WARNING…..check the label, if it contains Chicory Root, DON”T EAT THESE!!!
You will have the worst gas of your life! Stinky AND painful!!
I was propelling myself to town and back, leaving a trail of gaggers down the grocery aisles, and my husband was about to put me in a bubble, so I started looking at what I changed in my diet~I scored tons of boxes of Kashi GoLean Crunch cheap w/coupons…so I googled “kashi farts” and discovered IT WASN’T JUST ME!! The Kashi Crunch cereals (not the reg. ones) have chicory root added for fiber, and your body will never get used to it-its not “gas from introducing fiber into your diet”, its just what that stuff will do to your body. Fiber One bars have this too, so I’d assume these do as well.
I just celebrated my 30th day of Gas and Pain Free. So did my family.