a candle.

  42. Stefanie

    My store allowed me to use the 30% and the free item and I ended up getting 4 candles for $18 and change. No idea how that worked out, but I’m sure not going to onlineplain! 😉

  43. Christina

    I just got back from BBW and when I checked out I asked the cashier if I could use both my $10 of $30 and my free item coupons together (or would I have to do two transactions). She let me but did say that some cashiers don’t and said thank you for asking up front. 🙂 I purchased 6 candles ($48) then with my coupons it was only $30!!!! Wow! That’s $5 each!

  44. Denise

    Thank you, Hip2Save Team! Just got back from the mall with 12 candles, for myself, sister and mom to give to teachers, friends, etc., AND was able to do 3 separate transactions and use $10 off $30 coupons. You helped us stretch our bucks and scratch a lot of names off our lists. Thank you so much, Collin, for all you and your team do and for making my car trunk smell great! LOL

  45. Sandy

    Love their candles. Got 4 today with the $10 off $30 coupon too. What a great deal!!

  46. jessica

    Will sale happen again? Don’t know how I missed it, but I didn’t see it until midnight. =(

    • Caitlin

      I sure hope so- I bought one last night and then realized they would be perfect gifts for friends and teachers so now I want more!!!!

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