Bath & Body Works: *HOT* Halloween Clearance Sale (Items up to 75% Off!) + $10 off $30 Coupon Code

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Currently, Bath & Body Works has a Halloween Clearance Event going on with items discounted up to 75%! Even sweeter, you can score $10 off a purchase of $30 or more when you enter the promo code OCTSAVE10 during checkout! Note that shipping is $6.99 (or at least it was for me).

Some highlights… body lotions only $1.25 (down from $5!), Anti-Bacterial PocketBac Sanitizing Hand Gel $0.38 to $0.75 (down from $1.50!), Shimmer Mist $1.75 (down from $7!), Various Halloween lip glosses (some don’t even look Halloween themed) priced at just $2 (down from $8!) + much more!

I love these types of seasonal clearance events as you can usually find items that would be fine to purchase any time of year. This would also be a great time to snatch up items for Christmas. PocketBac hand gels, lip glosses and lotions make great stocking stuffers. These types of items also make great additions to gift baskets.

I scored a total of 19 items for $27.63 (+ tax) shipped! 😀

* To sweeten this further, be sure to go through to score 3.5% cash back on all Bath and Body Works purchases!

(Thanks, One Frugal Chick!)

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onlinements 36

  1. amy

    Could not find if they do shoprunner? Anyone know. Just got free year from them.

  2. Anikka

    They do not do shoprunner unfortunately

  3. Amy

    AHHH! I just got $1 shipping with ANTIBAC (order has to be over$25). Woot Woot! 🙂

    • Laura

      Did it allow you to use 2 codes at one time? I can’t figure out if it will let me or if I am doing somethign wrong.

      • Jennifer

        Mine only allowed one code…

        • cali

          you can only do 1 either $1 or $10 off $30

  4. Karin

    OMG, need to go checking!! Thanks for the info! 🙂

  5. Stacie

    Does anyone know if this is going on in store?? Thanks! ~Stacie

    • KimSpero

      I was at the mall yesterday and the have a huge fall clearance sign in the window.

    • cali

      i saw only 50% off today

  6. Kim

    online it says online only sale; these are great for dark & twisty teen stocking stuffers!

  7. Allison

    21 items for $28.91 shipped!

    Thanks Amy for the $1 shipping code 🙂

  8. Lisa

    Yippee!!! 26 items shipped to my front door for $29.45 total (using $10 off 30 code). Thank you Collin!!!

  9. Jodi

    32 items for : $27.94
    I think that was a great deal 🙂 thanks fo much …

  10. elaine evans

    How long is the 10 off 30 code good for?

  11. Karin

    Got 15 items for $28.13 shipped! I could get cute candle holder & sleeve. My total before $10off$30 code was exact $30, so I was pretty excited!lol Thanks so much!! 🙂

  12. cali

    LOVE THIS AND THANK YOU…..just went to the BB store today and got my free enchanted lotion! They only had 50% off in the store.

  13. Thone

    Went there this afternoon and got 25 little hand sanitizers for 37 cents each (which I’ll be using for halloween treat bags) and got a free $13 Aroma Therapy item for spending $10. I love it! Thanks Collin!!

    • lizz

      Thone were did you get the coupon for the free Aroma Theraphy item wyb $10? And how did you get the hand sanitizers for 37 cents? Where theey on sale at your store?

      • Thone

        Sorry took me so long to respond. I’m not used to getting replies. I got two coupons in a mailing: a free travel size item and the free Aroma Therapy items with a max value of $13. I wonder if you checked their site if there may be a coupon online. I’m not even sure how I got on their mailing. I’m sure you can ask them that at the store. I hope I was helpful!

  14. Brandy

    8 mini lotions
    2 shimmer mists
    1 cupcake scentportable
    30 pocketbacs
    5 pocketbac holders
    $29 shipped ~ Yahoo!

    Thanks Collin!!!

  15. Grink

    Also, In case anybody was interested there is a free 2oz sample of their new lotion “be enchanted” available online and in-store! You can use code FBF114231 online, or print off the coupon here and use it in-stores:

    Dunno if anybody wants this, but I thought I’d tell everyone! 🙂

    • Andromeda26

      1 Glow-in-the-Dark Bundle
      1 Scary Bundle
      1 Halloween Mini Body Lotion Bundle
      1 Wicked Mini Body Lotion Bundle
      2 Cookies and Scream Lip Gloss
      2 Forbidden Apple Lip Gloss
      1 Potent Pucker Lip Gloss
      4 Blue Gingham Small Gift Bags
      5 Cream Gauze Sponges
      Total: $33.52

  16. ryoko

    too bad I did tried to get the great deal but since i live in hawaii… shipping and handling is way too much!!! does anyone know whether we can get good deals like this in hawaii??

  17. Nancy

    Thanks Collin! Great timing on this. I’m planning our Halloween party and wanted to put together some goodie bags. I’m excited to share these goodies with our guests. Yay!

  18. rykszk

    well i could not get them for cheap… bloody shipping fee to hawaii

  19. Kristina

    Very cool. I’m going to surprise my coworkers with the 38 cent antibac’s! 🙂

    Thanks for posting yet another deal, Collin!

  20. Brittany Jo Price

    You can use coupon code CHARMED20 for 20% off also through 10/30/2011!!

  21. kimns

    What are y’all doing with all that Haloween stuff?

  22. Chelena

    Thanks so much! I stocked up on office gifts and kids stocking stuffers!!!!

  23. Michelle

    The 10 off of 30 is over, but there is still a one dollar shipping with a 25 dollar purchase, code is holiday25. there are a lot of Halloween anti-bac 3 packs for 1.13, and other anti-bac 5 packs for 1.88, and a zodiac 12 pack for 4.50. a halloween foaming soap for 1.38, toppers for them .50. also a 3 pack of lotion for 3.75.

  24. Carole

    Bought 60 items (antibacterial, lotions) for $34 with shipping, tax and 20% off coupon. Not bad! Thanks!

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