Bath & Body Works Reminder: Rare Buy 3, Get 3 Free Sale (+ Online Deal & Promo Codes!)

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Just a reminder!

Today only, Bath and Body Works is offering up a Buy 3, Get 3 FREE sale on ANYTHING you please – in-store only! And, if that’s not sweet enough, you can also still head on over to LivingSocial to score a Bath & Body Works coupon valid for 30% off your in-store purchase OR print a Bath & Body Works coupon valid for a FREE Item (up to a $13 value!) with ANY $10 purchase! 

Here’s another in-store deal idea:

Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 12.14.24 PM

Buy 6 large candles $20 each
Minus the buy 3, get 3 FREE sale = $60
Plus, use the 30% off your in-store purchase coupon found here
Final cost $42 for all 6 candles, just $7 each!
* These make fantastic gifts and I’m lovin’ all of the seasonal scents!  🙂

If you’d rather shop online, they are also offering up a Buy 3, Get 3 Free Sale on Select Body Care, Signature Body Care, Forever Collection, Body Lotion, Shower Gel, Fine Fragrance Mists, Body Creams, Scrubs, Cleansers and more! You can also use the code F131643 to save $5 Off $20, $10 Off $30 Or $15 Off $40 purchase. OR, you can use the promo code RMNDEC13 to save 20% off your order. And be sure to go through for an additional 3% cash back or Ebates to get an additional 2% cash back!

Also, note that a few readers have emailed about receiving emails from Bath & Body Works with a FREE shipping code, so be sure to check your inbox for this.

(Thanks, Amanda and all you other readers who emailed!)

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  1. Adrienne B.

    I hate you can’t use free shipping plus another promo code.

  2. Toni

    Just did 6 large candles today thank you for posting this!

  3. Tiffany

    Someone posted on another blog that the big candles are 2 for $22…buy 6,..minus 3 and minus coupon is $24 for all 6…?

    • Whitney

      2 for $22 online only I think.

  4. Whitney

    The 3 wick candles are 2 for $22 online. Buy 4 ($44) and use the $15 off $40 coupon takes you down to $29, plus $5.99 shipping. Makes each candle $8.75 each. Not bad, especially if you’re not near a store.

  5. Erin

    Do the large candles have lids?

    • Whitney

      Yes, I always flip them over and set the candle on top of it.

    • Tamie

      They show lids in the website pictures. =)

  6. aim

    i got a email today from bath and body works. they have send me a promo code for free shipment.

  7. Kathy

    I got 6 large candles today as well. With the buy 3, get 3, and the 30% off Living social coupon, they were $7 each – great price for the large candles! They make great Christmas gifts! Thanks, Collin!

  8. Jessica

    Went to our store in Autstin, TX. Just an FYI-They deduct your coupon 1st then divide the total by 2.

  9. Brenda

    Anyone not using their Sephora $15 off $50 mailer/email? I would gladly use it. Thank u!
    [email protected]

    • b

      I have one I will send you 🙂

      • Michelle Connor Anderson

        Anyone else not using the Sephora $15 of $50 coupon? I would love one!
        Thanks ander660 (at) gmail (online)

        • Sara

          I’ll send you mine. Then I’m not tempted to use it!

          • Michelle Connor Anderson

            thank you!

          • Erin

            I would love a sephora coupon also if anyone else isn’t using theirs!!! [email protected]

      • Teran

        Does anyone else have one? I’d love one as well.
        [email protected]

        Thank you!

      • Teran

        Does anyone else have one? I’d love one as well.
        Teranlovesgary34 at

        Thank you!

        • L

          If anyone else has a Sephora gc card, I’d love it. They never sent me one. TIA lc818 at

    • Rachel

      Just saw this, I posted this Sephora offer too on Collin’s Lenox post if anyone else is interested!

      • kait

        just so you guys know, these Sephora code are actually gift cards, you can use them as a gift card, it even covers shipping. I got a $10 item for around $2 shipped! You can even buy something cheaper like nail polish and get it totally free! just thought i’d let you all know

      • jessalyn

        I would love and appreciate one!

          • Agnieszka

            I would love the sephora offer too if anyone has one they are not using my email is [email protected]

  10. Sly

    I just went to the store and spent $175 on so many items!!! Crossed a whole lot off people on our list. I got the 3-wick candles for $7 each. 🙂

  11. Stevmon4

    I received the free shipping code in an email also. 😊 I’m heading out to B&BW today to get some deals.

  12. Andrea

    Went today, got some great deals!

  13. Dorie

    I wish it wasn’t too icy to get out. We aren’t used to all this ice in Texas!

    • amanda

      I have family in tx from ma and me and we were joking about how people are freaking outi over little flakes cuz were use to 4 plus ft. Good luck with ice and snow.

      • Donna

        Unfortunately it’s not just a few flakes! We got 3 inches of solid ice! No snow, just ice. I had a friend who moved to TX from Boston and he laughed about people freaking out in Texas over “little flakes” but when an ice storm hit, he couldn’t get out of his driveway! Believe me, it’s way worse in Texas because it’s all ice and oh by the way, we are not equipped to deal with it, we have one guy in a pick up truck with dirt. So the next time people want to laugh about TX dealing with a few flakes, try living thru an ice storm in Texas.

        • Caitlin

          Totally agree. We are in AR and while this particular storm has not hit is very hard, we had an ice storm about 15 years ago that broke electricity poles and trees so badly that we were without power for 9 days. The power was out for so long that we lost water, as the generators at our water system lost power. We were dipping water out of ponds to flush our toilet, and we could not get out of our driveway for over a week. I couldn’t care less about a few flakes of snow, but it’s the ice that is so awful. Hope it thaws for you soon!

    • Amie

      I’m in Texas too. It wasn’t really bad in caddo mills. Ice but roads weren’t too bad. We celebrated my sons 5th birthday yesterday though since the place we booked told me I wouldn’t get a refund. So the party went on but it was just us there.

  14. carrie

    Went today to use the 30% coupon from living social and she said they don’t take 3rd party coupons anymore. i.e. retailmenot or living social =(

    • Sly

      What?!?! That’s too bad! Everyone was flashing their livingsocial deal. 🙁

    • Amy

      I went to today and they would not take the living social deal either 🙁

    • Stefanie

      Bath and Body Works clearly stated on their Facebook in response to several different people that it was an acceptable coupon!

    • shannon

      my store took the Living social deal twice this week (at 2 different times)

    • Liz

      Same here. 🙁

    • dds

      I was able to use mine

      • vanessa

        I did 3 different transactions earlier today and they took all my coupons. But when I was at the exact same store last week a different lady told me they didn’t take 3rd party coupons. I was worried going in today, but I had no problems. The lady even took a minute to figure out what was going to give me the better deals.

    • steph

      Mine worked in store today

  15. Shannon Baldwin

    Anyone have any scenarios with purchasing the full size lotions and using coupons. Last time I was in I got a great deal by buying 10 sanitizers for 1.00 each and getting a free full size lotion.

  16. Sarah Estrada

    Anyone have a free shipping code?? Thanks! [email protected]

  17. land

    The free shipping code is a promo code and the email states that you can’t use it with another code, just heads up. I havent tried it yet

  18. Deb

    Anyone have a $15/50 Sephora code? I have a BBW Free shipping code I can trade!
    [email protected]

    • Julie

      Did you get a code yet? I have an one that’s up for grabs!?

      • olivia

        if anyone has a $15 sephora code that they’re not using i would love one! i’m hoping to get my mom some toner that she uses for a stocking stuffer. 🙂
        [email protected]

  19. Adri mom

    I’d love a free shipping code if anyone has on they won’t use. Adriaddiemom at gmail dot online. Thanks!!

  20. Nikki Allen

    Can you mix and match products or do the 6 have to be the same? 6 candles, 6 soaps, or can I do 3 candles with 3 soaps etc. Thanks!

    • Alex

      I’m pretty sure you can but the cheaper items would be free

    • Stevmon4

      You can pick any 6 items in the store and you’ll be charged for the 3 highest priced ones. The 3 cheapest one will be free. 😉

  21. Diana

    I had purchased shea socks for $8.50 prior- got a refund on those, then bought them back + 2 pocket bac, got 3 extra pocket bac free + my free item w/$10 purchase (merry marshmallow lotion $12.50) all for $11. I was happy 🙂

  22. Casey

    I have a free shipping on ANY order code that I won’t be using. I’ll e-mail it to the first person!

    • Michelle Connor Anderson

      I would like it please! ander660 (at) gmail (online)

      • Casey

        Sent! If you don’t end up using it, feel free to pass it on 🙂

    • Sarah

      I’ll take it if you haven’t gave it to anyone! Thanks a bunch

  23. kimmy

    Just a quick tip for anyone still taking advantage of this deal. I went and got three candles and three candles for free and did a separate transaction to get three hand washes and 3 more hand washes for free. If you do them all in one transaction they’re going to charge you for every candle and give you only the hand soap for free (the lesser $ items)
    I was able to use the 30 percent off Living Social deal coupon and a free item with no purchase necessary coupon in the same transaction.on my second transaction I was able to use the 20 percent off coupon that came in the envelope with the free item.I ended up with 6 full-size candles 1 full size body cream and 6 antibacterial hand soap all for $55.

  24. Sly

    I was able to purchase 90 items all in one receipt and each item was 50% off plus 30% off (livingsocial). 🙂

  25. Kristine

    They let me do the deal, use the 30% living social and use the free item coupon on their website all in one transaction! So I got 7 large candles for $42!

    • Trina

      How were you able to use the Living Social online? I thought it was for in store only…I would love to use it online!

  26. Adri mom

    Still really hoping for a free shipping code. Please. Adriaddiemom at gmail dot online

    • Nim

      Sent you one!

      • Adri mom

        Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

  27. shannon

    the free shipping code came after I ordered online a few days ago. it said to apologize for the order being delayed it was including a free shipping code for next time.

  28. Amber

    I have a free shipping code to trade. Looking for shutterfly free calendar code. Thanks!

  29. Adrian

    I did two separate transactions. On the first one I bought three Triple Moisture creams and got one mason jar candle, a small candle and another Moisture cream for free! In my 2nd transaction, I bought a travel size lotion and a hand soap (totaled $10.50) and got a Stress Relief lotion (normally $13.00) for free! I work in a school office, so I was able to knock out the gifts for all of my fellow Secretaries for cheap!! Thank you for posting this today! 🙂

  30. Brooke

    Off topic ..Does anyone need the Huggins shutterfly coupons still? I have 2 that are for $20 off holiday cards and free shipping

    • stacy

      I would like one please if u still have them. Stacy333 (at) hotmail (online) thanks!! 🙂

    • Bree

      I would love one! Bcroe80@gmail. online

      • Brooke

        Done! I found 2 people that needed them!

  31. Mary

    Just left BABW…the cashier told me I could use both my 10/30 and Free item coupons together! Walked out with 3 shower gels, 2 lotions, 2 perfumes 5 pocketpacs and a pocket pack holder for $38.00! Saved $67.00! So exciting!! Thanks sooo much for posting this deal!!

    • dds

      did it mess up your total? mine did for the 30% off and free item onlinebined. with free item total was 16+ with 6 hand soaps. without the free item coupon, my 6handsoaps were just a little below $12. so the free item was 4dollars more, even if it was just 12.50 regular price

  32. Liz

    Off topic, anyone get the $20 groupon for the body shop? I’ve never been there before but I had bought the groupon and went today. I walked out with 4 products from their seaweed line for $13!! They had a buy 2 get 2 free sale.

    • Mary

      I looked at my receipt and added everything up and it looks like I got the full $10 off plus my free item (for what my total would have been without it). The cashier did say that they don’t usually take two coupons together but since mine had onlinee together in the same mailer that they would honor it…I think she had to do something manually… I actually went up anticipating that I couldn’t use both and she saw the 10/30
      And asked if I had the free item one too…and said I could go get a free item and use that too if I wanted..
      I was so happy saving everything that I did! I don’t argue when it onlinees to awesome sales like that! Every dollar saved is an extra bonus! They also are giving out extra 20% off coupons for the day after Xmas!!!

  33. Nikki

    Can I PLEASE have a free shipping code sent to me? 🙂
    prolinegirl at aol dot online

  34. Renee

    LOVED this deal today!! Got some stocking stuffers, gifts and some goodies for hubby to give me for Christmas…heehee 🙂 6 pocketpac, 1 pocketpac holder, 3 kitchen soaps, 1 Full Size Body Wash, 1 Stress Free Shampoo, 1 Stress Free Conditioner & 1 Stress Free Lotion ~ all for $37 🙂

  35. Jessica

    I would love a free shipping code if anyone has one that they won’t be using. I am iced in, so I didn’t get a chance to get out today! My e-mail is texasangel2727 at yahoo dot online. Thank you in advance! And no, I don’t live in Texas 😉 I was just born and raised there 🙂

    • Cmarie


      • Jessica

        Thank you so much, Cmarie! I definitely appreciate it!

  36. Cmarie

    I have a bath and body works free shipping code. Does anyone have the $15.00 off $50.00 for Sephora? Please send to [email protected] thank you!!!

  37. Tammy

    I too would like a free shipping code. Too much snow to drive to store 🙂
    sonafamily at (I spelled the @ to protect my email from spammers). Thank you!

    • Jessica

      I’ll send you the code Cmarie sent to me. It’s better for me to use one of the dollar off codes. I was hoping you could stack them – you cannot. Hope it works out better for you! You can thank Cmarie above 🙂

  38. Crystal W.

    Hi i have a shutterfly free shipping and $20 off holiday cards code to trade for a vs rewards code or bath and body works free shipping! just reply if interested!! Happy Holidays!!

    • Nidia C

      Here’s a Free Shipping code! no need to trade! 🙂


      • susan

        You’re awesome Nidia! I used the free shipping code this morning, thanks a bunch!

      • Crystal W.

        Darn I see i missed your offer, but thanks for replying! 😉

  39. Ashlee

    Off topic but if anyone has a $15 off 50 Sephora coupon that they’re not using, please send it to me [email protected] I would greatly appreciate it!!

  40. Mar

    Actually at my local store they had the large candles for 2 for $22.00. So I bought three minus the 10.00 off plus 3 more free large candles. I only paid $27.00.

    • Jessica R.

      Wow! I wish! I bought the six large candles & paid $45 w/ tax. They wouldn’t except another coupon & I called another store & they too would only except one coupon.

  41. kimnelly

    I have two Shutterfly codes saves $10 + free s/h on qualifying orders – list email here if you need one. I would post codes here but aren’t they one time use only? I hate to get people’s hopes up if its already used. If I should list it here let me know and I will.

    • Ren

      Hello Kimnelly, I could use a Shutterfly code for my Christmas shopping. If available, please email me at lfreeth (at)alliant(dot)edu thanks!

      • kimnelly

        Just sent it !

  42. Alyssa

    My store was still doing this today! And candles were 2 for $22. Lincoln, nebraska.

    • Nanci

      Nice I score 4-ever Red for $15.75 regular price $45

  43. Erika

    Hey if you missed the buy 3 get 3 you cAn still score 6 candles for $7. Buy the candles 2/22 and use the free item coupon with $10 purchase another transaction using the same scenario. That’s 6 candles for $42/6 = $7 ea

    This coupon is new and wasn’t available on Saturday during the promo.

    • SaleSnob

      Is the 2/22 sale still on in stores? When is it over???? I have a Sephora code for 15 off if anyone wants to trade for a free shipping. Thanks!

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