Amazon: The Backyardigans Pablo Cake Pan Only $3.99 Shipped (Reg. $14.49!)

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Here’s a fantastic deal for anyone who has a Backyardigans fan in their household! Currently, you can head on over to Amazon to score this The Backyardigans Pablo Cake Pan by Wilton for only $3.99 (reg. $14.49) + FREE shipping on $25 orders (or with an Amazon Prime membership)!

This cute cake pan would be perfect for a Backyardigans themed birthday party and I’m guessin’ won’t last long at this low price…snatch it up while you can! 🙂

*Measures 14″ x 10″ x 2″

(Thanks, Joel and Photo Credit!)

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onlinements 3

  1. Sarah

    I have this pan and used it for my son’s b-day party 2 years ago. I had never decorated a cake before and it looked great.

  2. Stefanie

    I wish it were for Tyrone! My brother’s best friend does the bodywork for the animation for Tyrone and he and his wife just had a baby 2 days ago – it would be the perfect gift!

  3. Emilytwinmom

    Haaaaa if only I could decorate a cake like that… I have tried and tried and tried, and every time I break out my Elmo cake pan and set of 30 wilton tips it just looks nothing like Elmo by the time I’m done. This is why Publix bakeries are so popular!

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