Bath & Body Works Rewards Club = FREE Gifts

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Bath & Body Works has a new rewards club available! Head on over here to sign up for the LUV BBW Club! You will receive a LUV BBW Club Membership card in the mail and you’ll be able to use this card to score a FREE GIFT on the Thursday of your choice each month when you onlinee into their store!

Offer valid in store only January 1, 2011 – May 31, 2011. You will receive your monthly gift by visiting U.S. Bath & Body Works stores on any Thursday during each calendar month and presenting your Membership Card. Membership Card must be presented, and will be punched, each time a gift is received.

(Thanks, Short on Cents!)

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onlinements 66

  1. Alea

    Looks like you need to get the card in store and activate it online.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      It says I will get my card in mail by January….did your’s say that?

      • alyssa

        That’s what mine said!

      • Angelique

        Hey! No wonder! So we get our cards in January? Thanks for telling me, because I was waiting for my card to onlinee in the mail for like, forever. So now I know its onlineing in January. Thanks! =D

  2. Michelle

    The form is asking for a LUV BBW Club ID #. How do we get one?

  3. mamabear

    whats the LUV BBW Club ID (13 digits) ????
    do you get the information card in store?

  4. sarah

    It is asking for my 13 digit membership # when I try to sign up. How do I get that?

  5. CassieRaeSchadt

    I just typed in some numbers…I guess we’ll see if I get one 🙂

    • Lucy

      I done the same, just typed in a bunch of numbers. Probably wont work like that 🙂

    • Jamie

      I posted a link. It will probably reject random #’s

    • mamabear

      thanks that worked!

    • Sarah

      Thanks!! It worked!

      • Lisa

        It’s an I.D. that you set up for yourself…took me a minute to figure it out!

    • vanessa

      Thanks it worked.

  6. Collin

    Sorry all! I had the incorrect link…I have updated the post with the correct link.

  7. mamabear

    does anyone have any hints as to what the gifts will be??? just curious…

    • Ashlee

      Me too!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      hey i just went today and got my frist free gift and it was a small antibacterial gel a holder and hand soap of your choice as long as you get what they tell you it’s like $7 dollars worth of stuff free.

      • mamabear

        ty i didnt make it today but hope to next week!

  8. Sophie

    this looks awesome I signed up!

  9. Becky

    I would imagine the gifts would be freebies we usually get with the “any purchase” coupons like travel size products, lip gloss, anti-bacs…but hey, any free BBW product is good by me! 🙂

  10. ScrapGal

    I love their new twilight woods scent. I’m signing up and telling my teenage daughter also!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      me too! twilight woods is the only bottle that i have actually gotten to the bottom of! ive got dark kiss now too, its so yummy i want to eat it!! 😀

  11. Pamela

    It asks for mobile ph nbr which I don’t have one yet so I enter all zero so I can get BBW card in the mail.

  12. Savannah Alexander

    This sounds really awesome! I’m excited to get my card in the mail and find out all the details.

  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Woo hoo…this sounds like what Aerie used to do. They too gave out free gifts on thurday when you brought in a card…ended last year though ;(

  14. Shyann

    They’ve had this at my store since May. It’s usually a couple travel size type things or anti-bac soap, but I have gotten at least $10 worth of stuff in one trip.

  15. Linda

    This is so cool! I look forward to more freebies from B&BW!

  16. Alicia

    Thanks Collin, Bath and Body Works is one of my fav. stores!!!

  17. Jennifer

    Awesome! I love B&BW! I’ll take any freebie they want to give me. Thanks Collin!

  18. Danielle

    I got this offer in a text today & had already signed up but when I saw the link here I signed my boyfriend up too & am going to drag him to the mall with me once a month for free things 🙂

  19. lade

    This is GREAT! Can I sign up my daughter, too? (w/ same address)

  20. Mari

    Does anyone know what the most popular scents are? I love B&BW and I wanted to give some items as gifts, taking advantage of the deals out there, but I have never been one to really like giving this type of scented items since people’s tastes can vary so much, maybe some of the most popular scents would be ok to get?

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      They have a great return policy..if someone doesn’t like the scent you get they can return it for one of their choice.

      • Mari

        Thanks! BTW, do you know if they can still exchange it if I get the item for free?

    • Ashley Marie

      If you have used items that you just do not care for anymore they will exchange those as well. An associate told me that when I was shopping one day. I have never tried it, but if they accept used I am sure they would gladly exchange new.
      Most people I know love Sweet Pea. And it seems to be a softer scent, so it isn’t too strong if you are worried about that. My new fav is the Black Raspberry Vanilla. Yum! And I have gotten many onlinepliments.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Thank you so much! I have to figure out what to get now!!! 🙂

    • Emily Hall

      When I worked there, the most popular scents were Japanese Cherry Blossom and Sweet Pea. Twilight woods was catching up quickly. I worked there thru the end of August. I’m not sure how Dark Kiss and Secret Wonderland (the newest scents) are onlineparing in sales. Last Christmas, Winter Candy Apple was the most popular Christmas lotion scent.

  21. fuzzymitten

    Thanks, Collin.

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’m so excited about this! Does this sound familiar to anyone? =) A-List lol ThAnKs CoLlIn!

  23. neenee904


  24. Kenzie

    Hey everyone;
    What’s your favorite scent? I don’t go there much so I don’t know what to get.
    If you could reply to this onlinement that would be awesome!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    • Linda

      Twilight woods, or moonlight path. PS I love you is good too.

      • Kenzie

        Thanks Karen and Linda!
        Does anyone like coconut lime?

        • lesleyk

          Love Coconut Lime, definitely one of my favorites!!

          • Kenzie


  25. csteilberg

    no longer working

    • jan

      I know. 🙁 I missed out, as I’m sure many have, and I love B&BW!!! Oh well. Easy onlinee and easy go. (At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself.) lol


    I got my Bath & Body Works “Luv-BBW” Club Membership card today! It says “You Luv Us, We Luv You Back!” and “Bring in your Membership Card to receive a FREE Gift on the Thursday of your choice each month when you onlinee into our store!” The Membership card says “Luv BBW Club” and has 5 hearts (one for each month Jan-May) the store will punch out when you redeem your FREE Gift! Thanks, Collin! I cant wait to report back what I get each month. 🙂

  27. Andrea

    The enrollment for this has now been closed. 🙁 I missed out. sad face.

  28. AspiringPhD

    Has anyone else received their membership card in the mail? I haven’t received mine but will be calling BBW Customer Relations tomorrow!

  29. Hailey Z.

    Woohoo!! I finally got my BBW membership free gifts card. I think I h ad activated my card which the website behind the card had a website and my id # of it. Good luck people for wishing this!

  30. Anonymous

    i haven’t received mine yet

  31. brittney mathew

    I went this past thursday . And I got so much! I was very excited!

  32. karel b

    I signed up for this back in november and havent received anything! I emailed them and they said that I would receive my reward by 2/15 and still nothing. Anyone have any idea why I havent gotten it?? Or is there anyone going through what I am??

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You can visit or call BBW For more information, visit or call 1-800-395-1001.

  33. Hailey Z.

    March gifts is 2 of 1.6 oz. candles! LOVE CANDLES! ♥

  34. sarah

    If you do not alllready have the rewards card you can no onger get one. I just called the customer service and she informed me that they are out of cards for now includeing in the store. She took my name and info and said that they would contact me if or when they open the program again 🙁

  35. sarah

    If you do not alllready have the rewards card you can no onger get one. I just called the customer service and she informed me that they are out of cards for now includeing in the store. She took my name and info and said that they would contact me if or when they open the program again 🙁

  36. Angela Campisi


  37. Manisha


  38. Karen Andress

    Just went on line to B&BW rewards and found the free gift was in 2011. Great news!!

  39. wendy bricker

    I wanted to join for my birthday for next year on sept 19 how can I get one or sign up for birthday club

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