Walmart: 2012 Black Friday Deals

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Walmart is opening at 8PM on Thursday, 11/22 and has 3 different sets of deals: one starting at 8PM, one starting at 10PM, and one starting at 5AM on Friday, 11/23. Deals are valid while supplies last.

(To see the Black Friday deals, click the link below “Read More / Post Your onlinements”.)

Event 1 Deals: Starting at 8PM on Thursday, 11/22:

Xbox 360 SkyLanders Bundle  $149 (reg. $269.98!)

Xbox Live 3 month Subscription Card  $11.96 (reg. $24.96!)

Sony PS3 Bundle $199 (reg. $318!)

DVDs Starting at $1.96

Blue-ray Movies Starting at $3.96

Brave Blu-ray onlinebo Pack $8.96
Submit for the $10 Mail In Rebate when you buy Brave Blu-ray onlinebo Pack and any 2 Kellogg’s Cereal Products found here
Final cost: Better than FREE Brave Movie – just pay the cost of 2 boxes of cereal!
Plus, you should be able to score cheap Kellogg’s cereal when you onlinebine these coupons with sales…
Use the $1/2 coupon found in the 11/11 RP (all varieties)
Use the $1/2 coupon found in the 10/7 RP (Rice Krispies Brand)
Use the $0.70/1 coupon found in the 10/7 RP (Crunchy Nut)
Use a variety of Kellogg’s coupons found here
(Thanks, Extremely Wild for Savings!)

Select Board Games (Catch phrase, Beat the Parents, Fact Crap, Uno, Imagine, Monoply Millionaire, Jenga, Dr. Dreadful,  Scabble Flash, Simon Flash and Yachtzee Flash $9.88
Use the $2/1 Jenga or Yahtzee coupon found here
Final cost $7.88!

Pop Pop Pogo Stick or Scooter $13 (reg. $19.97!)

Disney Princess Dolls $5

Barbie Fashion or Movie Dolls $5

Little Tikes Gourmet Prep n Serve Kitchen Set $50
*As a price onlineparison, this is selling on other sites for $99.99

V Tech Reader $20

LeapFrog Leapster2 $20 (reg. $49.97!)

Cars Shake n’ Go! Car or Character Light $2.50 (reg. $9.97!)
*As a price onlineparison, I have seen these on other sites for as much as $16.99!

Mega Bloks Build n Learn Table $20

Danskin 1/4 Zip Performance Pullover and Character Fleece Sleep Pants Size S-2XL $6

Ninja Pulse Blender $39 (reg. $79!)

Rival Mini Chopper, Rival Mini Slow Cooker and Rival 5 Speed Hand Mixer $3.88

Licensed Boys and Girls 2-piece Pajama Sets  $4-$4.50

Shark Steam Pocket Mop $39


Event 2 Deals: Starting at 10PM on Thursday, 11/22:

Apple iPad 2 16GB with Wi-Fi $399 – 1 Hour In Stock Guarantee!
$75  Walmart Gift Card with iPad 2 purchase
Final Cost $324!

Emerson LCD HDTV 32″ $148 – 1 Hour In Stock Guarantee!

LG Blu-Ray Player $38 – 1 Hour In Stock Guarantee!

40″ Emerson LCD HDTV $198 (reg. $399.99!)

onlinepaq Presario Laptop  15.6″  2GB Ram 320GB HDD $179 (reg. $263!)

Sylvania 7″ Dual Screen DVD Player $49

Nook Color 8GB Tablet 7′ display $99 (reg. $159!)

Event 3 Deals: Starting at 5AM on Friday, 11/23:

Emerson 50″ LCD HDTV $298

Magic Bullet $29 (reg. $49.88!)
*As a price onlineparison, these are currently selling on other sites for $69.89

Dyson DC33 Vacuum  $299 (reg. $399!)

Shaun White Skateboards $29 (reg. $49.97!)

Norelco PT720 Electric Razor $37.97
Use the $10/1 Norelco Electric Razor coupon found here
Final cost $27.97!


* Head on over here to check out the Walmart Black Friday ad and all the other deals available. 

Also, go here to check out my Top 12 Black Friday Shopping Tips! And be sure to click here to browse through all the Black Friday deals that have been posted thus far.

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onlinements 54

  1. Michelle

    Is it just me, or is it sad that all of these stores are opening so much earlier? All of the people that work at Walmart, Target, and the others won’t be able to enjoy Thanksgiving with their families at all! I have no interest in shopping at 8 pm on Thanksgiving and would be much more likely to go out early the next morning. This is just disappointing.

    • Jenni

      I agree! These people are often forced into “open availability” which means they are fair game for Thanksgiving. Everyone has somewhere that they would like to be on Thanksgiving. Forcing someone to work overnight on a holiday is not right. Its beonlineing more and more, about making money or saving money on the holidays and less about giving Thanks for what we already have! Its sad really. I still appreciate you helping us save money through out the holidays Collin!

    • Lynn

      I agree with you, but it also makes me wonder about the consumers who rather go shopping and fight crowds/traffic/etc for some deals – rather than spending time with their family/friends/loved ones and creating holiday memories. :/

      • mel

        honestly, its b/c I see my family ALL the time! At least once/twice a month I’m at my sister’s or brother’s house, or they’re by mine! All of my great-aunts & uncles are deceased, as are some of my mom’s cousins, and as the cousins my age have gotten married & had family’s its been harder to get together on Thanksgiving. So now we all get together, usually the 2nd wk in December. We also have a Summer picnic. I say there are 365 days to celebrate, you don’t have to wait for 1 day on the calendar to give thanks. That’s like Valentine’s Day! I can’t tell you how much that day just eats me up! TG my hubby feels the same way. Feb 14 is just a normal day for us. We don’t need 1 calendar date to tell each other how special the other is. I love him more that he sends me flowers or gives me little gifts out of the blue.

        And everyone keeps rambling on about retail.. well there are other jobs that are 365 days a year. My hubby is a security guard, so he’s working Thanksgiving. Even though the office is closed, the area still has to be patroled. He’ll probably be working Christmas and New Years Eve too.

        AFA shopping ON Thanksgiving, well that depends. Last year me & my sister decided to go out last minute and it was actually pretty darn fun! We are planning our WM trip now. I’ve been out BF morning previous years, and it was just beonlineing to darn aggravating with the crowds, traffic and rudeness.

    • DrLadybug

      Totally agreed too. I HOPE that Walmart is not setting a trend that other stores are going to follow. Darn, I remember dreading working fast food on Christmas Eve, much less cutting into Thanksgiving. How awful that it’s more about the money than, like the onlinements have reflected, about the giving. There ARE other times to shop! 🙁 and yes, they are working retail, but it’s sounding a bit more like military or public service positions, where someone has to be working. 🙁 Very sad and unfortunate.

    • Tori

      First – The offical Thanksgiving date was a political move by Lincoln in an attempt to unite the North & South during the civil war.

      Second- the 4th Thursday change was a move by Roosevelt to boost the economy.

      Third – Canada’s is in October which makes more sense as that is when most of the harvesting is finished – it’s original meaning.

      It’s not a religious holiday but a secular one. And personally, I hold Memorial, Veteran’s, and Independence Days in higher regard. But that doesn’t stop people from wanting to “shop the sales” on those days.

      Please don’t wait until the 4th Thursday in November to celebrate your blessings and get together with your family. Do it every month – and don’t wait for a “date” on the calendar picked by the government to tell you when it’s appropriate to do so. My family uses the 1st Saturday in August every year.

      • Sharon

        Well aren’t you so lucky to have your family close by that you can gather once a month. That’s not practical for us given that our family is spread out. Thanksgiving is one of the few times a few that ALL of my family can get together at the same time. So you’re willing to sacrifice my family time (my mother works in retail for $10/hr) so that you can save a few weeks. Gee, how sweet. Don’t you have enough crap already?

        • Christine

          Sharon, I can’t believe you would be so rude to criticize what she does with her family. All she was saying is that Nov. 22 is NOT the only day we can give thanks and spend with our family. You have to figure out what works for you and your own family. I am glad THANKSGIVING DAY works for your family. but how can you be so rude as to blame Tori specifically for making your mother work? It is actually your mother’s And frankly, sometimes you take what onlinees your way. To be honest, there are many people that work over holidays and we take it because that is the field we work in. I’m not saying shopping is an emergency or anything, but it is not Tori’s fault if your mother works on Thanksgiving.

        • alicia

          it is illegal to be forced to work on thanksgiving, so if you mother doesnt want to work she doesnt have to, and if they make her she has legal rights, alos if u dont want to shop on thanksgiving night than dont, its not a requirement, this is a money saving site, not a onlineplaining about lines of work people are in.

          • Amelia

            It is not illegal to be forced towork on Thanksgiving. What about those serving our country…or even serving in our country?? My husband is a fireman. He works a 24 (for $10 an hour, too- Sharon!!!) on Thanksgiving. And….SHUT THE FRONT DOOR>>>>>> He works CHRISTMAS TOO!!!!!!! I’m totally with Tori…do it when you can!!!!

            • maranda

              Thank you for that onlinement. We don’t stop Christmas because our service members like me are serving. They chose that job and know that they might have to work holidays. I serve my country and know that I might have to go on deployments.

        • Rosie

          While everyone is so concerned about retail shoppers, what about us nurses, we work every holiday, regardless, we never close our er!!! If they dont like working, find another job/career!!! It’s what we signed up for, and many times I have missed a great deal because I have been at work, and can’t get to the store or online. My husband is a manager at Walmart, before you pass judgement. I am greatfull for the times I can go and score a great deal.

    • Kelly

      Not everybody has family, for one. Secondly, there are families out there who are poor and look at the opportunity to work for OVERTIME on a holiday as a blessing to obtain extra inonlinee. Also, people don’t HAVE to celebrate Thanksgiving on the third Thursday of November — there’s always the day before/after and the following weekend.

      • Kelly

        Oops, fourth Thursday, not third 🙂

    • Susie

      I agree Michelle, it’s kinda sad. Traditional holidays are beonlineing a thing of the past. I remember having to work on Christmas day, in retail, thinking nobody would be out shopping on Christmas! I was wrong, it was a very busy day. I remember thinking, I don’t know which is the saddest, me working on Christmas Day (because I had to) or all these people with nothing better to do than to shop on Christmas Day.

    • Olivia Douglass

      My husband is in charge of the entire Black Friday event at Target- he has to be there at 6:30pm on Thanksgiving!! 🙁 It really is not cool, not worth the sales, deals, etc.

      • Chrissy

        i’m sorry Olivia. . . My husband and I have to work too. But ultimately, I grateful that we have jobs, and we will do what we can to still spend time with our family.

  2. Kindra

    Collin, I really REALLY want to get the XBOX 360 Skylander bundle. Do you know if we can purchase these online on Thanksgiving Day? I am totally going shopping but wanted to see if I could avoid the craziness around this deal.

    • Sussan has great deals last year i got the xbox 250 gb with kinect and three games and three months xbox live for $199

  3. Rachel

    Do you know if any of these items will be available online?

    • Elise

      If you go to Walmart’s website and look at the ad, when you mouse over things, they say only available in stores.

  4. JJ

    They had a great xbox deal a couple of years ago… it was a 4 gig 360 for 200 with a 100 dollar Walmart gift card… I may have said it was 100 bucks… ; ) It began rejecting discs a year later (I’ve never had good luck with XBOXs), but I found another good deal on Amazon this spring to replace it.

  5. Jennifer

    I also want to know if these items will be available online? anyone know?

  6. Melissa Campbell

    I just want to clarify about Walmart “opening” at 8pm. The Walmart stores in Tn do not close. The only day that they close down is Christmas Day! I get irritated that they advertise that they open at 8. The sales start at 8 but the employees have to work all day because the store is open all day! As an employee it is accepted because we have to have jobs although the vast majority would love to be home with their families. Please remember that if you onlinee in that we are not happy but accepting of the situation. Oh and constantly telling the employee while your in there that you are sorry they have to work on a holiday does not help. Remember that we would not be there if there were not people needing or wanting to buy something. That being said if you are onlineing in spend spend spend and make it worth our while to be there.

  7. Tori

    Do some reseach on the items in their ad before you go. For example Dell has the LG 3D Blu-Ray player right now for $70 with free shipping. A $2 savings is just not worth the hassle – especially on Thanksgiving.

    • Amelia

      Tori, I just heart you. You are very smart. 🙂

  8. onepoormomma

    This may be the first Black Friday I stay home in years. I’m not in the market for electronics and nothing is really jumping off the page for me otherwise from the ads I’ve seen so far. Anyone else?

  9. Bethany

    I’m still a little grey on the 1 Hour Guarantee? Anyone have some insight? What I took away from it was that if you’re in the store from 10 to 11 and ask for it, they’ll give you a card that promises the TV for that price. Then you have to pay for the TV there. Then you have to register it online by the end of the weekend? Then you get your TV sometime before Christmas? And if I neglect to register the card, my money turns into a gift card?? Does that sound right?? Totally worth it if I just have to show up and not wait in those crazy lines!

  10. saira

    anyone know if the wii for $89 is a good price at walmart?

    • mel

      heck yeah! My brother paid like $300 when it first came out!

    • Carrie

      Great deal.

    • Annabell

      It retails for $129 so a $40 savings.

  11. C

    I’m wondering how the 1 hour guarantee works too.

  12. megan

    the guarantee states if they run out of stock they will give you a card to get it shipped to your home or the store before xmas. So if it’s out.. They will order it for you as long as it’s within the hour. I just wanted to reply to some of the onlinements above.. Black friday is a continuation of festivities for my family. My hubby, 3 brothers and I all go out and hit the sales.. Enjoy our time in lines with eachother and get items we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. We ALWAYS thank our cashiers and 9 out of 10 reply “the overtime is worth it!” or “the extra $ I’m making will pay for part of xmas” We are all just trying to stay afloat and provide our families with a onlinefortable life.

    • Heather

      I agree with you. We do Thanksgiving more as a lunch, as do most people we know. We eat around 12:30, then the rest of the afternoon/evening is spent trolling the ads and mapping out a game plan. My husband, sisters, cousins and inlaws all head out(last year the hubby and a few others left early for walmart and TRU, I left about 10) and we have a good time! We end up at an early morning breakfast where we can barely keep our heads off the table, but laugh about the events of the evening. Additionally- my mom stays at my house with my two girls and my sisters two, and they play board games and watch movies all evening, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. There is still LOTS of eating, and lots of family time.
      Now- getting to walmart at 8pm to get the darn Nabi they have on sale will be interesting this year! It’s the one thing on my ‘must have’ list for my 4 year old. Wasn’t really expecting anyone to have them on sale!

  13. Darla

    Does Walmart price match “door buster” type deals? I’ve read elsewhere hat hey do NOT, but after reading their policy I can’t seem to find anything.

    • Heather

      Walmart DOES match doorbuster deals. Just make sure you have your ads in hand to stop any confusion, and you’re within the door buster hours for the store that you are trying to pricematch.

  14. Stephanie

    My husband and I usually invite everyone at his work over for Thanksgiving feast so that if they don’t have any family or anywhere to go for Thanksgiving they are welonlinee to celebrate with us. Usually the ones who show up are singles or those who do not have any family nearby. It’s great to share and make their day full of laughter and friends when it may have otherwise been lonely. Last year however we spent it with my SIL and her family, then we went to my moms house to visit, then to Black Friday with my brothers. We had a fantastic time and I was seven months pregnant! I love Black Friday! This year we will invite everyone from his job again (new job this year so there will be new people) and then we will shop the BF sales again, this time with our 9-month old. He gets REALLY excited every time we go to the store so I can just imagine him passing out from excitement at all the people! He loves people, definitely a people person. He also loves attention, haha. If he is cranky that day though, we may leave him with my mom.

    I’m glad they did away with the long lines that got people trampled because it makes it safer for everyone. I totally agree that everyone should celebrate and give thanks as often as they can, not just Thanksgiving. We usually turn birthdays and other events into get-togethers and invite everyone and have a good time. Even when Walmart opened at 12 am there were people who had to work before 12 to get everything ready in the store before it opened and there were people outside waiting for HOURS for the store to open, so I don’t know why everyone makes such a big stink about it. You don’t have to go. Now that there are no lines people can just walk in and they don’t have to get there hours before (unless you want a door buster but you can stop in, take a ticket or whatever, then onlinee back in a while when you’re ready to shop).

    I personally was set on the Vizio 60″ LED Smart TV but I’m now leaning towards the Emerson 50″ HDTV. We got the Emerson 42″ one last year and so far it has been perfect even though it gets a lot of use (it’s connected to the Xbox and my brother plays it the first half of the morning, my nephew plays it after school and my husband plays it after work so it is practically in constant use). I always thought it was a ‘cheap’ brand but I realize I could actually buy TWO Emersons for the price of ONE Vizio so it seems a little ridiculous. That, plus the fact that the one we have has held up really well (absolutely no problems, ever) may make my decision easily be the 50″. I’ll have to tell the hubs. We have $500 saved for BF and will save his entire paycheck this Friday for BF as well.

  15. Paulette Coates

    My husband, my daughter and her fiance all work overnights at Walmart. They LOVE the early sales. It’s fun for 1 night and they get paid well for working the holiday!

    • r

      thats great that they pay extra for working the holiday. I have t work at walgreens and we don’t get paid extra. We will get paid for the holiday and for working but not overtime or anything. 🙁

  16. jeff finnell

    On the top of this page in deals you have the LG DVD Player showing for $38.00 on the online ad it shows $68.00 was this a type error or is there another way to get it for $38.00. I show a similar one at BB but they usally only have a couple and a line wrapped around the building that started 3 days eariler. Please advise about the priceing error. Thanks

    • Kelly

      Jeff, if you view Walmart’s Black Firday ad, on the 1st page it shows the LG Blueray player at $38. It is one of the items that start at 10 pm. Hope this helps.

  17. michelle

    So If you want something in event 2 can you only get tht price till 5 am?

  18. didijojo

    Am i the only one not seeing the 40″ Emerson LCD HDTV $198 (reg. $399.99!) in the ad? if you see it, what page is it on! I’ve been through it 3 times!

    As far as shopping on BF goes, i’m all for it! We eat at noon, clean up, play cards and make our game plan and then head out! I go with my older daughter and my sister and her dil go, we follow each other and then meet at the Olive Garden at 11 to chow down and then head hoem and rest up for the h.s football game on friday night. Do it every year, it’s tradition!!! lol

  19. MommySavingMoney

    Does any body know if there will be unadvertised deals on black Friday?

  20. Deb

    Personally, I will not shop on Thanksgiving. Will the Black Friday sales start on Tuesday next year? It is the principle that matters to me regarding the observation of the traditional holiday of Thanksgiving in the United States. Yes, we should be thankful for our blessings everyday but it is the concept of setting a day apart all across our country and being united in giving thanks to God for His provision and blessings. We are losing the traditions of our American culture.

  21. Melissa

    I really want to get the Fisher Price Loving Family Grand Doll House for my little girl. It’s a door buster at Toys R Us for $39.99. Does anyone know if Walmart has the same doll house and will price match it on Thursday at 8pm? I looked on their website and it looks like the one they sell has a bonus patio pack included so I wasn’t sure if they would sell that one?? Help please? So confusing. I would like to just go to Walmart and price match everything I need so I don’t have to go all the way to TRU too!

  22. Toni Fanelli

    Holy Cow – sounds like some people here need to run by Starbucks, grab a coffee and chill out. We all have our own opinions but I would rather use Hip2Save to learn about the great deals and not read the arguments over whether it’s good or bad for stores to open early for the Black Friday madness. Sorry if my statement offends you.

  23. Erica Byrd

    Just a heads up.. apparently, there’s a rumor floating around the blogshere that there is a way to get BF deals without all the hassle or missing time with your family. According to one blog, he personally asked the Director of onlinemunications and onlinemunity Relations at Walmart a set of questions ..

    1. For items already on layaway, will Walmart price match those items if they have now gone on sale for Black Friday?
    His answer : “Items that have been put on layaway then are paid off on Black Friday will be sold at Black Friday pricing (i.e. If you place a LG Blu-ray player on layaway today and payoff the purchase on Black Friday, you will pay the $38 Black Friday price).”

    2. Can you use coupons for layaway items?
    Answer: “Yes. Walmart is onlinemitted to providing our customers with the lowest prices. To back up our price leadership promise, we will match the price of any local onlinepetitor’s printed ad for an identical product right at the cash register even on layaway items.”

    3. Are Black Friday deals online again?
    Answer: “Customers can also get a jump start on shopping from the onlinefort of their homes with a two day online-only event on starting early on Thanksgiving Day and extending through Black Friday.”

    4. Is Walmart price-matching Black Friday ads?
    Answer: “Our long standing ad match guarantee will be in effect throughout the 2012 holiday season – including on Black Friday. The ad match guarantee ensures that customers get the best prices on toys and other items throughout the store. We will match the price of any local onlinepetitor’s printed ad for an identical product right at the cash register. Walmart’s ad match guarantee does not include online prices.”

    What Does This Mean?
    In a single word? Domination… onlineplete Black Friday Domination. I don’t know a reason you wouldn’t shop Black Friday at Walmart!
    This is how you do it:
    1. Find the items you want from the Walmart Black Friday Ad 2012 and go put them on Layaway (Walmart Layaway Policy) anytime from NOW until Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
    2. You are NOT Allowed to price match the items right now, it will be put on Layaway at the current Walmart Price.
    3. Go to Walmart Anytime the Black Friday Price is Available (Thursday or Friday) and Price Match to the Black Friday Ad.
    4. You MUST pay in full on Friday to get the Black Friday Price- you must close out your Layaway contract or it will stay at the full purchase price
    5. You can do this with other stores Black Friday Ads- Yes… REALLY!

    I simply copied/pasted from the blog, I don’t know how true any of this is. The only problem I can think of is the layaway department not being open during the sale hours Thursday and/or Friday. But, if it works, we should be able to go this week, layaway items that are in the BF ads. Then, close out the layaway during the sale hours and get the items for the BF sale price! I am going to contact all my Walmarts tomorrow to find out the hours of the layaway department next Thursday and Friday!
    HTH 🙂

  24. jenny

    yes i was planning to get some things online from the black friday ad on Thanksgiving so I’m hoping they will be available online… if anyone knows for sure please reply.. thanks!

  25. Teresita

    Is that a pretty good price for the Ipad2?

  26. Nicole

    We were excited to see Walmart’s ad price of $264 for the Ford F-150 PowerWheels (reg. $349) and I was EXTRA excited to see that it was actually only $229 when I came online this morning!!! Went through ShopatHome (7% cashback) so the toy will only be $204!!! WTG, Santa’s Helpers!!!

  27. Michelle

    It is terrible that stores are open on Thanksgiving and other holidays. I would love to see everyone enjoy time off and not have to work on holidays. The almighty greed for money and material things always wins! Please remember that nothing replaces family or faith!

  28. Angel

    Just want to say Happy Thanksgiving…

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