Bath & Body Works: 2013 Black Friday Deals

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Once again, Bath and Body Works is offering up their V.I.P. Bag containing 7 Customer Favorites (a $100+ value!) during Black Friday weekend (11/29-12/1) in-stores AND online here NOW! 🙂 To score your bag, just go here to add it to your cart and then make a purchase of $40 or more and your V.I.P. bag (valued at $100!) will be reduced to only $20 WHEN you use the promo code VIP13 during checkout. ALSO, be sure to go through ShopAtHome to score 2% cash back (every little bit helps)!

2013 VIP Bag Includes: Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Lotion (8 fl oz.), Forever Midnight Body Cream (8 oz.), Eucalyptus Spearmint Body Wash & Foam Bath (10 fl oz.), Forever Red Limited Edition Preview Eau de Parfum (.25 fl oz.), Fresh Sparkling Snow Gentle Foaming Hand Soap (8.75 fl oz.) Champagne Toast Mini Candle (1.3 oz.), and Ultra-Lathering Shower Sponge.

Keep in mind that the Bath & Body Works Black Friday ad scan is just one page and a bit blurry. 🙁 You can view it here. There are not many deals (other than the VIP Bag!), but here are the best ones I see:

*Buttercream Mint 3-wick candle $10 (reg. $20!) – valid Friday only!
*Forever Mini Fine Fragrance Mists $10 (reg. $19.50!) – valid Sunday only!

Also, through December 24th, head on over to Bath & Body Works to score a FREE Item (up to a $13 value!) with ANY $10 purchase! You can score this offer online with the promo code HOLIDAYGIFT or in-store with the printable coupon found here. You’ll also score $1 Shipping with a purchase of $25 or more. Plus, if you shop online, go through to score an additional 2% cash back!

Also, go here to check out my Top 12 Black Friday Shopping Tips! Don’t forget to stay tuned for LOTS more Black Fridays deals to be posted soon! And be sure to click here to browse through all the Black Friday deals that have been posted thus far.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 105

  1. Des

    I heard bath and body works lets you onlinebine a bunch of coupons on one purchase during Black Friday. Is this true?

    • amy

      Yeah as long as u meet the requirements for the coupons. I used like 5 coupons in one transaction last black friday.

      • Nick

        So what exactly does that mean? And how can one maximize their savings with stacking?

        I have the following coupons:

        Two $10/$30 purchase
        Two 20% off entire purchase
        One free product w/ any purchase up to $12.50
        One free product w/ any $10 purchase up to $13
        One free product w/ any $15 purchase up to $13

        • sarah

          That means, you can pick any product up to the amount for the freebies and if you spend $60, you get $20 off with the two ten off coupons… and then 20% on top of that! I have the same coupons and got a few more in the mail yesterday. They will also let you bundle the VIP bags in store, so for every $40 you spend, you can buy and extra bag at $20. Great for gifts!

          • sarahsuperstar

            Also, typically starting Black Friday all of the 3 wick candles are only $10 per candle through the holidays (You have to purchase at least two candles to get the $10 deal)

    • Leah

      My sister works there and she said yes you can stack coupons for Black Friday.

      • mgna

        Yes, coupons can be stacked as long as each coupon’s requirement is fulfilled. If you have a 20% discount coupon that will be deducted after all others. Looking forward to the Buttercream Mint candle!

      • Beth

        I know you have to have $40 to get the V.I.P. bag for $20 but, is that before or after coupons are in??

    • JA

      Yes! Did this last year and had the best associate helping me. It was so much fun!

  2. megan

    that was going to be my question as well. I have used two before but i would love to use the free item coupon. also, can we use multiple coupons on an online order?

  3. brandice

    Sounds goods to me..

    Need.body scrubs!!

    • julie

      Can I purchase $30 worth of product and use a spend $30 get $10 off, the free item coupon when you spend $10 and the 20% off all in one transaction?

      • JA

        Yes, that’s the perfect scenario!

        • Nick

          So would Julie’s scenario look like this?

          – $10/$30 purchase
          – $10 for free product w/$10 purchase
          – 20% off ($2)

          = $8??

          ^Sounds to good to be true.

          • julie

            No, I think it would be like this:
            *$10/$30 purchase
            *free product with $10 purchase
            *20% off ($4)
            total $16

          • Abby

            I went in last year trying to do a similar transaction and the cashier wouldn’t let me do it. Since I saw this type of hype everywhere online about stacking coupons and the great savings as long as you met each one… I decided the cashier must be wrong so I called Customer Service. Well, guess what, the cashier wasn’t wrong! The CS rep actually told me the stacking is just so people don’t do multiple transactions and take longer at checkout, but you cannot truly “stack” coupons the way we think of it typically. Total bummer… but at least now I know and will avoid trying it again this year.

            • katie

              same thing happened to me. they would not do it.

            • Maya

              Ah that’s disappointing. Thanks for sharing.

          • Tarri

            It would be like this
            = 20
            = 16.00 + your free item of $10

            • jeanie

              To stack the coupons you have to meet all the requirements. So say you have 2 $10 off $30 and 1 free item with a $10 purchase to use all 3 coupons you must have spent $70 before your coupons. They only do that so they don’t have to do multiple transactions.

  4. megan

    blerg, looks like i will have to go into the store on black friday after all. only one code per online order 🙁

    • Connie

      Yeah, I hate that about B&BW website 🙁

      • Myrian Andia

        Girls, its not just the website, it is the policy of B&BW I always use the coupon $10 off $30. Actually this coupon is one per customer, but I make multiple transactions, so I group my products with a maximum amount of $30, so finally plus tax I have to pay $21.40, but sounds good to me. Actually this is the policy of most stores nowadays.

  5. EYEZ

    I left 3 Victoria secret codes under the secret clinical post if anyone is interested

    • Jacklyn

      Do you have any more Victoria secret codes please email me [email protected]

      • EYEZ

        Emailing you them now

    • madelyn

      can you please email tem to me as well if you have time [email protected]

  6. Maya

    I’m interested in purchasing stocking stuffers for 11 people. I think the hand sanitizer would be great and maybe a small candle. Can anyone give me a tip on how I can make this Black Friday work to my advantage?

    • megan

      I get 40 small hand sanitizers and then the big bonus bag. i use 2 $10/off of $30 so I basically get the bonus bag free. plus this year i’ll get the free full size item for free too!

      • Mayalove

        Wow! So how much do you end up paying per sanitizer?

      • Karina

        Where do I get the $10/off of $30 purchase one?

        • carlsoncrew

          I made a purchase at the store today and they are handing them out at checkout. The cashier at my store actually gave me two…

          • Nicole

            There was also one on my receipt after taking a survey!

            • Linsey

              If you do the survey ones they never expire;) I’ve worked for the onlinepany for 9 years. And the past couple of years on Black Friday you can onlinebine coupons as long as you meet requirements. There are always several associates that will help you double check, or grab whatever you need!

  7. Renee

    How can I get these coupons?

    • Rachel

      Search online… Most are available on sites like retailmenot. Also sign up for their emails… I get tons of $10/$30, free product coupons, and 20-25% off coupons that way. Their customer service dept will send you some as well if you call.

    • Tarri

      I usually get the 10 off 30 on the bottom of my receipts at the store. Some times they also hand out fliers of 10 off 30 when you buy something. Other ones are probably ones you get in the mail.

  8. Kelly

    I ordered a bunch of BBW coupons on ebay. Washable to receive several $10 off $30, free item when you spend $15 and 20% off coupons for a few dollars. Will be worth it because I plan on buying many products as gifts.

    • Mayalove

      So those are the best coupons to use at this point?

    • Rachel

      Pretty much all of those coupons are available online, email or by calling as well. I have a few $10/$30, 2 free item coupons, and a 25% off that I got via mail and email. If you call their customer service, usually they’ll email and snail-mail you coupons right away, too. No need to pay 😉

  9. Renee

    So you have to spend 60.00?

    • Tarri

      If you have 2 of 10 off 30, then it is only 40.

  10. Rachel

    I read some old Facebook posts saying a lot of people had trouble using multiple coupons last year bc the stores weren’t properly informed that stacking was accepted on BF. To be on the safe side, print their Black Friday coupon policy and take it with you! If you search, last years is available on their Facebook page. You can also email them!

  11. tori

    So if I have 3 “free item of your choice with $10 purchase” coupons, if I spend $30+ dollars I could use them all in one transaction?

    • d


      • tori

        WOW! So I have 3 $10 off $30 coupons, 3 “free item with $10 puchase” coupons, and the 20% off total purchase coupon. That’s gonna allow me to buy $90 worth of stuff, get -$30 for the first coupons, -$39 from the free product coupona, and -$4.20 from the percent off coupon, giving me $90 worth of product for only $16.80!!! *faints from excitement*

        • Nick

          From my understanding and everyone else’s onlinements, it will not work like that :(.

          • tori

            why not if they all qualify??

        • Rae

          No to use 3 $10 off $30 and 3 free item with a $10 purchase coupon you would have to spend $120. You have to qualify for each coupon. And you aren’t allowed to use a $10 off $30 with a % off coupon.
          I’m an employee there so I know how it works.

          • tori

            on black friday you actually are allowed to use the $10 off $30 and the percent off coupon at the same time. its a special exception for that day only.

            • Rae

              No they don’t I work there I know the policy. The only reason you can use multiple coupons is because they don’t want you doing multiple transactions. The register won’t allow a $10 off $30 and a % off coupon to be used together. Trust me I worked black Friday last year

            • Allison

              Tori, that policy then is good on Black Friday but no other time? thanks for posting it!

            • Casey

              Unfortunately, that is dated 2011. Maybe something has changed, if Rae works there, I assume what was stated below is correct. I would reonlinemend sending CS an email for the updated policy for this year.

        • Myrian Andia

          Tori, sorry it doesn’t work like that. To my understanding and my experience you can use the $10 off $10 in separate transactions each transaction including tax will be $21.40 if you live in Florida here we pay 7% of tax, so if you want to use 3 coupon you will pay $21.40 x3=$64.20 some stores and some associates give you the $10 free item; I tried to obtain the $10 free item, but they didn’t honor this promotion; sometimes work and sometimes don’t. It depends on the associate experience. Finally, the store do not permit stacking coupons you can use only one coupon per transaction.

  12. Kari

    I want candles

  13. Allison

    I went in last week and tried to use the coupons that onlinee in the mailer, the ones that are attached together… the Manager that I have worked with for many years, she said that yes, the attached type coupons can be stacked ONLY if they are different type coupons. Meaning, any ‘with purchase’ coupons can not be used together etc. I was under the impressions I COULD have used the coupons all together, but she said No. I had to do two transaction with the dark blue coupons that came in the mail awhile back… $10 off a $30 purchase and then a free item (up to $13 value) with purchase of a $10 item. So basically, if they are the ‘with purchase’ type coupons, they can not be stacked.

    That is what the manager told me anyway :/

    • Linsey

      If the coupons onlinee together you can use them in same transaction. But you can’t onlinebine multiple coupons together…except on Black Friday;) I’ve been w the onlinepany 9 years.

  14. Gg

    I would like to know when will kohl’s black friday online sale start?

    • Rachel

      Looks like it may already be up online! It’s showing the Black Friday banner and shows $15 kohls cash on the main page!! Holy cow!

  15. carlsoncrew

    So.. what is everyone going to get with their free item coupon?? I was thinking about getting a second Buttercream Mint 3 wick candle ($10). That should qualify, since the value of the coupon is up to $13.50… right??

    • Sarah

      Max out your freebie friend! The full-sized body creams are $12.50, and if it’s not Signature-line specific, the True Blue Spa hand creams are also $12.50. The Cashmere and Shea are awesome!

  16. brandice

    How about everyone call their local store in the AM or post the ques on their.FB page

    • tori

      as you can see, it says you can use both, and the % off will just be applied to the order last.

      • Torri

        Thank you for all your research! Love the name by the way 🙂 lol

  17. jessica

    I’m sort of new to this..Is this a scenario that makes sense?

    Buy 4 Candles = $40
    VIP Bag = $20
    Pick up any 5 items $13 or under..For this scenario we will say 5 Candles =$50 ( these are the free items) For a total of $110
    (Now for the magic)
    Use (3) $10 off $30 Purchase
    Use (5) 1 Free Item with $10 purchase
    Ready for this..All your items for a total of $30 + tax

    • Torri

      I haven’t tried this before, but I think that sounds like an excellent scenario. A 20% off coupon would make it even better!

      • Nick

        This is an excellent scenario if it worked that way, but it is not a true “stack”. Her total will need to be much higher.

    • Nick

      The free item amount pre coupon does not count towards your $30 minimum for the $10 coupon. Therefore, your three $10/$30 coupons requires you to have a $90 purchase. Then your five free product coupons require you to have a $50 purchase. So you need at least $140 in products to even use consider using those coupons. So now add your free product amounts and your total will be at least $190.

      $90 in products (so you can use (3) $10/$30)

      $50 in products (so you can use (5) free product coupons with $10 purchase)

      $50 in products (free product coupons w/$10 purchase attach to these)

      Total: $190
      – (5) free product coupons with $10 purchase ($50)

      New total: $140
      – (2) $10/$30 purchase

      Final total: $120

  18. Gia

    I am soo confused, can someone help figure out if I could do this senerio..

    4 full size lotions $12.50 each
    2 travel size lotions $5 each
    Total =$60

    *Free item with any purchase $15 or more
    *Free item with with any purchase $10 or more
    *Free signature collection travel size (no purchase necessary)
    *$10 of $30 coupon
    *save %20 on your entire purchase
    Total = ?

    • Nick

      One free item with $15 purchase ($15 purchase)
      One free item with $10 purchase ($10 purchase)
      One free travel item (Free item)
      $10/$30 purchase coupon ($30 purchase)
      20% off entire purchase (discount after all discounts taken)

      So you need a total of:

      $15+$10+$30= $55 not including the cost of your free items and free travel size.

      • giaberryman

        thanks 🙂

  19. Nick

    Stacking is kind of useless since its not a true stack, but this is my plan (stock permitting).

    $40 in various products
    $20 VIP bag
    $20 VIP bag
    $12.50 item
    $13 item
    $13 item

    = $118.50
    – $10/$30 purchase
    – $10/$30 purchase
    – Free item up to $12.50 with any purchase
    – Free item up to $13 with $10 purchase
    – Free item up to $13 with $10 purchase
    – 20% off entire order after all other discounts ($12.00)

    Total: $48 for two VIP bags, 3 full size items, and $40 in various products of my choosing. Of course the items i choose for the free product coupons may not use the full value of the coupon but this is just an example.

    • Tonia

      If you don’t mind me asking where can I get those coupons new to all of this 🙂

    • tk756

      Nick, for each VIP bag you must spend 40 dollars first. Therefore your scenario is off. It would have to be:
      $40 various
      $20 VIP
      $20 more various
      $20 VIP
      Additionally, you need to qualify for the free item coupon by spending an additional $10 each. Luckly to qualigy for the bag you already spent $20 more. Only $10 more to go. So continuing on….
      $10 various items
      $12.50 item
      $13.00 item
      $13.00 item
      – $10/$30 purchase
      – $10/$30 purchase
      – Free item up to $12.50 with any purchase
      – Free item up to $13 with $10 purchase
      – Free item up to $13 with $10 purchase
      – 20% off entire order after all other discounts ($18.00)

      This would bring your total before tax to $72 instead of $48. That being said if the full size items you buy are SC then they will be B3G3. This means that with the $70 you need to spend to qualify for all the VIP bags and free items you could potentially get 10 SC items (a $125 minimum value). This brings your savings to over $120. Additionally, the extra spent qualifies you for another $10/$30 coupon which would lower your total to $64. Not a bad deal for getting over $360 worth of product.

      • Nick

        I don’t understand why my scenario is wrong. Last year, the spend $40 get the VIP bag for $20 counted towards the total of your second VIP bag. Therefore, my first $20 VIP bag puts me half way towards the $40 minimum for me to get a 2nd VIP bag for $20. Plus all of my free product coupon offers are met individually. Let me breakdown my scenario better.

        I am using the following coupons:
        Free item up to $12.50 with ANY purchase (no minimum)
        Free item up to $13 with ANY $10 purchase
        Free item up to $13 with ANY $10 purchase
        20% entire purchase

        ^My total has to be $80 (not including the free items) which I calculated below

        My scenario broken into 3 parts showing that each coupon offer qualifies as if they were separate transactions::

        $40 in various products (does not include free item amount)
        $20 VIP bag <—( This amount counts towards my next $40 VIP bag minimum)
        $12.50 item
        $13 item
        $13 item
        $20 VIP bag <– (Free item amounts pre coupon + $20 from previous VIP bag made this possible)

        Total: $118.5
        – Free item with ANY purchase ($12.50)
        – Free item with ANY $10 purchase ($13)
        – Free item with ANY $10 purchase ($13)

        New Total: $80
        – $10/$30 purchase
        – $10/$30 purchase

        New Total: $60
        – 20% off entire purchase

        Final Total: $48

        • Betsy

          Are you considering the buy 3 get 3 free type of deals in these scenarios?? That messed me up last year. You can onlinebine those with coupons.

      • Kim W,

        Could you break that scenario down to specifics? I mean particularly what types and how many of each type of items you would need to purchase to be able to use the 3 $10 off and the 3 free products plus the 20% off and the B3G3 SC I plan on getting two vip bags and all SC items my email is [email protected] Thanks! all these onlinements on this page have me confused

        • Connie

          I was there this morning and had a horrible experience. I was told you could NOT use the free item coupons with the Buy 3 Get 3 promo. I asked a salesperson who said I could but then at the register they would not and it was an absolute disaster. Spent way more OOP than I thought or wanted to. You can do the Buy 3, Get 3, and that gets you over $30 to use the $10/30 but the free item coupons had to be used on ADDITIONAL items. They would NOT take them off any of the three I “bought” in the Buy 3 promo. Wasn’t that great of a deal in the end, especially not after the time and aggravation I spent. But, I called and onlineplained to costumer service and they are sending me a gift card for my experience.

  20. tori

    hey guys don’t forget they have a no questions asked return policy, so if u dont like the items in the vip bag u should get it anyways and exhange them, the price of the bag with all the items is less expensive than if u bought them individually!

  21. jan

    does anyone have any printable coupon websites they could share?

  22. kathryn

    Would this work:
    Buy $50 of products including 1 travel size ($4) and (2) free item after $10 purchase ($13 each)
    Buy VIP bag ($20)

    Use coupons in this order:
    $10 off $30 (-$10)
    $10 off $30 (-$10)
    Free travel size (-$4)
    Free item with $10 purchase (-$13)
    Free item with $10 purchase (-$13)
    20% off remaining total (-$4)
    $16 total after coupons!!!

    By purchasing $20 in additional products I am meeting the requirements for the free after $10 coupons. By question is a) can you stack $10 off $30 coupons and b) can $10 off $30 coupons be used on products which will beonlinee free utilizing other coupons?

    • Nick

      No the free product amount does not count towards your $30 total for the $10/$30 coupon. Therefore, your total will be much higher than what you have listed. This is more less speeding the process up instead of someone doing 6 different transactions and holding up a line. This isn’t “true stacking” like what you have listed. Lame right? I know.,

  23. Jenn

    I do not have that many free product coupons. I am hoping to just get to one VIP bag. I have a 10 off and a free product.

  24. Betsy

    How do you get the 20% off coupon…I have one but it isn’t good until December. Are you using online codes??

    • kathryn

      I got the free travel size and 20% off in a mailer that came last week.

  25. Lauren

    Today only it looks like the Men’s like of body wash is one sale for $5 and still part of the Buy 3 Get 3 Free deal, so I just bought 6 mens body wash, a free item up to $13 (HOLIDAYGIFT promo code), and added 2 of the $5 aromatherapy body wash to get to $25 and get $1 shipping….. so, if you need a bunch of men’s body wash, go grab it now! All that for $27 after tax, not too bad!

  26. ASHLEY

    how do you the the % off coupons and the $10/$30??

  27. kathryn

    Would this work:
    Buy $50 of products including 1 travel size ($4) and (2) free item after $10 purchase ($13 each)
    Buy VIP bag ($20)

    Use coupons in this order:
    $10 off $30 (-$10)
    Free travel size (-$4)
    Free item with $10 purchase (-$13)
    Free item with $10 purchase (-$13)
    20% off remaining total (-$6)
    $24 total after coupons

    By purchasing $20 in additional products I am meeting the requirements for the free after $10 coupons. By only using 1 $10 off coupon, I’m not getting money off of items which will be free after coupons anyways. I think the above will probably be what I do and I will be able to get lots of candles and gifts for friends. woo hoo!

  28. Betsy

    Can someone tell me if this scenario works?
    In my cart:
    9 Signature Collections items at $12.50 each
    1 Signature Collection item at $15
    8 Hand Soaps at $2.50 each (Friday deal) = $20
    3 Travel size products 3/$12
    1 Buttermint candle $10
    1 VIP Bag $20
    -$37.50 (buy 3 get 3 free signature collection items)
    TOTAL (before coupons) $152
    -12.50 (Free Signature Collection Item with ANY purchase – $12.50 value)
    -12.50 (Free item with any purchase of $10 or more – $13 value)
    -12.50 (Free item with any purchase of $10 or more – $13 value)
    -12.50 (Free item with any purchase of $15 or more – $13 value)
    -$30 (3) ($10 off a $30 purchse)
    = $72

    Is this correct?? Is this the best way for me to utilize my coupons with the items I want? Help!

  29. ASHLEY

    Does anyone have an extra % off coupon or $10 off coupon?? If so, please let me know! I would love to have one! If not, where do I get one?? I’ve searched through my emails and I got nothin’! =/ [email protected]

  30. Samantha

    I have 5 of the Free with $10 purchase coupons, and a $10/$30, so how would I need to do it?

    • Nick

      $10/$30= $30 purchase
      Free product w/$10 purchase= $10
      Free product w/$10 purchase= $10
      Free product w/$10 purchase= $10
      Free product w/$10 purchase= $10
      Free product w/$10 purchase= $10

      So $30+$10+$10+$10+$10+$10= $80.

      So your total had to be at least $80 for you to be able to use the coupons. In addition to $80, the cost of all free items now had to be added. So for example if all the itsms you bought for the free product coupons were $10, it would look like this.

      $80 in products+,$50 in products<—- your free product coupons attach to these.

      onlinebined total of: $130
      – $50,(5 free products with $10 purchase)
      – $10/$30

      = $70

      • Samantha

        Thank you so much!

  31. Ashley

    I have a “$10 dollars off any purchase of 30 or more” and a “free item with a 15 dollar purchase” can I use both of those coupons on Black Friday?

    • Nick

      Yes with a $45 purchase.

  32. Tami

    I have several of the spend $10 get a free item, does anyone know where I could print a 20% off coupon?

  33. Juni

    Can I get 3 3-wick candles, use a $10 off $30 coupon, 20% entire purchase coupon, and a free item with $10 purchase coupon?

    • Nick

      You need to have a $40 purchase to use them all.

  34. Ona Wilson

    I love bath and body works. Nothing onlinepares

  35. nadezhda88

    How many of the free item with a $10 purchased can be used at once? Can these coupons be stacked too?

  36. Ashley

    Item Availability Price QTY Total
    Black 2013 V.I.P. Bag
    Item #:
    2013 Black Friday V.I.P. Tote $20 with any $40 purchase Details Over A $103.50 Value. Limit 1 Bag Per Online Order. While Supplies Last. Not Available On Previous Purchases. Must Enter Code VIP13. This Exclusive Offer Is Not Valid With Any Other Offer That Requires You To Enter A Promotional Code At Checkout. If Another Code Is Entered At Checkout, This Offer Will Be Void. Prices Will Automatically Be Adjusted At Checkout On Qualifying Orders. Gift Cards, Egift Cards, Gift Certificates, Gift Wrap Services And Taxes And Shipping And Handling Charges Are Not Applicable Toward Minimum Purchase Requirement And Are Not Included In The Offers. No Substitutions. Offer Valid Only At Through 11:59 P.M. EST On December 1, 2013 Or When Supplies Run Out. Offer Not Valid At U.S. Bath & Body Works Stores, Bath & Body Works Stores In Canada And Bath & Body Works Outlet Locations. Offer May Not Be onlinebined With Any Other Offers, Coupons Or Discounts. Offer Not Redeemable For Cash, Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, Egift Cards Or Sale Merchandise, Nor Is It Valid Toward Previous Purchases. Gift Cards, Gift Certificates, Gift Wrap Services, Shipping And Handling Charges And Taxes Are Not Applicable Toward Minimum Purchase Requirement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE APPLIED TO GIFT CERTIFICATES/GIFT CARDS. Exclusions And/Or Purchase Limitations May Apply. We Reserve The Right To Cancel Any Order Due To Unauthorized, Altered Or Ineligible Use Of Discounts And To Modify Or Cancel This Promotion Due To System Error Or Unforeseen Problems. Subject To Change Without Notice. For More Information, Call 1-800-756-5005 Or Visit Our Contact Us Page.
    In Stock Details

    Tis The Season 14.5 oz. 3-Wick Candle
    14.5 oz… / 411 g
    Item #:
    Limited Time Only! 2 for $22 – Save 45% Details Must Add 2 Items To Bag To Qualify. Limited Time Only. While Supplies Last. Offer May Not onlinebine With Other Site Offers. Subject To Change Without Notice.
    In Stock Details

    Apple Crumble 14.5 oz. 3-Wick Candle
    14.5 oz… / 411 g
    Item #:
    Limited Time Only! 2 for $22 – Save 45% Details Must Add 2 Items To Bag To Qualify. Limited Time Only. While Supplies Last. Offer May Not onlinebine With Other Site Offers. Subject To Change Without Notice.
    In Stock Details

    Vanilla Sugar All That Glitters Gift Box
    Item #:
    In Stock Details

    Be Enchanted Shower Gel
    10 fl oz.. / 295 mL
    Item #:
    Limited Time Only! Buy 3, Get 3 Free (Must add 6 items to cart) or Buy 2, Get 1 Free (Must add 3 items to cart) Details Limited Time Only. While Supplies Last. Offer May Not onlinebine With Other Site Offers. Subject To Change Without Notice. Lowest Priced Product Will Qualify As Free Item. Shipping Fee Still Applies To Free Products.
    In Stock Details $12.50
    Raspberry Bling Lip Gloss
    .47 fl oz.. / 14 mL
    Item #:
    In Stock Details $8.50
    Sugar Crystals Lip Gloss
    .47 fl oz.. / 14 mL
    Item #:
    In Stock Details $8.50
    Strawberry Sparkle Lip Gloss
    .47 fl oz.. / 14 mL
    Item #:
    Buy 2, Get 1 Free Lip Details Must Add 3 Items To Bag To Qualify. Limited Time Only. While Supplies Last. Offer May Not onlinebine With Other Site Offers. Subject To Change Without Notice. Shipping Fees Still Apply To Free Items.
    In Stock Details

    Vanilla Bean Noel Travel Size Body Care Bundle
    Item #:
    In Stock Details
    Shipping restrictions may apply $8.00
    Fresh Lavender Moisturizing Hand Soap
    8 oz..
    Item #:
    4 for $15 or 6 for $20: Mix & Match Details Limited Time Only. While Supplies Last. Offer May Not onlinebine With Other Site Offers. Subject To Change Without Notice.
    In Stock Details

    Rain-kissed Moisturizing Hand Soap
    8 fl oz..
    Item #:
    4 for $15 or 6 for $20: Mix & Match Details Limited Time Only. While Supplies Last. Offer May Not onlinebine With Other Site Offers. Subject To Change Without Notice.
    In Stock Details


    Ok so I just copy and pasted my cart ^ from the bbw website and I want to know if my theory will work for when I go to the store tomorrow.
    OK so I have three coupons – two “free item with purchase of 15 or more” and one “10$ off coupon”

    The total of that ^ with no coupons is 107.49

    I would use my FREE ITEM one of the Be Enchanted Shower gel, so that would bring my purchase down to 94.99 and then I would use the other FREE ITEM coupon on one of the lip glosses so instead of “Buy 2 get One free” I would Be buying one and getting two free and my total would be 86.49 and with out the VIP bag it would be 66.49 and then I would use the ten dollars off coupon so it would be 56.49 which IS more than 40.00 so then I could get the VIP bag and my purchase would be 76.49 Correct???

    Please tell me if that would work.
    And If it doesn’t please tell me how to fix it


  37. Ashley

    Can I use two 10$ off any 30 or more purchase AND two free item with 15 dollar purchase coupons in one visit to the store?

  38. Connie

    I had THE WORST check out experience EVER. After talking to a worker about the coupons I had, and how I wanted to use them and her going to ask at the register and confirming that I could do the Buy 3, Get 3 free, use 2 free item coupons toward two of those three, and the 10/30, I go check out and they tell me you can’t use the free items on the “package promo”. I spent 30 minutes at the register, had 3 different people re-ring me and the total went up every time. Unreal.

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