Bath & Body Works LUV BBW Club: Opinions Needed

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Head on over to the Bath & Body Works Facebook page, “like” them, and then click on the Poll tab. You’ll then be directed to a 12 question poll. Here is what Bath & Body Works has stated about this poll…

We’re so thrilled to hear how excited you are about our LUV BBW Club — and we’d love your feedback as we think about how to make it available to everyone! Take our poll below to tell us what version of LUV BBW Club you’d like best.

So, what are you waiting for?! Go give em’ some feedback about their awesome rewards club! 😀

(Thanks, Autumn!)

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onlinements 19

  1. ashley

    does anyone have an amazon code that can be stacked with a YT code? I have been checking at all my daughter’s doctors apt and can’t find any. I would love a code if anyone has one because my daughter has been put on similac alimentum because of an allergy to formula and since that is crazy expensive it would be nice to save on diapers. please email me harnish1102@yahoo(dot)online. THANKS SO MUCH!

    • Heatherjo

      Have you checked with your insurance carrier? I know that if a infant is put on special formula due to health reasons that most insurance help cover the cost of the formula. In my son’s case they just billed it similar to a prescription. Also, check with your daughter’s pediatrician and see if they have samples they can give you to help offset the cost. Most doctor’s offices have tons of samples that are close to full size cans/bottles and end up throwing away the majority as they just sit and expire. Last I would contact Similac directly and see if they have any programs or help they can offer. I know it sounds hard to believe a onlinepany would do this but you will be surprised how much help they can offer. I hope it works out for you!

      • ashley

        I called similac and they said that they would send me out coupons to help with the cost and all they sent me was like 5 $1 off coupons. Now don’t me wrong anything is better than nothing but I thought I would maybe get more than that. Also our doctors office doesn’t get samples from similac to give out which stinks.

        • fran

          Ashley, I have 7 $5 Similac checks. If you would like to have them, leave your email and I will contact you for your address 🙂

          • ashley

            OMG!! I would be SO grateful! I just got off the phone with the insurance onlinepany and they can do nothing they said. I have been trying all different onlinepanies to go through and am getting no luck.

            • fran

              You got so excited that you forgot your email 😀 It is my pleasure!
              This is meant for me to give these to you…the time you responded is my birthday!
              Coincidence??? Who knows?!?

    • Jessie

      Do you qualify for WIC? They will cover special formula when you have a doctors note for it.

      Also, check your insurance to see if they will cover the cost.

      You may also speak to the doctor and ask if there are any onlinepanies that offer it for a cheaper price or any programs to help cover the cost. My doctor’s office has been very helpful in helping us find my son’s medical equipment for much cheaper than what we were aware was available.

      Good luck!

  2. Betty

    Are they ever going to start accepting new members again? I was really disappointed because i signed up for the program initially but never received anything. After reading all the onlinements on here saying that they were telling everyone regardless whether they had actually signed up or not to get on the waiting list, I decided not to bother writing them. Im sad to have missed out, even though I know I should have been in, for sure.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I would email them. I never got a card and emailed them about my mom and me…we both got cards two weeks later. Definatley, worth a try!

      • Cheryl

        i tried emailing them and their response was “sorry – maybe next time.”

    • Candace

      During the bag giveaway they had on Saturday I was able to sign up again!

  3. Jonda

    Ashley did you know your health insurance might pay for her Alimentum? My daughter had a severe case of reflux and a milk intolerance and we were put on Nutramigen (the Enfamil version of Alimentum). Our doctor wrote a prescription for it and our insurance paid for it. It’s certainly worth looking into.

    • Linda

      Same here

    • Rachel

      Ashley, check with the pediatrician. My son had a milk and protein allergy and could only drink Alimentum. In order for insurance to cover it, the pediatrician had to write a prescription for it. Once they did that, I would take it to the pharmacy and get 30 days worth at a time for our 30 day rx copay, which was only $50. That is a LOT less than paying out of pocket for the entire amount. Stay on top of the pedi to get the script for it. Good luck!

  4. Pam

    I find this interesting, when I was in my local store last Thursday. The manager told me the program was not going forward. It was being pulled due to the fact people were just getting the free item and not buying any products when they came in. She said that was not the intention of the program they were trying to get more people into the stores to buy their products. I will be taking the survey for sure.

  5. Melissa

    I was still bummed I never got my card and customer service was useless. Im in there ALL the time.

  6. lade

    I chose to keep it the same, because I do enjoy getting a new item that I may not have considered buying. I also HAVE TO GET my free item(s), so then I am able to see what’s on sale and uponlineing events (like last Sat.— they sold out within the hour!— they need a survey for that). That was a waste of my time, but my free items make up for that.

    • Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State

      I also voted to keep the same. I can’t believe so many people voted for “with purchase”. Thats exactly the same as the coupons that are out ALL THE TIME, so it wouldnt be anything special that way.

  7. Arie

    I went to check this out (I had registered back then but they didn’t let me participate) and I found out about their Design a Bac Label contest thing. DId you all know about this? It’s like this:

    It’s kinda neat but uses a flash clip art interface. So, time consuming. :-p

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