Happy Friday: Frugal and Fun Over-The-Hill Survival Kit

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Sent from reader, Samantha:

Last year, my mother started mentioning how she couldn’t believe she was going to be 50. So, around the time you posted the first Depends sample, it gave me an idea. I wanted to make sure she was well prepared for 50. It took about 9 months in the making, but with the help of your site, between samples, in store deals, and coupons I was able to equip her with an over-the-hill-survival kit and gifts with a value of over $85 that I paid about $3 (mostly coupon tax) to put together. She was a good sport, too. After about 20 minutes of nonstop laughter, she thanked me for the thoughtfulness and the stuff she could use.
Thank you, for all the time you put into your site. It helped provide me with means to give my mother a memorable and fantastic milestone birthday.

P.S. Pictured are the contents of the kit, plus a bottle of twilight woods (her favorite), a vitamin book, Robin Mcgraw’s book, a personalized card, and a certificate for a free blonde roast (her favorite) all free w/ coupons and deals, but priceless.


Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at happyfriday@hip2save(dot)online. Every Friday, I will post one photo, submitted by you and/or another Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into your frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!

** Check out all of the previous Happy Friday pictures here.

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onlinements 14

  1. todd

    my brother will be 50 this next january. what a great idea. never would have thought of this on my own. thank you for the idea! gives me plenty of time to start my own box!

  2. Andrea R

    Too funny! My dad had joked once about needing adult diapers so I got a free sample of Depends also. My daughter & I wrapped it up really pretty and I had her write a heartfelt card. For her last line, she wrote “Pop-Pop, I have always been able to depend on you and I just want you to know that you can depend on me too!” It was hilarious!

  3. PattyV

    What a clever idea. I am always experiencing great creative minds here.

  4. Ang

    I love it! How creative, useful, and *cheap*!

  5. Wilma Cook

    Very creative!

  6. jessica

    Lol too funny, I had actually thought to do this the other day I noticed I have so many of the same items, tena, poise, polygrip,vitamins, wrinkle remover, my mom is nearing 50 also I thought I would make her an old lady preparation kit lol ;p

  7. mj

    this is adorable…LOL

  8. tiffany

    I LOVE that!!! How wonderfully thoughtful and it seems she was a good sport about all the contents too. I’ve found most people enjoy receiving useful, practical gifts and I know I love giving those type of gifts the most.

  9. Allyson Knight

    I am doing something similar for my sister. She is graduating high school in May and I have a box started for her with deodorant, razors, pads, etc. I haven’t spent much thanks to coupons!! I will probably be more excited than she will but it will be things that she can use and stuff that can add up cost wise.

  10. cindy

    Very funny. Great idea.

  11. Suzy

    Love it! 😀 Plus, your Mom has great taste– Twilight Woods is my favorite too.

  12. Brittany

    Cute idea :).

    • Rach

      I LOVE it, this is an awesome idea!

  13. Samantha

    Thank you everyone for the great onlinements and feedback!

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