Bath & Body Works: *HOT* 3-Wick Candles as Low as $5.33 (Reg. $20!) – Today Only

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Calling all of you Bath & Body Works fans! Today only, 12/14, ALL 3-Wick Candles are just $8 (in-store)! This is a crazy good deal considering these candles normally retail for $20! Plus, they have so many yummy candle scents to choose from… twisted peppermint, winter candy apply, frosted gingerbread – just to name a few. These also would make wonderful gifts!

And to sweeten this sale even further, you can throw a coupon in the mix! You can either head on over here to print a rare coupon valid for a FREE Product (up to a $13 value – excludes accessories and gift sets) with ANY purchase of $10 or more, good through December 24th! Or you can opt to use this $10 off ANY purchase of $30 or more coupon, valid through December 16th. Plus, check out this scenario:

Buy three 3-Wick Candles on sale for just $8 each
Total = $24
Use the FREE product with any purchase of $10 or more coupon found here
Pay $16, which makes each candle just $5.33! Wow!

Or you can do this if you want to purchase more candles…

Buy four 3-Wick Candles on sale for just $8 each
Total = $32
Use the $10 off a $30 purchase coupon found here
Pay just $22, which makes each candle only $5.50!

(Thanks, Karin, Lauryn & Christi!)

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onlinements 90

  1. Pam

    When shopping at BBW earlier this week, they wouldn’t let me use a free product coupon on a candle (which were 2/22.00 at the time).
    They said the free item had to be regular price of 13.00 or less. Didn’t matter that they were on sale for 11.00 (I was buying 2 candles).

    • mgna

      On BF the stores allowed coupon stacking as long as each coupon requirement was met. My store no longer allows stacking nor will they allow the free product to be an item that is on sale. It must be the reg price of $14 (or less).

    • lisa

      I had the same problem as Pam 🙁

    • Tanisha

      When I worked there something we regularly did was take $13 off whatever product it was that you wanted. So if you wanted a candle you would take $13 off of it and pay the difference, however that is off of ONE item, The 2/22 is two and that wouldn’t be allowed. HTH 🙂

      • Steph

        I too, couldn’t buy a candle. I was told it had to be that amount of less in MN

    • Sara

      I did the 2 / $22 deal and used the free product coupon for a 3rd candle. They checked to make sure the third rang up at $11 for me, and then the coupon went through fine. Wish I would have waited for this, but that was a pretty sweet deal anyhow!

    • candace

      I went today to buy candles for $8 each, but they would not let me use the FREE product coupon. I wanted to buy 2 and get the third one free. They stated I couldn’t do that since the candles were already discounted.

    • mar

      *Everyone I went yesterday to try this deal and they told me I couldn’t use the coupon towards the Candles because the value of the candle is worth 20.00 and plus the coupon excludes sales items. I ended up buying two candles and with the coupon a got a free scent bulb that I needed to replace. You definitely can get a free lotion,or body wash but I usually stock up on their after Christmas sales.

  2. Amy

    FYI – I have been able to use both coupons in the same transaction before. Is this the norm, or was the cashier being extra nice that day? 😉

    • Pam

      was that perhaps on Black Friday? If so, they were being extra generous with allowing coupons that day:)

    • LisaR

      That’s what I was wondering TOO!! I’m headed to the mall NOW!!Gotta you those dang VS $10 GC too!! heehee

      • melissa

        I used to work for BBW and I think the two coupons in one transaction was for Black Friday only. It was a time-saver so they did not have to ring up multiple transacations for one person

    • didijojo

      Must have been being nice since it states on the coupon “Limit one coupon per transaction”.

    • Heather Marie

      I work there now, it’s only on Black Friday, UNLESS the coupons came together in the same mailer.

  3. cassiesoren

    YMMV on using both coupons together. In the same store, I had 2 different employees tell me 2 different things. In the end, they let me use both together, but only because they came in the mail on the same postcard. I’m headed out this morning to do this deal, I love those candles!

    • Lindsay

      I have always been told at every store I have gone to that if the coupons onlinee in the mail together then they can be used together, if they didn’t then they can’t be used together. I am really excited for this deal, guess I better get myself ready and head to the store!

  4. Pam

    Your Mileage May Vary on the coupons..a friend of mine works there and they may not take the first coupon since it says NOT FOR SALE ITEMS…I would print both just to be safe:)

  5. Wendy

    I’m heading there today as well! I was hoping they’d be on sale 2 for $20 again before Christmas, but this is even better! 🙂

  6. Karin

    Collin, in the first scenario, you can buy just 2 candles for $16, not 3. 🙂 I’ll head to the mall this afternoon and get some Toffee Crunch(LOVE the scent!!) candles. I was thinking about getting them at semi-annual sale(they would possibly be $5(75% off), but decided to get them now instead while they have enough supply. 🙂

    • Wendy

      She put the 3, including one of them as the free item.

      • Karin

        Oh I see! Thanks Wendy for the explanation. I’m not good at Need more coffee. 😉

      • mar

        You can’t do that; I just went yesterday and although I know the girls very well and they are supper nice and I always use coupons with them; They said they would get in trouble if they allow the coupon for a candle value of 20.00;*Everyone I went yesterday to try this deal and they told me I couldn’t use the coupon towards the Candles because the value of the candle is worth 20.00 and plus the coupon excludes sales items. I ended up buying two candles and with the coupon a got a free scent bulb that I needed to replace. You definitely can get a free lotion,or body wash but I usually stock up on their after Christmas sales.

        • Karin

          Yeah I was told the same thing at the store yesterday, so I used $10/$30 and got 4 candles. Still not bad. 🙂

    • Jess

      Have they typically had the 3 wick for $5 at the past semi-annual sales? I missed out on this deal today 🙁

      • Karin

        Jess, I don’t know about those 3-wick candle price at their SAS, but if they still make it to the sale and qualify for 75% off item, then they should be $5. (sorry, I never shopped 3-wick candles at SAS in the past) Hoping to get them for 75% off!

  7. Geena O

    Why does the deal say buy 3…Can I just buy one & get one free..? want to clear what I m missing.. 🙂

    • Jessica

      You have to spend $10 to get a free item.

    • chitownelle125

      The purchase has to be over $10 and since they are priced at $8, that would not be enough.

  8. Kim B.

    You can get a smaller candle for free because the regular price is $9.95, but since the regular price of the 3-wick is $19.95 it can’t count towards a free item. The $10 off $30 is an awesome deal! I went earlier this week and got 3 for $24.15 (the 2 for $22 sale) and got the rest of the Vanilla Bean Noel! I love that scent! 🙂

    • LisaR

      On Black Fri they let me get the 3-wickCandle free!! BUT they may have made an exception on BF!!

    • Linda

      That was my experience as well today. I got the smaller candle as my free item since it’s less than $13 regular price. Still a good deal!

  9. Roxanne

    I just tried to use SHOPFREE10 online and it will not work for the candles that are on sale darn it anyway!

  10. Michelle

    Does anybody know if they will accept a coupon from the phone instead of printing it?

    • Wendy

      Yes, they will.

      • Michelle

        Thanks Wendy!

  11. Al

    Can’t use the freebie on these candles. The value is based on sticker (regular) price, not sale price. That’s corporate policy. If someone’s let you before, they were breaking the rules. I know, “it happens all the time,” but the free item is supposed to be within the value listed and the sticker price of the item.

    • mar

      Al is right! FYI *****************Everyone I went yesterday to try this deal and they told me I couldn’t use the coupon towards the Candles because the value of the candle is worth 20.00 and plus the coupon excludes sales items. I ended up buying two candles and with the coupon a got a free scent bulb that I needed to replace. You definitely can get a free lotion,or body wash but I usually stock up on their after Christmas sales.

  12. Holly

    Yay! I’m so excited. Hopefully the locations near me have a decent selection. AND thank God it’s only a half day at work (I’ll make sure once lunch time onlinees around, I’m running out of the office, lol).

  13. Elise

    Figures I just went yesterday and used my coupons to get these candles 🙁

    • zaza

      Elise they have a 14day price gurantee. Bring it back for price adjustment

      • Jessica

        I bought four candles yesterday and went back today to do a price adjustment (and to get more candles!) but they wouldn’t let me because “they weren’t sure, the sale is for only one day.”

    • Holly

      That’s right Zaza! I forgot about that, lol.

      Also, you can return the candle if you don’t like it (meaning that you’ve already burn’t it); but the sad thing is, they just throw the item away saying it’s a “defect”.

      • zaza

        Oh wow. What a waste. they should just sell it with a really low price with the label of “returned item” . i will still buy them 🙂

        • Al

          They’re actually sent back to the home office and recycled (i.e., put back into another of the same product).

          • Holly

            Thanks Al! That’s what I initially assumed, but the last cashier I spoke with said they just throw them out. Which I left really bad b/c that’s a big waste.

  14. Lc

    I’m missing something…. 3 candles for $8 would be $24, right?

    • Ashley

      Yes total. But after the free item coupon (which I don’t think you can use after reading the other onlinements) it would equal 16$ because its subtracting the price of the free item which is 8$ from the total 24$.

    • mel

      yess. but take off $8 for the free item coupon with purchase of $10 = $16 😉

      however, I really don’t think this will work, as stated in previous onlinements, the free item can’t be a sale item. I

      • mar

        MEl you are right! *Everyone I went yesterday to try this deal and they told me I couldn’t use the coupon towards the Candles because the value of the candle is worth 20.00 and plus the coupon excludes sales items. I ended up buying two candles and with the coupon a got a free scent bulb that I needed to replace. You definitely can get a free lotion,or body wash but I usually stock up on their after Christmas sales.

  15. sophia

    Darn! Just took advantage of the 2/$20 candle last week….already wrapped for someone…oh well!

    • Holly

      Still have the receipt? Just price match it. No need to bring the product in. You have 14 days to p.m.

      • Holly

        Sorry, used wrong term– I ment, Price Adjust!

  16. Holly

    I should mention– there’s a gal on YouTube that reviews BBW items, candles majority of the time. I cross reference her reviews with my purchases. Search for “littleballadeer”.

    All this morning, I have been researching which candles don’t burn well or bad smell (or lack of smell).

  17. jamiw

    So disappointed right now. I just bought 4 candles there yesterday when they were on sale 2 for $22.. darn!

    • Jessica

      If you have the receipt you could return them.

  18. Emily

    The “winter” smell is amazing and smells like a much more expensive candle.

  19. Ashley

    Oh man I’m excited! I LOVE those candles. They make my house smell amazing even when not lit. My favorite is the twisted peppermint. Too bad no on else in my house likes that sme. They will not be happy about this deal. 😃

  20. Amanda

    Just got an email about 50% off whole site and 15% back thru shopathome!!!!!!!

    • Amanda

      Oops sorry forgot to say Body Shop! Love their tea tree line!!!!

  21. Amber

    Just an FYI I went into our bath and body store and they told me they “technically” weren’t having this sale. The lady was incredibly rude about it and would only do the deal for me and not the friend that came with me. She said they would do it for the people who mentioned it and showed the Facebook post only… Normally our store is very good about honoring the deals and stacking coupons but apparently not this one! So be prepared 🙂

    • Leia

      That is so wrong. I got an email from bbw about the sell.

    • Holly

      Some people are truely NOT ment to work in retail/customer service!

      Was the lady the manager? If not, you should have asked for him/her. If that didn’t help, call customer service while your in the store, or while your outside the store. I’ve heard that thier CS people are great at resolving issues.

  22. Leia

    What about using the $10 off of $30 coupon? By 4 for $32 then take $10 off, pay $22.

    • marie

      yes, that will work and it’s a great deal as mentioned above

  23. Jenna

    My store will allow me to do multiple transactions so that I can use multiple coupons. The $8 candle is not just a facebook deal. it came in their dialy emial and is a special for today only in the store and not online.

  24. Suzanne

    Nice! Got 3 candles today, Thank you Collin.

  25. Tara

    I may or may not have walked in and purchased 8 candles using two 10 off 30 coupons…. 🙂

    I bought two as gifts just last night and took my receipt with me. They had no problem doing a price adjustment for me.

    • Melody

      I did the same thing! Thank you Collin for letting us know about this deal! They even give you cellophane bags and a ribbon for each, free if you ask. It’ll make a nice gift for teachers and hubby’s colleagues I think. : )

  26. Tina

    I just came back from Bath and Body Works and they wouldn’t let me use the free product coupon on a candle because they said it was based on the regular price and the candles are normally $20.00.

  27. liz8k

    My store would only let me buy 2 $8 candles, not get a third one free because they said that the free item must be based on the full price. So I got 2 $8 (orig. $20) and got a free $12.50 orig. price candle free. So three candles for $16, but one the free item had to have a retail value of $14 or less 🙂

  28. Kiley

    I was informed that my Bath and Body Works is a “test store” and therefore not participating in that promotion. They were super rude to me, including the manager, but finally gave it to me after much persistance (the fine print in the email didn’t say anything about the sale being value at select stores, it said “US stores). Some people really shouldn’t work in customer service. 🙁

    • LisaR

      wow how odd!! We have two BB at our mall & got to a 3 wick candle free BUT my friend was in another line and They would NOT Let her get the candle free!!

  29. Ashley

    I work at bath and body works. you are not allowed to use two coupons in the same transaction 🙁 But if you use the 20% off coupon it works out better than the 10 off 30.

    • Heather Marie

      I’ve never seen this problem. I just got home from my shift at Bath and Body Works, and we took the coupons for a free item and used them on candles.

      • mar

        Well Heather I spoke to a Manager yesterday at Bath and Body and she was very very nice I know her and this is what happen; *I went yesterday to try this deal and they told me I couldn’t use the coupon towards the Candles because the value of the candle is worth 20.00 and plus the coupon excludes sales items. I ended up buying two candles and with the coupon a got a free scent bulb that I needed to replace. You definitely can get a free lotion,or body wash but I usually stock up on their after Christmas sales.

  30. Harmony

    Thanks Collin! Got 2 of the candles for $16 for me and a free $13 bubble bath for my Mother in Law!

  31. misty

    Just returned from there and they wouldn’t let me use the Free Item coupon on the candles b/c they go by the normal price of $20.

  32. Jean H

    I went with the intention of buying 3 candles, I don’t know what the rules are, but I had the $10 off also..I really only intended to buy 3–BUT–I had no idea how many great candles they had–they really added to the collection! Had a hard time choosing–I was so glad I brought both coupons! I used the $10 off and got 4.. I would have hated to go and be denied the free item coupon :(…. That said, it’s a wonderful deal either way–$5.50 for those candles???? I’m doing way too much gifting to myself this year with this website! LOL!! (ps–thanks Colin!)

  33. [email protected]

    I went in and got 4 candles, used the $10/$30, and did a separate transaction and got 5 pocket bacs (on sale 5 for $5) and used a 20% off coupon. Then I gave a lady that was in line with a big bag of goodies my free item with purchase coupon!

  34. ashley

    Got 4 candles for 22$ using the 10 dollar off 30 dollar coupon and then did the buy 3 get 3 sale on body products and used the spend 10$ get a 13$ product free and spent about 32$ for 6 items. Pretty good deal! The bath and body works In Killeen TX has the sale. It was swamped.

  35. Tonya

    They were not on sale in the store I shopped at and they wouldn’t let me use the free item coupon. 🙁

  36. Sarah

    Spent way too much at BBW today, but got 8 candles and a free aromatherapy lotion! I My total was a little over $50. I had 3 coupons so the cashier did 3 separate transactions. 4 candles with the $10 off $30, two with the spend 10 get item free (got free $13 aromatherapy lotion) and 2 candles with my 20% off coupon. I was really hoping she could do them all together to get the 20% off but she didn’t. Still a good deal, though! Thanks for sharing, Collin!

  37. Roxanne

    I went to the mall and got 8 candles for $44 what a great deal! Thanks for the great post!

  38. Jacki

    The clerk at the store I went to, was not going to let me use the coupon to get one of the 8.00 candles for free. She said the “regular price” had to be 13.00 or less. I asked her to show me where it states that on the coupon (it doesn’t). She finally agreed to take the coupon.

  39. Jess

    Didn’t have a car today so I missed out on this deal.: ( Do these candles ever go cheaper?

    • Amanda

      I’ve never seen them as cheap as they were yesterday. But sometimes you can find them on clearance!

  40. kidsallgone

    The coupon says put an free item “up to a $13 value” in your cart but they would not let me get the third candle . I think they should honor what the coupon says. I didn’t want to pay $22 for 4. I wanted to pay $16 for 3 🙁 🙁 🙁

  41. Olivia Douglass

    Just got 4 of these today…. used the $10 off of $30 coupon and it worked like a charm. I was just about to go get some candles, as I LOVE the Fresh Balsam scent and was willing to pay $22 each, I know crazy!! 🙂 So glad that I got them each for $5.50!!

  42. sometimessewist

    I didn’t see this deal until last night around dinner time…luckily my boyfriend likes candles just about as much as me, and I convinced him we should go out and do some wild Friday night candle shopping! We bought 8 candles: I had one $10 off $30 coupon, which we used on 4 of them, and then we used the coupon we got with that purchase to buy 4 more! 😛

  43. Heather

    Okay so here is the deal on coupons – You can use one coupon per transaction unless the coupons were mailed together and have the same start/end dates, then you can use both of them. The coupon for a free item is for ONE item that has a VALUE (meaning original price) of $13 or less (sometimes $14, depending on your coupon). The Free item coupon does exclude giftsets. You cannot use the free item coupon to take that amount off the transaction/item. Hope this helps!

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