Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer Unit Only 25¢ at Dollar General (Just Use Your Phone)

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Head on over to DollarGeneral.online or open the Dollar General App and clip a digital coupon to save $3/1 Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer – valid through 9/29 (limit one).

Got a quarter? Grab this easy peasy deal…

Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer $3.25
Use the $3/1 Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer digital coupon (expires 9/29; limit one)
Final cost only 25¢!

Hip Tip: There are a few different Febreze coupons available to clip this week so be sure and look specifically for the $3/1 Febreze Plug Scented Oil Warmer digital coupon like the one pictured above.

(Thanks Paul!)

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onlinements 11

  1. Joshua C.

    My area DG’s have them on sale for $3, so I’m just paying tax!!!

    • Mary

      Same here, its in the weekly ad for $3!

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Awesome! Thanks for the head up, Joshua!

    • Courtney

      Mine too! I just hope they have them in stock!

  2. Jill

    I have two stores in my small town and they were both out 👎🏼👎🏼

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Bummer! Sorry to hear that!

  3. Jane

    Does this new design take special oil or can I use the ones I already have for the older Febreeze warmers? TIA

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Hi there! I do find a second similar offer that requires the purchase of two. Be sure to keep scrolling through your offers to find the one pictured above. Hoping that helps!

  4. Karen Hall

    My digital coupon requires the purchase of 2

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      I find a second offer that does require the purchase of 2. Be sure to keep scrolling through the coupons to find the one listed above. That offer is still available for me. Hoping you can grab it!

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