Groupon: 50% off Bath & Body Works' Online Store

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The Groupon Philadelphia, Columbus, Baltimore, Boston, Raleigh Durham, Jacksonville (and the list goes on) deal is valid for $20 worth of products at the Bath & Body Works’ Online Store for $10 or $30 worth of Products from the Bath & Body Works’ Online Store for just $15! If you are a fan of Bath & Body Works products, this is a great Groupon to snatch up. …And with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, these types of products will definitely onlinee in handy for Homemade gift baskets and more!

Fine print: Expires Apr 27, 2011. Limit 1 per person. Limit 1 per order. Online only. Not valid on previous purchases. Must use in 1 order, no cash back. Tax and shipping not included. See full terms.

(Thanks, Chi-Town Cheapskate!)

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onlinements 54

  1. Heather G.

    This is an awesome deal! If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up under me 🙂 I would really appreciate it! Thanks!!!

  2. Karrie

    Collin, Yesterday I recieved an email from Groupon giving me a 10 credit since I have never used Groupon before but had an email account set up. Everyone who has never bought a Groupon but is signed up for email should check their email accounts just in case as I just got this deal for 5 dollars!!!! Thank you!! oh and it was a unique code that could not be shared 🙂

  3. Christy

    Does anyone know if this Groupon deal is going to be given as a coupon code or if it is given as a gift card number? I can just picture an even better deal if I can pair it with a coupon code!

    • Amber

      It is given as a coupon code. The rules for this groupon is that it cannot be onlinebined with any other offer or discount that requires a coupon code, so no such luck this time!

      • Laury

        On the Bath and Body website you can only use one coupon code per order and this counts as a coupon code.

  4. Amanda

    Does anyone know how much shipping is on the website?

    • Karrie

      Another website said it started at about 5 dollars for shipping

    • Kristin

      It starts at $5.99 – I did a search for shipping and was able to find the rates. They have a deal right now with discounted or free shipping with minimum purchase, but not sure if you can use that with this or not.

    • Aubrey

      Jinx 🙂

  5. Aubrey

    You can also go through Swagbucks to get 280 swagbucks. That is about half of a $5 Amazon card.

    • kae

      Where do you find that offer on Swagbucks?

      • Tara

        you can find it under special offers

      • Lolo

        it is also on the main page as one of the offers. You know the ones that scroll through? There, just click on it.
        If you do not have a swagbucks account but would like to start one sign up with this referral and start off with 30 swagbucks.

    • susan

      I was so happy to find that. I was thinking of doing the groupon, but that sealed the deal.

  6. Kristin

    Don’t forget to go through eBates for 3% back. I almost always forget, and am so proud that I remembered this time. Only $0.45, but it adds up! 🙂

    • Kristin

      Aww….forgot about SB! That might have been a better choice than eBates. Oh, well! 🙂

  7. Heather

    I wish this was one you could use in the store too. It sounds like the shipping will eat away at the savings so not really the best deal. But helpful if you don’t like making a trip to the store!

    • Carrie Fry

      It said you can print it up to pull it up directly on your phone and take it to the store.

      Oops Sorry…it says online only! 🙁

  8. Lea Ann

    did this Groupon last week and was dissappointed. I ordered $20.20 in product. S&H is a flat rate of $5.99, tax was .54. That is only a $3.27 profit. You can only use 1 coupon code, which is the Groupon code. So, you cannot add the free antibacterial soap or 20% off coupon. One code per order. Even if there was a free shipping code, you cannot use it. I make out better in the store w/ separate orders with my free product coupons.

    • maria

      i agree!

    • Luciana

      Lea Ann, that was my thinking, too. So many restrictions on this Groupon that I don’t find it a particularly good deal. I can do better without it.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Double dip…If you have credit cards that give Rewards like Discover, redeem for the $25 Bath and Body Works and now for $15 you’ll get $55 worth of items minus the shipping costs. Still not a bad deal.

  9. Lori

    Sort of off subject, but don’t forget that today is the day you can use your Luv Club card and B&BW to get your free monthly gift (if you haven’t already another Thurs. this month).

  10. Cally

    I just got mine for free! I had the 10$ off code they sent to my email for never using groupon. I purchased the $10.00 deal so woot woot free coupon!

  11. Faith

    how do I use a credit with groupons?

    • Cally

      If it’s a coupon code, at check out in the upper right hand coner there is a thing that says “Have a gift card?” Click on it and enter your code. If you have a credit on your account it says “Once in your account, Groupon Bucks will automatically apply to your future purchases until they run out.”

      • Faith

        Thank you

  12. Melanie

    I checked on shipping prices last week and they were $5.99. Today they are $9.99 for the same items in my order – I’ll pass on this one.

  13. Wen

    I looked today and shipping is only $5.99. $15 for $30 is a good deal, I was able to find lots of things I wanted and with my Groupon credit will only pay for shipping.

    Bottom line is, if you don’t *need* anything from Bath and Body Works, or don’t know if you actually want anything then this deal probably isn’t for you!

    Geez, there is being thrifty and then there is just wanting everything for nothing!

    • Lea Ann

      My point being that you are not getting $20.00 of product for $10.00 w/ S&H and tax. No disregard to anyone, just doing the math and I did the deal last week.

  14. Cally

    Is there a way that you can look at your pending purchase, or modify it in any way??

  15. paulemay

    Anyone else having trouble signing into Groupon????

    • Stephanie


  16. Sarah

    Isn’t it still about an $8.50 savings if you buy the $30 Groupon? Just trying to get it all straight in my head! Is that a good deal? thanks!

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Bonus if you play farmville use their link to groupon on and get 50 free farm cash!!

  18. Annalea

    Man, I need to be able to sign into Groupon. I have $6 of gift credits I want to use toward this deal. Hopefully, the sign-in page will be available again soon. 😐

    If anyone would like to use my referral link to register at, I’d be very grateful: Thanks! 🙂

  19. Annalea

    OK, since the sign-in page is still down, I called Groupon customer service to ask if they could help me with the gift credits situation. The guy said the $6 of gift credits would be deducted from my purchase, which I made while I was still on the phone with him. So I got the $30 GC for only $9! Score! 😀

    My referral link:

  20. Meggan

    I figured out a way to get both the Ebates cashback and the Swagbucks bonus for Groupon deals: make the purchase through Ebates, so you get your money from them. Then, go to the Swagbucks page, under “Daily Deals” and view the Groupon order. On the left side of the offers window is a link that says “Support” – if you click this, it should show that you have viewed the offer for today. Once you get your confirmation code from Groupon, you simply contact TrialPay through this “Support” link (all you have to do is send them an email with the text of your email from Groupon!), and you’ll get your Swagbucks as well! I’ve done this twice now with no problems 🙂

    • Divya

      Ummm – not to be mean – but isn’t that cheating the system?

      • Meggan

        I don’t think so: I’ve viewed the offer through Swagbucks, and I have purchased the order. This isn’t cheating them – it’s not like I’m trying to get SB’s for something I didn’t buy. One order that I placed through Swagbucks on the Daily Deal site (without going through any other site) *still* required me to contact TrialPay and give them my confirmation number. That tells me that they do it all the time, and it’s not a cheat. But, if you think it is, then don’t do it.

  21. Jamie

    Does Bath and Body works ever have free shipping on their website? Should I hold out to see if I can use the gift card when there is free shipping?

    • Kristin

      They have free or reduced shipping sometimes (like today) but it requires a promo code. Since you can only use one promo code per order, you can’t use it with the groupon. I wish I had thought this through before purchasing this groupon, because I’m not saving nearly as much as I thought I would after paying shipping. 🙁

  22. The Paid Housewife

    I am trying to recall how many promo codes you can use at one checkout on their website, and I *think it is two*, if so then you can use the groupon code and they will have a new code for a free product starting the 7th. Therefore it should make for a really great deal!

    • Christy

      This B&BW deal clearly states not to be used with any other offers, so the Groupon will be it on this one … no B&BW coupons. Kind of a bummer, but I did still buy one. 🙂 I am addicted to B&BW!

  23. Ashley

    Only one promo code can be applied at Bath and Body Works. From their Customer Service site:

    Redeeming Promotion or Discount Codes

    Steps for redeeming a Promotion or Discount Code:

    Enter the code exactly as it appears, in the field provided on one of the following pages: Shopping Bag page, Payment page or the Review Your Order page in Checkout.
    Please note, codes are case sensitive.
    Click “Apply” and your discount will be displayed in the payment summary.
    Only one Promotional Discount code per order will be accepted.
    Please refer to the promotion details for redemption information and specifics about the offer.

  24. Anonymous

    Anyone want to sign up through my link? and also remember to go through Swagbucks which gives you 280 SB( half SB needed for $5 Amazon GC)


  25. RNcarrie75

    I just did the deal. The groupon doesn’t take off of shipping and tax, only the subtotal. So to take full advantage of your groupon, you have to purchase $30 worth of stuff but you are still going to pay 6.99-7.99 for shipping and then tax. Overall I saved a whooping $5!! I think I’ll pass on the groupon deals that are promoted to buy online.

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